Dear God Please Help Me

I'm trying to resist temptation, but after listening to only the first 20 seconds or so...

How can anybody not like this track?? Have you lost all manner of appreciation for everything Morrissey. The plaintive guitar and nuanced vocals are as good as anything on Vauxhall, I've Changed My Plea, Late Night...

I want to listen to it all, but I'll wait until the CD...Dear God....
Re: I'm trying to resist temptation, but after listening to only the first 20 seconds or so...

It's good. A little bit more "reserved" for one of Morrissey's tear-jerker tracks, but still beautiful. Can't wait to hear the whole album.
Re: I'm trying to resist temptation, but after listening to only the first 20 seconds or so...

SNOOZE. Un-inspired, bland and boring music to go with an oddly weak sounding vocal. It's an insult to Vauxhall to even mention this song in the same sentence. A weak, cliche'd track. It is emotional Bombast in full effect.
Re: I'm trying to resist temptation, but after listening to only the first 20 seconds or so...

ffs Mark "snooze", wake up lad!
'cliche'd track'? "explosive kegs, between my legs" well if that's a cliche then it's one of the strongest not weakest I've heard! Might I be so bold & suggest you listen to it a couple more times? Or are you playing it thru tinny, crappy speakers or something mate?



> SNOOZE. Un-inspired, bland and boring music to go with an oddly weak
> sounding vocal. It's an insult to Vauxhall to even mention this song in
> the same sentence. A weak, cliche'd track. It is emotional Bombast in full
> effect.
what alot of peopole don't understand is....

the style that this song is sung and played in is part of its brilliance. A real 1950's melody and tracking sound. It will become a classic
Re: what alot of peopole don't understand is....

> the style that this song is sung and played in is part of its brilliance.
> A real 1950's melody and tracking sound. It will become a classic

I certainly hope so. I can imagine this being a lot of peoples' favorite song on ROTT. The first time I heard, my eyes did water a bit when he started singing "But the heart feels free..."
Re: I'm trying to resist temptation, but after listening to only the first 20 seconds or so...

I'm just not hearing the brilliance of this song at all, no offense. I think a song like "Will Never Marry" is MUCH beter on every level than "Dear God". This song just slugs along at an excruciating pace. I'm not so much commenting on *what* he sings in the song but *how* he sings it. His voice sounds like he just got over an illness and is physically weak. The music, well how much more uneventful could it be? There's no substance to it at all. It just moves so slow in an un-inspired droning way. I'm surprised the musicians didn't fall asleep in the studio during it's recording (or maybe they did?). Blandness abounds. Side note....I have to say it was nice to see that no one railed into me just because I am not supporting a song. I say thank you for that. Sometimes people have different opinions and that's an ok thing. I'm happy this didn't spiral into some "you're a stupid a**" which unfortunately happens way too much here.
In one ear, and out of the other...

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