Der Spiegel audio file of Morrissey interview released

Here you go. The recording of the interview.

Der Audiomitschnitt zum SPIEGEL-Interview mit Morrissey - Spiegel Online
Sänger Morrissey fühlt sich nach einem Interview mit dem SPIEGEL falsch zitiert und will nun nie wieder mit Printmedien sprechen. Hören Sie hier den Mitschnitt des Interviews.

English version:

The Audio of DER SPIEGEL's Interview with Morrissey
British pop singer Morrissey has accused DER SPIEGEL of falsely quoting him in a recently published interview. The magazine stands behind its reporting and has made the decision to post the audio online in response.

On Friday, Nov. 10, DER SPIEGEL culture reporter Juliane Liebert told her editors that she had been offered an interview with British popstar Morrissey and that a decision needed to be made quickly on whether to accept. We agreed: The former lead singer of The Smiths doesn't shy away from speaking his mind - and he also doesn't grant interviews very often.

The following Monday, Liebert flew to Los Angeles, where she was to interview Morrissey on Tuesday. The interview appointment got delayed several times before finally taking place on Wednesday and lasting 40 minutes. Edited versions of interviews published in DER SPIEGEL are usually authorized by the interview subject before publication, consistent with established procedure in German journalism. But in this instance, Morrissey's team elected to forego authorization.

After its publication on Nov. 18 in DER SPIEGEL, the interview (available behind the SPIEGEL Plus paywall in German) generated headlines not only in the German-language media. English publications like the Independent also wrote about Morrissey's statements regarding Trump, Brexit, the #MeToo debate and questions of national identity.

The musician then sought to distance himself from the published interview. "Unless you see the words form in my mouth and then you see or hear the words come out of my mouth... please, if you don't see that, I didn't say them," he told fans at a concert. He said he would never grant an interview to a print journalist again.

On Monday, Morrissey followed up with a post on his official Facebook page casting doubt on whether his statements had been reflected accurately by DER SPIEGEL. He also alleged that the fact that the magazine had not yet posted the raw audio of the interview was tantamount to an indirect admission of guilt.

To counter that claim, the editors of DER SPIEGEL have decided to post the audio of the interview online.

You can listen to the interview conducted with Morrissey in Los Angeles on Nov. 15 here:

Posted by Famous when dead:

Interview mp3 - yours to keep:
(the exact file as used on the site).

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I'm well aware, I just wanted to seek out rational posters who are educated. Pointing out stats can get you into trouble these days. Sad.
Indeed. Keeping quiet on the subject is what they seek:

But it happens - there will always be Weinsteins in Hollywood and there will always be actresses willingly knocking on his hotel door. It's ugly reality.

It is, and Pamela Anderson did an interview to confirm it. Does that mean that none of these incidents weren't rape or some type of horrible sexual assault? of course not, but there is a lot more grey to this situation than we may care to admit. I heard Joe Rogan made an interesting point, in that with the harassment stories about Weinstein we are only hearing about the times he struck out, what about all the times that this crazy sick 'gimme a naked massage' routine actually worked? The mind boggles.

As for the Rapp situation I suggest Morrissey was foolish to talk about this as he does not appear to know much about it. He thought it occurred at a hotel which it didn't and he didn't mention any other allegations about Spacey which would tend to make me think that he was discussing the Rapp allegation in isolation. he does pose some interesting questions though: What did Anthony Rapp think was going on? Where were the parents? That doesn't excuse Spacey's behaviour, but I must admit when I first heard about this party I did wonder similar things.

As for the nationalism stuff, that seemed fairly straightforward to me. Nothing too crazed in what he said.
Yeah that's why it looks so bad. I honestly think he remembered it differently or intended it differently and is surprised himself. This is such a shame. Such a distraction from a great album.
In the face of undeniable fact, this type of commentary is what people in the rational world refer to as WILFULL IGNORANCE.
It is, and Pamela Anderson did an interview to confirm it. Does that mean that none of these incidents weren't rape or some type of horrible sexual assault? of course not, but there is a lot more grey to this situation than we may care to admit. I heard Joe Rogan made an interesting point, in that with the harassment stories about Weinstein we are only hearing about the times he struck out, what about all the times that this crazy sick 'gimme a naked massage' routine actually worked? The mind boggles.

As for the Rapp situation I suggest Morrissey was foolish to talk about this as he does not appear to know much about it. He thought it occurred at a hotel which it didn't and he didn't mention any other allegations about Spacey which would tend to make me think that he was discussing the Rapp allegation in isolation. he does pose some interesting questions though: What did Anthony Rapp think was going on? Where were the parents? That doesn't excuse Spacey's behaviour, but I must admit when I first heard about this party I did wonder similar things.

As for the nationalism stuff, that seemed fairly straightforward to me. Nothing too crazed in what he said.
Moz might have been lulled into safe territory by the interviewer who, let's face it, came across as a little clumsy and dull. She obviously isn't though. You need to stay sharp as a shark's fin with journos and not trust them.
Moz might have been lulled into safe territory by the interviewer who, let's face it, came across as a little clumsy and dull. She obviously isn't though. You need to stay sharp as a shark's fin with journos and not trust them.

Yeah I thought that as well, she giggled away at the appropriate moment and made that comment about if she likes someone she doesn't speak to them for 5 years. However m has been in the game for many years and should know better then to fall for the old smile and giggle routine.
What is a collapsed narcissist?

A: Thank you for your question. You bring up a subject that not a lot of people know about. Collapsed narcissists are an interesting breed. As many people already know, narcissists are sometimes called “high-functioning social predators”; they acquire power by taking it away from others. They feel predestined for greatness and lack self-reflection, insight, remorse or empathy, and they don’t learn from the past. The finger is always pointed outward when blame is assigned. They behave with grandiosity and are egocentric. That is nothing new.

What is new is the idea that a narcissist can collapse. This happens when their source of ego stroking leaves, and that which feeds them – usually the manipulated people, who have become self-sacrificial and adoring fans – have had enough. The narcissists have no sense that they have caused this to occur. They do not know that they have pushed people away, or that they have used up people’s patience, generosity and forgiveness. They just feel victimized through no fault of their own.

Yeah I thought that as well, she giggled away at the appropriate moment and made that comment about if she likes someone she doesn't speak to them for 5 years. However m has been in the game for many years and should know better then to fall for the old smile and giggle routine.
He lapsed. Dare I say, without malice, women can sometimes do that to men... human nature I suppose.
I also think part of the problem for Morrissey surrounding himself with 'yes men' is that everytime Moz spouts off he is used to nodding heads and murmurs of agreement. When he does get placed in an adversarial position or if talking with someone that isn't under the influence of that old 'Mozzer Charm' (copyright J. Ross, LOL) he is liable to run into problems. It's part of the challenge of living in a bubble.

Having actually listened to the interview, his tones seem soft, the chick giggles along and it doesn't seem quite as brutal as when you read it in print. There are parts I agree with, there are parts where I kinda agree with and there are parts which I don't agree with, however actually listening to it does it sound like the rantings of a some far-right lunatic? They feel more like musings to me, some good, some bad but not totally on another planet.

I will say this though, daring to release the recording was DUMB.
I also think part of the problem for Morrissey surrounding himself with 'yes men' is that everytime Moz spouts off he is used to nodding heads and murmurs of agreement. When he does get placed in an adversarial position or if talking with someone that isn't under the influence of that old 'Mozzer Charm' (copyright J. Ross, LOL) he is liable to run into problems. It's part of the challenge of living in a bubble.

Having actually listened to the interview, his tones seem soft, the chick giggles along and it doesn't seem quite as brutal as when you read it in print. There are parts I agree with, there are parts where I kinda agree with and there are parts which I don't agree with, however actually listening to it does it sound like the rantings of a some far-right lunatic? They feel more like musings to me, some good, some bad but not totally on another planet.

I will say this though, daring to release the recording was DUMB.

A rational assessment and I agree. Not that I matter, lol.
Good god. He is so patient with her. She appears to be anxious and unprepared; her only mission being to trap him in a web of nervous blabber. Why does anyone need to read a list of questions when you have a legend with such refreshing, open and clear views of the world we are living/suffering in right across from you?

When he speaks of the "German Empire" he clearly says what (I believe) most Europeans think. People are losing jobs, traditions, identity. You can not have in Europe what they have in Canada. Multiculturalism works here because Canada is a land of immigrants. Everybody is somebody else. Every European country has its own identity, nation, language, history. I am not against immigration, people can live in harmony if they respect the laws and traditions of their adopted country.
I could be here all night, elaborating on each and every subject he's talked about. My point is that there are people who agree with him or disagree. I do happen to share the same views as him, unfortunately, we are in minority. It amazes me how the majority can't see what is so obvious to me. I do think, though, that there is no point anymore in proving his argument. He would only suffer Sisyphean syndrome.
Huge Morrissey fan here. I hoped the other day when his statement came out that he was misquoted.

But, after listening to the interview... He said all the things they said he did. Feel bad that the reporter is getting so much flack, she asked the questions and he answered.

I'll always love the music, but the man himself is proving to be a complete douche
I can only imagine how f***ing pissed off he must be at this very moment, wherever he is. He must be absolutely livid! Thank god I don’t work for him, welcome to hell!

Looks good on him he’s a lying
Piece of shit

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