You know you agree


round here

I'm so f***ing bored with Morrissey these days. I thought the some of the last record was decent, but I honestly think he hasn't pushed the envelope since Southpaw. Maybe it's because he know's there's more money to be made off us if he takes the safe way. I've never understood why more fans weren't impressed with Southpaw. It was a total departure from his previous sound. If you want him to do that again, you better be ready to poney up your support.
> I'm so f***ing bored with Morrissey these days. I thought the some of the
> last record was decent, but I honestly think he hasn't pushed the envelope
> since Southpaw. Maybe it's because he know's there's more money to be made
> off us if he takes the safe way. I've never understood why more fans
> weren't impressed with Southpaw. It was a total departure from his
> previous sound. If you want him to do that again, you better be ready to
> poney up your support.

Then stop posting here f***face...simple as that asswipe.
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