Ever get sick of hearing your own voice?


pirate wench
Since the day I tested the microphone in my school's auditorium I've been self-concious about my voice. I'm starting to think I sound like a female version of Marlon Brando..
Weird paranoia- what to do, what to do?
When I tested my pc mic a while back I shocked myself by revealing a HEAVY manc accent, which I was certain didn’t exist.

I’m happy in a way because everyone can tell where I’m from etc...Odd how your voice sounds different in you head..
bm20950 said:
When I tested my pc mic a while back I shocked myself by revealing a HEAVY manc accent, which I was certain didn’t exist.

I’m happy in a way because everyone can tell where I’m from etc...Odd how your voice sounds different in you head..
My voice, personally, doesn't sound different in my head. Even when I silently read, I can hear my thick New York accent. It's so annoying...
Same here: hearing my own voice (when we recorded something once) really baffled me! It sounds extremely manly...
I dont think anyone likes the sound of their own voice except maybe singers and presenters who are used to it.But that is how everyone hears us of course,it`s just not how we hear ourselves unless through a mic or tape recorder which is not usually very often.

When ever I hear my voice through my video camera for example, I often say, "that`s not me" and my wife and children say in unison,"yes it is,that`s exactly how you sound"

I`ll stick to blaming the distortion on the camera mic and speaker.
Fun Fact: John Lennon hated the sound of his voice and that is one of the reasons that so many effects are used to change his voice on Beatles records.
I dislike my voice.

When I spoke to a friend on the telephone for the first time they told me I sounded like a pixie in a box.

That was ages ago...when I went to record a voicemail message on my phone a months or so ago I was horrified, upon playing it back, to realise that yes, I do sound like a pixie in a box.

The strange thing is, I always consider Americans to have quite high voices and mine to be...not so high. I like to think that the reason my voice sounded like that was that in both situations I was uncomfortable and therefore not speaking freely as I normally would. I can't sound like a pixie in a box...surely?!
Hey, you're a forgetting this: a pixie in a box usually does look cute ;)
wolve said:
Hey, you're a forgetting this: a pixie in a box usually does look cute ;)

I wouldn't mind looking like a pixie in the box...the problem is that I sound like one! :p
the thing is: I can perfectly imagine how a pixie in a box looks like, but not how a pixie in a box sounds like. What pixie are we exactly talking of? The one from Aladdin?
Well, this is the thing...when I imagine a pixie in a box I think of Tinkerbell but she didn't speak if I remember correctly...

Also, wasn't that a genie in Aladdin?

I mixed up Aladdin with Peter Pan! Oh my! Walt Disney's probably turning in his grave! :o

And what about the box, what are the dimensions? Or is it a box so Tinkerbell has got to put her legs on her shoulders to fit in? Or a box so even Peter Pan can fit in? (I'm asking all these questions so I can imagine the sound to the fullest ;))

edit: oh, Tinkerbell does speak, but not human-language. Well, it's more these sounds as if someone tickles her or pinches her belly or something
You do like the specifics, don't you Wolve? I always imagine it as quite a small box but big enough for Tink to fit in...probably big enough for Tink to lie down diagonally. And not quite tall enough for her to stand up in.
So she'd sound just the same as if she would be out of the box? And is there a sort of 'cap' on the box? Her sound would be a lot different if she would lack air...

Now I'm all in the mood again to watch Aladdin tonight! :)
why not?
If there isn't a song called Pixie in a Box then there should be.
It has been said of me many times in the past that I can not suffer from this sickness, not the way I go on.

But you must please remember, instruments used to record/amplify your voice are merely jealous of your abilities and so put their own little spin on it.

That's the philosophy that worked for me on Saturday night in a karaoke bar. 5 times.:cool:
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