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  • Did you see the trailer for it ? What film did you see?
    Oh, no! Are you better today? :(I have a sore throat too! I'm alright though! Got a slide for my ukulele!:D
    I will try to enjoy the last 15 minutes...:)

    Well, don't do anything hasty and all that. It's a big move and if you feel that you'd be walking around dejectedly then it's not a good idea. Which it isn't anyway, but you should speak to them and see what they say?

    Okay you. Have a great sleep. Nighty
    Well, it seems quite a good place, so it couldn't be that.:)

    Well, let them know because we don't want you to be acting hastily. We all get pangs to do that hun, but let peeps know. Let them know you want to go.

    Okay then. Have a great sleep...xxxx
    Is it official that Dublin depresses people..:) Maybe it'll take a few days to shift. The illness. what could depress you about Dublin?

    Budapest would be amazing. You are a lucky person..:) No really. I shouldn't use the smiley, smiley ALL the!
    I am, one must confess slightly tipsy..:) But feeling okay and reasonably happy, which isn't to be frowned upon...:)

    Happy birthday to your cousin then..:) I won't tell you how old i am, i don't want to think about it...:)

    Sorry to hear that you're ill..:( Lots of people get the flu at this time. I feel a bit stuffed up myself, but doing okay..:)
    I can be on autopilot...:) I can be completely gone and still post. no one notices the!

    Have a great time tomorrow hun, enjoy your party.

    Sleep well, nighty
    Good. Don't want you turning up at a party and shaming Morrissey Fans by being covered in ink. especially not rude language..:)

    well, i drink quite regularly myself, but it's the false notion that people need it to have a good time. It's okay in moderation, but i can do without it..:)
    wow, it sounds blissfully pure. And i'm really not taking the piss here. The tragedy for humanity was when it thought it needed alcomohol to have a good time. Rant Over..:)

    Have a great time anyways. Make sure you get ALL that ink off though..:)
    Well, a gay one would wear a pink cardigan...:) it's obvious....:)

    Have a great time tomorrow at the party. Is it a potential drinkie kind of party or a fairy cake type buffet?
    Oh right. So it was YOUR fault fot the confusion then!!! Ha!....:)

    well, knitting is okay but do these knitters even consider the poor bastards that have to WEAR their constructions? And after the first wash it could fit a gay elephant!
    Well, you didn't finish it i assume. GOD life is complex...:)

    Not really. if you knit something like a new heart or liver, then it would be more useful. I don't remember anyone calling a Knitter the last time there was a Pile-Up!
    It's just you said you were drawing one the other night..:) I though i was the one with senility?..:)

    I saw knitting needles and wool in a shop and i was tempted to buy it....*hangs head*..:)
    Oh well. You've done it now..:) Red is tricky though, though it's been a while since i went pen crazy. Did you finish your drawing?
    Well if it's a choice between having no immune system or death, then you're right to be annoyed that i accused you of wanting to do something bad to me..:)

    Hmm, it's not as funny as i thought it would be..:)

    Get on with it. If you can stand the cold then a little soap won't hurt. Unless it's Coronation Street. *groan*...:)
    I wasn't implying that. You Moz-teen-type get a get out clause from ALL criticism...:) Don't kill me, you'll get 20 years, or 15 because it's only me...:)

    The face-cloth will be fine. You want it off don't you? Quit complaining and get scrubbing..:)
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