Morrissey Central “The Johnsons.” (August 24, 2022)

From the title, I thought maybe some fanatic had gotten “Morrissey” tattooed on their johnson. But no, it’s worse.
I could only last 5 seconds of the video before vomiting uncontrollably.
Well, no contract, no Bonfire release. But we have... hmm ... this thing on Central. Beggars can't be choosers . :bow:
The Spitting Image spoof with Princess Diana was much better.

Everyone knows
I'd much rather be
Squidgy than Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Sounds more like a pre-pubescent Michael Gove having a tantrum, from the 5 seconds I heard (and will never get back). Sam needs to give it a rest already.
But it doesn’t sound like Boris or Morrissey… which you could maybe overlook if it was funny, but it’s not.
Absolute shambles…
Having gone through 'Borrissey' 3yrs ago, you'd think they'd know better!?


This could be a B side to the up and coming, I am Veronica. Who knows it could be played pre show as well.
Having gone through 'Borrissey' 3yrs ago, you'd think they'd know better!?

View attachment 83603


That was obviously written by M
Jesse would never use the word "meanderings" and I'm almost certain he doesn't know what a "peanut gallery " is. He can barely speak and write for god sake.

You would think M would have the brains to at least do his missives in the style of the person posting This is why nobody (with a brain) respects "Morrissey band"
My daughter's friends have more game than M , so do the kids of my ex-wives and they are 5
That was obviously written by M
Jesse would never use the word "meanderings" and I'm almost certain he doesn't know what a "peanut gallery " is. He can barely speak and write for god sake.

You would think M would have the brains to at least do his missives in the style of the person posting This is why nobody (with a brain) respects "Morrissey band"
My daughter's friends have more game than M , so do the kids of my ex-wives and they are 5

Some one should go through all the post of Band Morrissey and spot the ones written by M

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