Why It's Time To Ditch Your Morrissey-Loving Friend - The Quietus

One day we (Morrissey fans) require ‘sympathy’, the next we are friendless xenophobes, the next we are apparently dependent on a social circle (packed full of Guardian readers, no less) which can and should be short circuited by a door slam.

I sense, in the article, the desperation and fear that comes from the absence of agency.
Well, nothing being written or said will keep me from his great music or that he is without a doubt the greatest of all time(if not please inform me of someone better,you may take a while searching, so dont waste your time).....so please give it a break ......these people that dog Morrissey really have no meaning in their lives, if this is all they can do....Dude find a hobby, freinds find a reason to live ....freaking negativity gotta stop. We are people,doesnt that mean something anymore....to some I guess NOT.....JEE WEEZ
Remember that if you read the article, the site still benefits, regardless of whether you subsequently take to Twitter (or here) to complain. These Morrissey pieces, despite their hand-wringing and purist posturing, are really just clickbait, produced because the sites know that these pieces drive a lot of traffic to their site. Traffic and clicks are neutral, so your opinion on the article is irrelevant once you've already clicked on it. Starve this site of traffic if you, like me, find the idea of ending friendships over musical allegiances to be utterly offensive.
Ridiculous article a person who would ditch a friend because of perceived political leanings of a musician who music they like , will likely end up friendless themselves.

Do people really live in such bubbles?

Tolerance alongside diversity of taste and opinion is surely what keeps friendships going.

Also what has being a Sikh got to do with the song Bengali in Platforms? sorry but I don’t see the connection.
The Quietus/Stubbs reeks of desperation.

That brother-in-law story is hilarious,
as if that would lend any support to his
plea that people should ditch their friends who are fans.

Well folks, now they’re attacking fans or friends of fans because they finally realize that with all their harassment and false accusations, Morrissey will not budge.

One for D. Stubbs....

Why It's Time To Ditch The Quietus and keep loving this world with all
of its diversity of opinion and views.

‘There’s a wild wide world, made of people like me, and they can’t wait to be, with people like me’

This is the agenda: social isolation to achieve better social control. An isolated person is weaker than a group of people. First it was promoted the destruction of family ties, now itś about destroying friendships.
When you study ancient Roman Law you understand why they became an empire: a coded legal system that promoted strong family ties and established a clear and effective way to solve conflicts known as civil law.
Your friends are different people, they can have different opinions and still be your friends. It's OK.
I have always admired David Stubbs as a writer -- yes, that is possible with someone who disagrees with you now and then -- but the conclusion of this article is taking cancel culture too far. I'm still here, despite disagreeing with Morrissey in practically everything he says nowadays. I did like LIHS in parts and the flaws in it were not because of him having disagreeable views -- and I'll stay here until his toxic views take over his art.
Most people (lord know how) especially the young love Queen these days .... Sun City ... Guess to be right on I got to now disown my kids and no be nice to my pupils ??? And I myself are in soapy bubbles .. I love Whiskeytown and his solo output ... Usual Suspects is a fine movie as is LA Confidential... I adore the films of Zazan ... Find of Fritz Lang .... Ty hi k John Wayne has made/been in 5 of the greatest films ever made... The original Planet of the Apes is incredible oh dear Mr Heston....f sake I think I'm stuck with the idols of the left thinking like Woody Allen and Roman Polanski ..... Oh wait
Since when do Morrissey fans have friends?

Actually, creating even more outsiderdom for fans to wallow in just makes it all the more comfortable.

Just... Hold on... To your friends...
You're Gonna Need...
"black music" .... This term perhaps sums up everything. Imagine using the reverse....
"Dodwell is right in one respect; Morrissey still has many fans. Many profess to have no interest in his political views, regarding him solely as a musical content provider, a beat maker, a purveyor of vocals. This is bollocks, of course; they're clearly hugely invested in him. In any case, if you're capable of blithely setting aside his views, then there's something badly missing in you."


"It's too close to home
And it's too near the bone
It's too close to home
And it's too near the bone
More than you'll ever know …"
Interesting read. Thanks for sharing.
The left want to control your mind. The right want normality and justice
I dont think anyone in the UK has watched this since they still behave like lemmings. No one tells me what to do. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!

Yep. Everything he says is right. Luckily, people who still support Morrissey don’t have friends. Even Morrissey has clearly dumped James Maker for being a Morrissey fan.
trill,what can you say,even when he was young his imaginary friend told him to f*** for being a right f***ing dick.
The key here, I think, is the first line: "I was never besotted with Morrissey." Stubbs has never had any liking or feeling for the subject at all. He even misreads the Smiths at their height - never mind Morrissey's solo work.

Hence he castigates Morrissey at the end of the Smiths "as an (sic) blousey Northerner trying to bring the values of Alan Bennett into the arena of rock and pop." Which actually seems like a brilliant thing to do.

Funny how Stubbs trots out the "all reggae is vile" line which he has long admitted to being a joke. Then he criticises Girlfriend In A Coma seemingly without knowing it's based on Morrissey's favourite reggae song Young, Gifted and Black.

He also references the National Front Disco without mentioning it was inspired by the left-leaning editor of Granta Bill Buford's book.

Yes, he hated the Diana Ross output of the 80s, but loved the Supremes in the 60s, etc, etc. And so it goes on. All woolly logic and selective evidence. Like labelling theory in action.

Ironically, of course, the very idea that you should "ditch your friends" because of the art or artist they like is entirely fascistic.
I don't get the mock outrage over the reggae is vile line,reggae is vile,tuneless,nearly as bad as rap and jazz.

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