Why morrissey doesnt like the other smiths,part 2

  • Thread starter Mr.Improper PIMP to the POPE
  • Start date

Mr.Improper PIMP to the POPE

Mainly because they're f***in dolts. Johnny's so caught up in himself and doesnt realze he broke the smiths up. poor chaps still trying to capture the lost magic he had. Electronic was garbage.and this last effort,stunk!!!! Mike joyce?? You have to be a complete and utter imbecil to sue the lead singer of the group you were in because you were too goddamned stupid to secure a good living for yourself when you were in the band. Andy rourke?? (see mike joyce). But mostly,you're garbage as well. Im not talking about those little weekend GIGs you had at the local bingo parlor either,when was the last time you actually played to a crowd larger than that of a chuckie cheese???? Morrissey is the shit..

Now,just in case you folks in the cheap seats got beef with this here post...have any of the three idiots I mentioned sold out MSG????? i didnt think so. Morrissey has.....I doubt johnny will ever see another gold record. Mike joyce is getting ready to go down to bob's chuck a chicken for a gig as head fry cook,and andy??? he's finally going after the career he once wanted: door to door vacuum salesman. These three dolt sammiches really make me laugh..

MORRISSEY: you rule the f***in planet!!!!!!!! You are the baddest MOFO ever!!!!!!
Johnny was asked in a recent interview about teaming back up with morrissey and the dumb dumb said "no way! why??? I wouldnt be caught dead with him" Dont flatter yourself f***stick...Morrissey has a much better bunch of guys in his band now anyways. f***in dolt!!!!! Who asked you to speak anyways???? Go back to your whole and stop trying to be like liam gallagher. Maybe next time,you can get a coiff and try to be like morrissey????? f***in idiot!!!!! Johnny,you're screaming out to be made fun of. Dont worry,i enjoy doing so. You deserve it!!!!!
> Johnny was asked in a recent interview about teaming back up with
> morrissey and the dumb dumb said "no way! why??? I wouldnt be caught
> dead with him" Dont flatter yourself f***stick...Morrissey has a much
> better bunch of guys in his band now anyways. f***in dolt!!!!! Who asked
> you to speak anyways???? Go back to your whole and stop trying to be like
> liam gallagher. Maybe next time,you can get a coiff and try to be like
> morrissey????? f***in idiot!!!!! Johnny,you're screaming out to be made
> fun of. Dont worry,i enjoy doing so. You deserve it!!!!!

my goodness, arent we a poor speller? that's "hole" not "whole,"
and as for "coiff," i know what you meant--it's o.k. that youre
as dumb as Liam (but Liam's f***ing great regardless, which is more than you can say for yourself, love). Johnny doesnt need to worship Moz like you do, he is FAR beyond that.

youre friendly anonymous
> Mainly because they're f***in dolts. Johnny's so caught up in himself and
> doesnt realze he broke the smiths up. poor chaps still trying to capture
> the lost magic he had. Electronic was garbage.and this last
> effort,stunk!!!! Mike joyce?? You have to be a complete and utter imbecil
> to sue the lead singer of the group you were in because you were too
> goddamned stupid to secure a good living for yourself when you were in the
> band. Andy rourke?? (see mike joyce). But mostly,you're garbage as well.
> Im not talking about those little weekend GIGs you had at the local bingo
> parlor either,when was the last time you actually played to a crowd larger
> than that of a chuckie cheese???? Morrissey is the shit..

When's the last time you played ANYthing ANYwhere (playing with yourself at night doesnt count, either!)? you think selling out a big venue means youre great? poor baby, do you know how much shit like Brittany Spears has packed places bigger than Moz ever could? the size of the venue you sell out is not a way to measure talent. And do you think saying "sammiches" is cute or cool, or do you just not know how to spell "sandwich?" i know youre probably a Mexican (you sound like one)---i am too, but i learned to speak and read when i started school. If it's too hard for you, i saw a commercial for something called Ingles Sin Barreras. theyll teach you how to say "sandwich" and how to avoid phrases like "got beef with." If you ever meet Moz, please please SAY some of the shit you say here to him--then please come back and let us know what kind of expression he made. i'm sure he wouldnt be rude to you, it's not in stars' best interests to be mean to fans, but i bet he'd want to f***ing slap you for being so utterly retarded.

> Now,just in case you folks in the cheap seats got beef with this here
> post...have any of the three idiots I mentioned sold out MSG????? i didnt
> think so. Morrissey has.....I doubt johnny will ever see another gold
> record. Mike joyce is getting ready to go down to bob's chuck a chicken
> for a gig as head fry cook,and andy??? he's finally going after the career
> he once wanted: door to door vacuum salesman. These three dolt sammiches
> really make me laugh..

> MORRISSEY: you rule the f***in planet!!!!!!!! You are the baddest MOFO
> ever!!!!!!
> Johnny was asked in a recent interview about teaming back up with
> morrissey and the dumb dumb said "no way! why??? I wouldnt be caught
> dead with him" Dont flatter yourself f***stick...Morrissey has a much
> better bunch of guys in his band now anyways. f***in dolt!!!!! Who asked
> you to speak anyways???? Go back to your whole and stop trying to be like
> liam gallagher. Maybe next time,you can get a coiff and try to be like
> morrissey????? f***in idiot!!!!! Johnny,you're screaming out to be made
> fun of. Dont worry,i enjoy doing so. You deserve it!!!!!

and what the f*** is "bob's chuck a chicken?" where you work?
never heard of it.... god, the number of spelling and grammar errors....
> Johnny was asked in a recent interview about teaming back up with
> morrissey and the dumb dumb said "no way! why??? I wouldnt be caught
> dead with him" Dont flatter yourself f***stick...Morrissey has a much
> better bunch of guys in his band now anyways. f***in dolt!!!!! Who asked
> you to speak anyways???? Go back to your whole and stop trying to be like
> liam gallagher. Maybe next time,you can get a coiff and try to be like
> morrissey????? f***in idiot!!!!! Johnny,you're screaming out to be made
> fun of. Dont worry,i enjoy doing so. You deserve it!!!!!

aye aye aye, it's "anyway" not ANYWAYS, you f***!
> Johnny was asked in a recent interview about teaming back up with
> morrissey and the dumb dumb said "no way! why??? I wouldnt be caught
> dead with him" Dont flatter yourself f***stick...Morrissey has a much
> better bunch of guys in his band now anyways. f***in dolt!!!!! Who asked
> you to speak anyways???? Go back to your whole and stop trying to be like
> liam gallagher. Maybe next time,you can get a coiff and try to be like
> morrissey????? f***in idiot!!!!! Johnny,you're screaming out to be made
> fun of. Dont worry,i enjoy doing so. You deserve it!!!!!

and o.k., let's say Marr DOES copy Liam--so why is it cute when Morrissey wants to morph into James Dean and Elvis, but it's not o.k. if Marr copies Liam? at least Marr is the one who made Oasis famous (so you know he mustve liked his style in the first place), and Liam is young and cool and f***ing stylish, and even Morrissey loves him (have you been keeping up with Moz's recent quotes about Oasis?). On the other hand, Morrissey copies old dead queers (who i like, too, but they arent hip, are they, and they ARE dead and out of style...). Morrissey copies other people just like everyone else does. Did you know that Elvis once told an interviewer that he'd rather kiss a dog than a Mexican? Now THAT's a sad fat f***er to copy! Moz has the same style as Bono these days, AND theyre acquaintances--does that mean he copied him, or does that mean they happen to dress alike? Hmm...makes you wonder whether Marr is copying at all, doesnt it!!???? I bet you copy Morrissey, babe, dont say you dont! "...sincerest form of flattery..." or do you not know that Wilde quote?
By the way,mr.corrector of all spelling,it's "Their" not they're...I'd expect you to know the difference ass face.Talk about me???Heed your own advice f***stain .
Im not mexican...I do know how to spell sandwich. Im not trying to be cool I am. Im glad you decided to take it upon yourself to try and tell me what to do...here's a little advice: shut the f***ity f*** up. When I want your opinion on anything,ill be sure to take my dick out of your mouth. I dont recall asking you to do anything for me?? and I can assure you that you will never be able to tell me what to do. Playing with myself?? hardly,I have too many women to do that for me. Morrissey is much better than marr,joyce and rourke. i said i worshipped morrissey,whats wrong with that?? Morrissey really tries to emulate elvis??? how so??? Marr is just bitter that he cannot have the career morrissey has had. If you like johnny marr so much,why not go to his website:howIwshIweremorrisseybutImnotImapatheticloser.com???? there,you can interact with the rest of the dolt sammiches who worship this useless f***. Now,leave me,Im off to yoshinoya.
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