The Renaissance of Steven Patrick Morrissey.

  • Thread starter Belligerent Ghoul
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Belligerent Ghoul

Is Moz's profile higher than it ever was? I read this expressed by someone here a few months back when I was a newbie/upstart/twat (ok I still am), and I laughed my head off.

Let's see, Viva Hate went to #1 UK Charts, but he did not tour.

Bona, great, no tour.

K. Uncle, despite what you think of the album, killer tour, high profile, articles in the LA Times, playing to 20,000 a night (yes really, I was there!). The Los Angeles Forum sold out in 22 minutes. Granted he canceled several gigs at the end, maybe even an entire "leg." Typical Moz.

Your Arsenal, nobody argues about the album & tour. Huge success. Hollywood Bowl 2 nights in a row, first night sells out in 16 minutes, faster than The Beatles.

Vauxhall, great #1 UK Charts, no tour. But wasn't the video for "The More You Ignore Me" just wonderful? Makes "Losing My Religion" video look like poop!

All of the above is accompanied by the cover of NME, Q, Uncut, Melody Maker Spin, and several other magazines, repeatedly I believe. (Fill in the details here friends, 'cause I don't know!)

There's always something about Morrissey going on in the UK, and I'm jealous, that's all.

Southpaw, solid album, lots of touring, (including Boxers tour).

Maladjusted, less than his best, lots of touring, (well, plenty considering no album since '97).

And now...

One book about a man does not maketh him legend. 20-30 Books? You have got to start wondering.

Being covered by other bands a little, no big deal. All the time? You've got to start wondering.

One movie, ok. Several? You've got to start wondering.

BBC Documentary? You've got to start believing.

Saint Morrissey? Being in the canon of pop music is one thing, but be Sainted, being in the canon of divinity is, well, reaching Mother Teresa status!

The Feature Article in The Independent? Ah, have I died and gone to Smithdom?

The Renaissance of Steven Patrick Morrissey is real. I was a doubting Thomas until today, yes I'm a bit slow, but now I too am a believer.

I think even the NME misses having Mozzy to kick around, in fact I'm convinced of it.

But this kind of press, this kind of publicity, come on now, this is all together a different thing. The Smiths, 20 years on. BBC Documentary, news galore, recording a new album, mentioned over and over again as an influence, he & J. Marr even talk, Moz seems happy and tells Craig's Keen so on Kilborn. Some say he has disavowed celibacy, sex is good, and I'm fairly sure I just saw a pig fly by, and Satan faxed me, told me he was rejecting my soul and that hell was freezing over.

Can anyone quote Shakespeare??

Perhaps, "A Midsummer Night's Dream?"

Because something special is happening right here under our noses and can see it can't you?
I tend to agree.

I just hope the new album is amazing and backs it all up.
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