Morrissey Central "Baby’s On fire." (May 18, 2023)

Baby’s On fire.


T-shirt 'I am human and I need to be loved' modeled by JACK.

That baby photo is a bit random. When I was a kid I once had a tshirt with my photo on it. Self tshirts were all the rage for around 10 seconds back in the 80's. I think I got it done in Woolworths. Wish I'd kept it so I could get my nephew to post it.
How exactly would that work?

I don’t know about great-grandson, but it’s been hypothesized on here that Rayner is actually Morrissey’s son by Nancy Sinatra. So if this is Rayner’s boy, then that makes little Jack the California Son III.
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I don’t know about great-grandson, but it’s been hypothesized on here that Rayner is actually Morrissey’s son by Nancy Sinatra. So if this is Rayner’s boy, then makes little Jack the California Son III.
Except that the way Morrissey looks at him in the Suedehead video is very clearly the look of an Uncle at a Nephew. Not a Father at a Son.

And we all know that Morrissey is a very bad actor, so it could not be faked.
Those ball pits are some of the most germ filled things. Every bodily output of children is in there.
It helps stimulate the immune system ,to have contact with germs. Poor boy they put that shirt on him asking for love already..
I don’t know about great-grandson, but it’s been hypothesized on here that Rayner is actually Morrissey’s son by Nancy Sinatra. So if this is Rayner’s boy, then that makes little Jack the California Son III.
I’ve always felt Morrissey would make a wonderful father…but not that way. 😬 😄
I don’t know about great-grandson, but it’s been hypothesized on here that Rayner is actually Morrissey’s son by Nancy Sinatra. So if this is Rayner’s boy, then that makes little Jack the California Son III.
well aztec camera does seem to have all the dirt. if only he'd get kylie the intern to type out nancy's special homemade marinara recipe to share with us!!
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