I just wanna say...

Regarding this "Iconic Photograph"...
He's beautiful, under any circumstances.
He has always been my "ideal", my "type".
That sounds so shallow, but it's true, that many of us,
by mere subconscious genetic imperative, favour certain colourings and features in,
what we'll call, for the sake of simplicity, potential mates, in a real general,
(and in the case of Himself, wishful!) sense of the phrase.
My attraction to him physically is so compelling that it's influenced the looks that
I have looked for in males since before I was old enough to hold hands with a boy at the cinema.
Every guy I seriously dated meets the generic physical description.
And in one case, there were quite a few outstanding similarities, or reminiscences of
certain features, between the one I had and the one I can't have, in photographs of the two,
taken at the same ages or thereabouts.
Enough to really make me sort of swoon over the one I did have.

I said all of that to say this: I have never seen a bad photo of him.
In every single one, there he is. The sheer personification of perfection in a man's face.
Such a beautiful young man, and his face has taken kindly to the natural changes of advancing years with
such character and grace, it just reinforces the truth of his beauty.

Now, all that said, this particular photograph made me think of the humanoids
called the Trill on Star Trek, Deep Sleep, I mean, Deep Space Nine, that have the
spots down the sides of their faces.
I had to do research to come up with the name of the race of symbionts.
I just wanted it to be said I didn't know that off the top of my head!
The picture just reminded me of that, on one tiny little level.
Otherwise, I find it fairly arty.
However, I have seen photographs of him that convey deeper and far more emotive aspects of him,
that were much arty-er, ( I may just be making up words again,) I'm not checking that..you know what I mean by arty-er if you're reading my blog anyway....
But, this is just my two pounds of opine, (I surpassed two cents worth ages ago!!)
Ok, I'm going to shut up now.


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My Only Weakness
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