Morrissey Central "I DON’T KNOW WHY MY MOTHER IS DEAD" (August 23, 2020)


“Following a stroke, her recovery was remarkable.
She had three extensive head-to-toe examinations by the NHS who could find nothing amiss.
Four days following the third all-clear examination I was told that my mother had three weeks to live.
Nine days later she had withered and died without any attempt by the NHS to save her life.
Once the NHS waves you off with paracetamol, get ready to meet your maker.
The official cause of my mother’s death was not the trendy and unquestionable “covid” - but, instead, cancer of the gallbladder … which had gone undetected by the NHS during their three thorough investigations.
How I wish to all gods that my mother had expressed no faith in the NHS.
She might still be alive today.”

23 August 2020.


Media item:
all i know is the doctor i went to in london was sooooooo nice and lovely, and it was so surprising how she kept talking to me and being so nice and letting me linger when, me being used to canadian doctors and how they rush you and only allow you "one complaint per visit" and CERTAINLY dont make friendly chitchat, i had assumed that after one minute i was taking up too much of her time. it was the best doctor experience of my life.

if anyone thinks the nhs is bad, they should see the canadian health care system. i went to one doctor once about acid reflux and she wrote down on the sheet "acid reflect", another one i went to because i couldnt breathe because of the acid reflux and he told me that it was impossible for acid reflux to interfere with your breathing (although actually there are at least three ways acid reflux can do this) and that it was just anxiety and to go home, and more than one who when i told them my symptoms went to their computer to google them as if i couldnt do that myself at home.
I really don't know what you want from me with regards to this response. Sorry, I am not following?

It was just a comment about his reputation - the press have always been looking for something to nail him with.

Although if you can remember him defending The Krays, that would be helpful.
there would be no point to "query their care plan" when you have only three weeks to live.

If you thought it could give you more time then, yes, there would be a point.
It was just a comment about his reputation - the press have always been looking for something to nail him with.
Although if you can remember him defending The Krays, that would be helpful.

Dude - give it a rest from this website if only for a few days. Your delusional sycophancy is chilling. Have you literally got nothing else to do with your time?
If you thought it could give you more time then, yes, there would be a point.

But that isnt what happened is it. I didn't read that he was complaining about her palliative care plan. He was complaining, in bold, that it had been undetected in multiple tests and suggesting she could have still been around.
I have had close involvements with the NHS on many occasions and they saved me and several people I know and treated my parents who both died of cancer with professionalism and am forever thankful to them.

There is nothing in the NHS that would be done better through higher pay, running it like a business and by linking to profiteering insurance and pharmaceutical multinational control.

This is completely evident when looking at the US

Did i mention money? I'm just talking about my experiences of the NHS, with regard to me and my parents, where there have been many moments of less than brilliant service.

Apparently, next up is the "What if" stage. Believing an alternate scenario could have played out.
Mum is flown first class to Cedar Sinai and the cancer is detected in time by a young doctor who looks like James Dean (but has the brain of that Good Doctor kid. Not the reverse, thank God. ) Everybody lives happily ever after.

I am not a doctor, or a nurse, or even a hospital porter. I believe people do their jobs to the best of their abilities. (If their abilities are non existent, well, tough titties, but really how frequent is that?) There are good doctors, there are bad doctors, and even Dr Carter couldn't face a pandemic if he didn' t eat and rest properly. That's what I believe.
That's the human level of things. Reasonably, it's hard to hold anyone responsible at that level (it'd be different if there was a Dr Mengele experimenting on old ladies in the Manchester area, but there isn't, is there.)

I don't know the state of the NHS but I know other supposedly efficient health systems can't cope anymore, because of budget cuts and bureaucracy. Hospital staff were exhausted long before this covid. When I visited my dad in hospital all through July last year, people were on strike...but still working. They just had an armband.
If you want a better healthcare system, there are things to do other than inwardly blaming the staff on the front line for being incompetent.

...Which is what I do all the time. When they couldn't find what was wrong with my dad I rolled my eyes and even tried to orientate the head doctor's diagnosis. When I finally got an appointment for myself with a dermatologist and she was adamant I didn't have scabies, I made her repeat that three times (oh, believe me, I did. Politely, but I did.) and was sorely disappointed. She didn't know what it was either but forbade me to eat all my favourite foods anyway. ("But!! I LOVE spinach!").

Doctors are lucky I rarely cross their paths...

I admire your mother for believing in the NHS.
I think I heard Russell (yes, him again) express gratitude for the way they looked after his own mum.

Don't blame people for not detecting things.
( I detected your nephew's brain tumour long ago, and you still haven't done anything about it. So...)

R.I.P, Ms D.
Did i mention money? I'm just talking about my experiences of the NHS, with regard to me and my parents, where there have been many moments of less than brilliant service.

And I was talking about mine where there have been nothing but many moments of a completely brilliant service.

I would be dead already if it wasn't for the NHS.
when you put your health in the hands of doctors, your body becomes a medical body (and treated as such, with cold calculation), no longer your own. true healing comes from within.

You really are horrid.
1) you laughed at the Manchester bombing where children died
2) you laughed at Moz's mother dying then walked it back when people pulled you up on this. You seemed to show remorse... but now this?
3) "true healing comes from within". You're blaming Moz's mother for getting sick and dying!!

Take a look at yourself. Is it really so hard for you to show compassion? You are a monster.
With all due respect i leave my opinion:
Gallbladder cancer is a relatively rare disease ,and will high lethality and most have advanced disease at the time of diagnosis.
There are many risk factors from gallstones ,polyps,calcifications etc.
Moz said 1st his mother had a brain hemorrhage ( i can 't find the relationships with cancer );that later she recovered well and that later he takes her to NHS ,here they do exhaustive studies 3 times ( the were looking from something), after the 3rd study they told her she had terminal cancer.
Up to here how he tells it the NHS makes yhe diagnosis advanced stage cancer ,so i don't see the responsability of the Nhs..
I understand Morrissey pain,i as a doctor and 1st as a human being ,i would tell him to speak with a trusted doctor, to explain what the course of gallbladder cancer is like.
Many patients are asymptomatic or have nonspecific symptoms such as chronic abdominal pain senation of gastric fullness,that soothe with over the counter medication , but the disease progresses .i can take up 15 years until specific symptoms of cancer, and it's late.
Her mother was old , you have to see if she went to the doctor ,i guess Elizabeth would have a family doctor, it is necessary to see if she in these years had symptoms or not.
If she had symptoms , did she tell her doctor?.There could be the fault ,this doctor maybe underestimated the symptoms and didn't study her properly.So the disease progressed and nothing could be done.
We don't know anything about his medical history, but this could have happened , and then the Nhs doctors would be blamed for nothing .
Sometimes in these moments of so much pain,we cannot analyze things well and feeling of denial appears towards death.
I Moz suggest you talk to a trusted doctor so you know if there was malpractice or not.
Very sad i accompany you more than ever .CALM MY SWEET MOZ SOMETIMES DOCTORS ARE NOT TO BLAME 😊❤❤❤❤❤❤
Dude - give it a rest from this website if only for a few days. Your delusional sycophancy is chilling. Have you literally got nothing else to do with your time?

If you were doing anything with your time you wouldn't know when I'd been posting here & since I'm always always taking issue with his media strategy then you need to look words up in a dictionary before you use them.
When he uses conspiracy-theory buzzwords like “trendy and unquestionable Covid,” I lose any sympathy I might have had for the man. His head is so far in the clouds, he doesn’t even realise what a whiny bitch he sounds like. He’s completely turned the unfortunate death of his mother into a public circus where it’s about him, again.

If he walks down the road in Cheshire, and gets hit by a bus, I hope he refuses treatment, as I'll be the one paying for it since he certainly doesn’t pay any taxes in this country and thinks that the NHS is so horrible. Throw his broken body on a gurney and fly him off to Switzerland instead.
Kevin Prince, Shrewsbury, about 3 hours ago
He's not wrong though is he? The NHS is awful, bloated and needs to be replaced with a German or Dutch style health system. Speak out against the NHS and you are denounced as a heretic. It's a national religion, in fact, its's a cult! You don't see the Dutch or Swiss or Germans worshiping their far superior health systems!
Did i mention money? I'm just talking about my experiences of the NHS, with regard to me and my parents, where there have been many moments of less than brilliant service.

you were probably just upset because the doctor or nurse attending wasn't white

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