a REAL Smiths fan for David Cameron

Quiffaa, why you so sensitive to people figuring out people's real names? :p
Re: That student protest picture

I do 'follow' the delightful Mrs. Fry! We've never had a nice cup of tea and a sit down of an afternoon, mind.

I do agree with you, but the idea that some people have that you can't be 'working-class' and go to university in this day and age is ludicrous. I come from a tiny terraced house in London but I go to a (supposedly) good art school which as it is charges the maximum fees possible. Still, there's no correlation between where you come from and where you can go, I don't think. The fees are already enormous at my uni, but obviously the 'poorer' you are, the more financial assistance you (quite rightly) will get, plus nobody has to pay their student debts until they're in a position to do so. People are behaving as if bailiffs are going to be turning up on future graduate's doorsteps.

St martins?
No you are correct, just because you go to Uni doesn't make you Middle class- it's not like it was up to the early 90's.
I have met your husband a couple of times I hear he crashed his care in Hove (a few of my friends live in Brighton and Hove(l) ).
Re: That student protest picture

St martins?
No you are correct, just because you go to Uni doesn't make you Middle class- it's not like it was up to the early 90's.
I have met your husband a couple of times I hear he crashed his care in Hove (a few of my friends live in Brighton and Hove(l) ).

I completely missed the second part of your post, sorry! I'm quite envious of you meeting my husband. Was it a pleasant experience?

Yeah, he crashed his Jag. I'm glad he didn't make me a widow. A friend of mine lives in Hove and often sees Cave in Superdrug of all places. I don't know whether he goes there to stock up on 'Just For Men' though.
Re: That student protest picture

I completely missed the second part of your post, sorry! I'm quite envious of you meeting my husband. Was it a pleasant experience?

Yeah, he crashed his Jag. I'm glad he didn't make me a widow. A friend of mine lives in Hove and often sees Cave in Superdrug of all places. I don't know whether he goes there to stock up on 'Just For Men' though.

He has got quite thin, you need to cook bigger meals. I didn't say much to he he just waved both times.
I better stop, as I get told off for going off topic. Nice to meet you sweet pic- of youth

FAO: murder and desire and RoscharchAndProzac

I'm going to fix quote codes of your posts in this thread.

You should click Quote on the right bottom rather than C & P.

If you prefer C & P, make sure to add
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Thank you very much.
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Re: That student protest picture

Oh don't worry, this is Solo. Strangeness is to be expected!
RorschachAndProzac aka largacil i think you should take Olanzapine instead of Prozac:lbf:
p.s.i hope you dont plan on new nasty threads about Morrissey like you did before.
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Re: That student protest picture

That has ruined it for me, only messing.
Just because she is wealthy it doesn't mean her heart isn't in the correct place.
The reason I sometimes go off "on one" about people like xfactor contestants,Preston and David Calamity is becasue the xfactor people tend to be middle class kids with no real idea, whom are shallow and controlled by fashion who only use Morrissey as a starting point to further there careers as is Preston, in fact more so with him.
"Dave", should stopped is taking the country down the wrong road

I am from North Shields and will everyone please refrain from slagging me for having the gaul to wear a teeshirt?
Leave off me.
It's not nice to be linked to an internet forum where people are either calling you a posh twat ( I'm not, dunno where all that Marlborough / oxford stuff, and for that matter completely different name business is from) or insinuating that you only like the smiths because its cool.
To put your mind to rest, I have loved the smiths since I was about 14 (which is why that teeshirt is so small), but do admit to wearing it as a nod to Morrisey and Marrs recent (and about time too) dismissal a Mr Cameron as a fan.
I hope that is up to the standards of this rather intense message board.

Now I shall get back to reading for my mickey mouse degree. Goodbye.
(apologies if this should appear twice, I'm not sure what's sending and what's not.)
north east student
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