Johnny Marr is quite slight and thin.


Me Mine

But he is rich like Morrissey is. Johnny is sharp when it comes to buisness. Working class people are usually smaller than the middle to upper classes it is to do with nutition.
in other words:hes a money-grubbing pikey who keeps his purse in an iron grip.
Smart in business huh?? How so?? if he were smart in business as you claim him to be,he'd have figured out a long time ago that he is NOTHING and will always be NOTHING WITHOUT MORRISSEY!!! I'm sure morrissey(who has said on countless interviews),cannot stand the sight of marr either,who could?? after the whole The The debacle,would you admit to being an ex smith??? that group blew dog!!! Morrissey was smart,he left those other dumb ass leeches alone and made himself the PIMP of the fuggin nation,just like i did. How many times has marr and the 10 other bands he's been in sold out consistantly??? when you can figure it out(you'll be here a loooooooooong time),let us know??? did the the ever sell out MSG like moz did??? I didnt think so. great businessman that marr is. Hell,he probably invested in worldcom,thats why his dumbass is on the road again.
Re: Johnny Marr is cool!!

> Smart in business huh?? How so?? if he were smart in business as you claim
> him to be,he'd have figured out a long time ago that he is NOTHING and
> will always be NOTHING WITHOUT MORRISSEY!!! I'm sure morrissey(who has
> said on countless interviews),cannot stand the sight of marr either,who
> could?? after the whole The The debacle,would you admit to being an ex
> smith??? that group blew dog!!! Morrissey was smart,he left those other
> dumb ass leeches alone and made himself the PIMP of the fuggin nation,just
> like i did. How many times has marr and the 10 other bands he's been in
> sold out consistantly??? when you can figure it out(you'll be here a
> loooooooooong time),let us know??? did the the ever sell out MSG like moz
> did??? I didnt think so. great businessman that marr is. Hell,he probably
> invested in worldcom,thats why his dumbass is on the road again.
------Shut up Moz doesnt hate johhny he is just hurt for what he did The the are awsome and so are Eletronic ,Besides in the last Moz interveiw Morrissey had good thing to say about him he is just hurt over the situation your a fool shut your face.
Re: Marr has sold out shows since the smiths.

But who cares about that any way. I am sure in resent years Neil Finn, Oasis, The Charlatans and who ever else Marr has played with in the last few years they have sold out shows with Marr in them. But who cares.
Re: Marr has become ..

> But who cares about that any way. I am sure in resent years Neil Finn,
> Oasis, The Charlatans and who ever else Marr has played with in the last
> few years they have sold out shows with Marr in them. But who cares.

Marr has become a studio musician who after riding on the coattails of Oasis, etc., has decided to take his act on the road with Ringo's son. Marr can only attach his name (plucking) to established names (or their sons who may or may not have inheired any trace of fathers' talent). Solo act - he *ain't*!!

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