the robby love thread

Robby makes me wanna OD.

Hey you were right about nick drake.
I don't know what the big controversy is about Robby, or care.
I don't know him well enough to love him. I like him.
Adulation will only go to his head and he'll become a complete megalomaniac.
Robby, I saw a cigarette butt on the street that was still good for a few puffs. Hurry!
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:rolleyes: yet my trolls cannot help post to a positive thread about me :straightface:
could it be the same compulsion that made them register my name in chat?
i think so :crazy:
could it be the same compulsion that made them start a rival/mockery site to this with a long banned user(returning troll)?
of course that is why, but we must rise above because well, we are better than them :thumb:
Robby, I saw a cigarette butt on the street that was still good for a few puffs. Hurry!

Buzzetta likes this :thumb:
as if ebola>robby jealousyh8 plump_biru robbee owns! robby ftw robby thx most robby=ambr alrt robby=swine flu robby>buzzetta sexy_emma swineflu>robby team robby where's robby?
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