Your latest Morrissey/Smiths buy



incase anyone was wondering what is inside. it's not even the smiths on the cover. ouch.
"Vauxhall & I(japan)" + "My Love Life - EP(japan)"
recently picked these up at a record store not too far from me.
Super psyched when I found them there!

Yeah, I did, only a few bucks. I also like the sleeve on the promo better. It's a lot like the CD #1, but slightly different, and I think it looks better.
I know it'll go down to £5 after it's been released, but I got it for a tenner so I'm not complanin really

You have done the right thing to buy for a tenner, this time i have decided to wait till it went down to a fiver but now on Vinylexchange is not there anymore and a week has passed. Hopefully it will be back for sale....I do not use EBAY, i never have.
Cheers Moz
i didnt realise these were released as sealed , pretty unusual :squiffy:

can we see a picture of the back of them in their packaging ??

The US How Soon Is Now 12" is a Sire release.. so those I'm sure that came sealed. I had 2 sealed copies of those.
I've never seen a What Difference sealed though.
The How Soon Is Now is sealed. But there is a chance that the What Difference might not be factory sealed. I'm saying that because a lot of stores have equipment used specifically to seal records. And in that case the plastic wouldn't be tight to the sleeve, which is what the What Difference looks like.

But of course, I don't own this record so I can't say what happened there.
the smiths vinyl
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