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  • Configuration problems..:) Fortunately i know someone who knows something about computers, which is always handy..:)

    I hope you are doing well?
    "It puts the lotion in the basket, or it gets the hose again"
    Excellent! :p Okay, I'm going to beddy bed now, have a nice evening or what's left of it! Good night!
    True, I didn't know :p Well I guess you would take me to visit Oregon or what's north of California, it would be nice of you to show me more of the USA, right? :D
    Oh wait, maybe Indian Ocean is not so cold! You've only swum in the Atlantic, right?
    You need to set a goal, something you can work towards. For example, mine is to celebrate my first 29th birthday in Perth :D I don't have a plan for a career, I'll probably become an accountant because I can find that kind of job anywhere :eek:
    I don't have a problem with salt water, actually it's natural to me because I only swam in the sea, due to this river and pool problem I mentioned. But since ocean is a vast amount of water, I don't know if it can get warm, and the waves look pretty troublesome.
    Don't be silly, it doesn't matter what size your dick is. After all, lesbians exist, that should prove something :p

    I'm moving just because of climate, and because I can't swim anywhere here, the river is dirty and you can get all sorts of infections in pools :eek: I've never swum in the ocean, though, but I think it's not impossible, I can't see the waves in this picture
    I'm going to collect temperature data for these candidate cities for twelve months, then I'll decide which pleases me most! But I'm almost certain it will be Perth! (not just because it's entirely antipodal to Boston, honest!)
    Not bad, a bit grouchy all day, must be because I haven't eaten meat since Friday :p I'm looking forward to the dead fish I'm having for dinner. How are you?
    hallo young sir

    i saw that you're starting yoga classes - good work. i can't recommend it highly enough, but i won't bore you to death.

    there's lots of useful info on this site, if you're interested.
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