worst Smiths/Morrissey song?

To Me Your Are A Work Of Art

My personal hate-fav. Probably his most embarrasing lyric.

Oh I love that song.

Thing is with Moz, he's set the bar so bloody high...his "weakest" songs are far superior than most stuff that comes out of the radio these days. The only song of his that I really am not keen on is, ironically, Roy's Keen. But y'know, give me Roy's Keen over anything by The Feeling et al...
Unhappy birthday, Harsh truth, the ordinary boys

Most of Kill Uncle (runs and hides). Love ya KU fans!

''My Life is an Endless Succession of People Saying Goodbye'

jesuisbryony...! :eek::tears: I ADORE this song!!!!

Smiths: Boy With The Thorn, I Started Something I Couldn't Finish

You guys!!!!! :eek: :confused: :tears: I LOVE the ones you don't! :guitar:

I agree with Teachers (sweetness... and you saved yourself from my KU wrath with your last comment. :p;))

I'll add He Cried, Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now and Journalists Who Lie.
the ordinary boys

I *love* that song, easily a favorite.

Smiths: Boy With The Thorn, Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now, I Don't Owe You Anything, I Started Something I Couldn't Finish

What's wrong with you people?! :p

Most of the really cringeworthy ones have been covered: Golden Lights, Unhappy Birthday, Death at One's Elbow, Journalists Who Lie, This Is Not Your Country, Papa Jack
Haven`t seen this here before.

The smiths:
Unhappy birthday (although I know johnny Marr hold it as a favourite)

The harsh truth of the camera eye, the ordinary boys, Papa Jack

"Golden Lights" and "Dagendam Dave"

"The Ordinary Boys??" Say it isn't so!!
The last of the fffaaammmouuuuussss iiiiinnnntttterrrnnnattttiooonaallll playboys is anti-music.
The last of the fffaaammmouuuuussss iiiiinnnntttterrrnnnattttiooonaallll playboys is anti-music.

:eek: it's BRILLIANT!

Worst - Death at One's Elbow.

Good. God. Just hideous.
basically all of kill uncle,papa jack,he cried, actually half of maladjusted,at last i am born

i dont really like any of the covers the smiths did but i cant really say i dislike many of their originals.
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