Years of Refusal #2 Thursday update

Years of Refusal entered the Irish Charts today at................No 12:(

Apart from Today FM's Paul McCloon show the has been NO airplay in Dublin
No 4 in Sainsbury's charts if thats anything to go by!!

Anyway, I don't think expectation should be high for this album, particulalry in the modern world of the music biz. Persanally I am happy with the album, makes a good gym companion up to track 8 I think and 12 is good for the gym also. I am pretty sure it will translate really well to live gigs....definitely looking forward to these gigs.

But, to have had the GH album with two of the album tracks, to release them as singles, to tour others (mama, skull, paris, goodbye et al) a year before the album will definitely diminish sales. To have your third single from an album released before the album itself is pretty much commercial suicide for the album. Boy Happy was a fourth single from ROTT after release and is a medium rarity item.

I am not into marketing (rip Bill HIcks), but those that are can maybe shed a little light. In whole it just looks like a massive cock up somewhere, hence the album will sell poorly just like the Paris single, even with the 3 format idea.

Yeah i agree -as much as i love both the singles he released last year (in particular AYNIM) it baffles me why they are on YOR.
I was at Target tonight and was happy to see that it was sold out.

Then I went to Best Buy to purchase some other items and looked there too.
When I couldn't find it, I asked the sales attendant for help.
He said they were sold out, but that he'd be happy to order one for me.

When I told him "no thanks I already bought a copy" he looked at me as if I were crazy for even asking. :lbf:
I was at Target tonight and was happy to see that it was sold out.

Then I went to Best Buy to purchase some other items and looked there too.
When I couldn't find it, I asked the sales attendant for help.
He said they were sold out, but that he'd be happy to order one for me.

When I told him "no thanks I already bought a copy" he looked at me as if I were crazy for even asking. :lbf:

At least he knew whom you were talking about. I had to spell it for the kid who was working there; he thought I was saying "Marcy". :doh:
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