Johnny Marr; 'Morrissey and I email!'

Maurice E

Junior Member
News just in!

He said that despite falling out with the singer when the band split in 1987, there was no feud anymore.
"It's not necessarily the case that we're not talking," he said. "We have email. We worked on that 'Sound Of The Smiths' [2008 compilation album] together. Who's got time for a feud? Right now I have got screwdrivers inside guitars, my car broke down yesterday… I've got no time for a feud."
Speaking about a possible reunion he added: "I like The Smiths' songs, but I like playing with two guitars and writing new songs. Unfortunately a reunion would go against both those things."
brilliant. thanks for sharing.

it's nice that johnny and morrissey are on good terms now. the media has always made it sound like they were very distant since the split.
I don't call Morrissey picking the name of the album and sleeve photo working on the album together!
"I like playing with two guitars and writing new songs. Unfortunately a reunion would go against both those things."

He always gives such odd lame reasons?

why does a reunion have to mean no new songs?
two guitaist? - why is that a big problem the Smiths had 2 guitarists just replace craig gannon with anyone else, boz for example - the real reunion is morrissey and marr (and maybe andy) he must know that.

sounds like marr would like to work with Morrissey again but on his own terms a one off show is not enough and he is too proud to guest - he wants to write.

I think new Morrissey/marr material could happen and maybe be really good but it would only happen if marr says publicly what is blantantly clear to everyone
"Morrissey is the best lyrist of the generation. i did my best work with him - i wish we had just taken a break and stayed friends"

but johnny can't bring himself to say it and until he does he'll remain in the shadowy half light of the cribs

I bet his heart leaps everytime morrissey emails him.

If you want it to happen johnny then be brave and just say so.
Brilliant news :D
I sincerely hope that a reunion will NEVER happen, it would destroy everything. I am confident Moz will stick to his words till his last days.
Cheers Moz
I think new Morrissey/marr material could happen and maybe be really good but it would only happen if marr says publicly what is blantantly clear to everyone
"Morrissey is the best lyrist of the generation. i did my best work with him - i wish we had just taken a break and stayed friends"

This. Although I can't help feeling that no matter what Johnny says, or what he offers - Morrissey would still say No. His own pride is a far bigger obstacle than Marr's, and he has escaped the dominant shadow of the Smiths' far more successfully.
"I like playing with two guitars and writing new songs. Unfortunately a reunion would go against both those things."

He always gives such odd lame reasons?

why does a reunion have to mean no new songs?
two guitaist? - why is that a big problem the Smiths had 2 guitarists just replace craig gannon with anyone else, boz for example - the real reunion is morrissey and marr (and maybe andy) he must know that.

sounds like marr would like to work with Morrissey again but on his own terms a one off show is not enough and he is too proud to guest - he wants to write.

I think new Morrissey/marr material could happen and maybe be really good but it would only happen if marr says publicly what is blantantly clear to everyone
"Morrissey is the best lyrist of the generation. i did my best work with him - i wish we had just taken a break and stayed friends"

but johnny can't bring himself to say it and until he does he'll remain in the shadowy half light of the cribs

I bet his heart leaps everytime morrissey emails him.

If you want it to happen johnny then be brave and just say so.

I think he gives lame answers because he's tired of being asked about it.

I'm not sold that Johnny would want to work with Morrissey again....I'd like to think he would but Morrissey just seems so angry with what happened I think he's doing it out of spite.
"We have email" just means they can reach each other directly when they need to, that's all. It's the big red Bat Phone in Commissioner Gordon's office. I didn't get the impression they send each other daily lolz.

"Morrissey is the best lyrist of the generation. i did my best work with him - i wish we had just taken a break and stayed friends"

Maybe he won't say it because Morrissey won't say "Johnny Marr is the best musician of his generation. I did my best work with him - I wish we had just taken a break and stayed friends". :rolleyes:
I dont want a Smiths reunion because it wouldnt be right, but Surley everyone would love to see Moz and Marr play a few gigs together for charity or something, then they wouldnt be selling out for money but would make so many people happy
Haha, by the way f***ing massive lol at the interview being in the 'Norwich Evening News'... He's got no time for a feud but he'll take a few minutes for the local papers in Norfolk. Johnny Marr is a sad old man.
This. Although I can't help feeling that no matter what Johnny says, or what he offers - Morrissey would still say No. His own pride is a far bigger obstacle than Marr's, and he has escaped the dominant shadow of the Smiths' far more successfully.

johnny's ego appears far bigger than Morrissey's to me

I think those things needs to be said by marr anyway and publically, isn't it bleeding obvious anyway? - Morrissey spent years on bended knee pleading for marr's return before the trial and marr repeatedly dismissed him

If marr was truely humble he'd say those things i mentioned and simply submit some music and asked for it to be considered on Morrissey next album - like Alain Whyte does, am pretty sure Morrissey would give them a listen - could he resist? I don't think a full Smiths reunion could or should happen, no one cares if bruce and rick are present, but new Morrissey and marr songs that could be something.......

too much to ask? too hard to swallow? it would be only stating the bleeding obvious for marr to say it - marr gets asked the question so often because he never gives the bleeding obvious answer - instead he takes every chance to bang on about how great bernards lyrics are or how his best work was with kirsty or some such nonsense, a morrissey mention is only occasionally given in interviews and usually without any real praise.

The time for being cagey in order to get out of the Smiths shadow has long since legitimately passed for marr - he failed, its never gonna happen, the Smiths shadow gets longer by the day for marr

If he told the truth the burden would be lifted and the ball would be in Morrissey's court where it must belong but marr is too proud instead he must pretend to be "really happy to be working with the cribs and too busy" - lol
johnny's ego appears far bigger than Morrissey's to me

I think those things needs to be said by marr anyway and publically, isn't it bleeding obvious anyway? - Morrissey spent years on bended knee pleading for marr's return before the trial and marr repeatedly dismissed him

If marr was truely humble he'd say those things i mentioned and simply submit some music and asked for it to be considered on Morrissey next album - like Alain Whyte does, am pretty sure Morrissey would give them a listen - could he resist? I don't think a full Smiths reunion could or should happen, no one cares if bruce and rick are present, but new Morrissey and marr songs that could be something.......

too much to ask? too hard to swallow? it would be only stating the bleeding obvious for marr to say it - marr gets asked the question so often because he never gives the bleeding obvious answer - instead he takes every chance to bang on about how great bernards lyrics are or how his best work was with kirsty or some such nonsense, a morrissey mention is only occasionally given in interviews and usually without any real praise.

The time for being cagey in order to get out of the Smiths shadow has long since legitimately passed for marr - he failed, its never gonna happen, the Smiths shadow gets longer by the day for marr

If he told the truth the burden would be lifted and the ball would be in Morrissey's court where it must belong but marr is too proud instead he must pretend to be "really happy to be working with the cribs and too busy" - lol

splendid stuff, smiler. you seem to have a really spot-on take on the whole issue.
well done you!
Maybe he won't say it because Morrissey won't say "Johnny Marr is the best musician of his generation. I did my best work with him - I wish we had just taken a break and stayed friends". :rolleyes:

Morrissey spent several years after the Smith split saying those things in the press

Morrissey moved on, yes he did some of his best work with Johnny but not all - johnny on the other hand.....

johnny was also the one who left
Morrissey spent several years after the Smith split saying those things in the press

I don't recall him saying anything like that. Nothing close. My recollection is that he was complimentary about Johnny and seemed open for a reunion (and biographers have noted he held out hopes for at least a year or two). He never suggested that his best work was only possible with Marr.

Morrissey moved on, yes he did some of his best work with Johnny but not all - johnny on the other hand.....

Johnny has done lots of good records since The Smiths. He's made some mediocre records, too, many more than Morrissey has. But you make it about Johnny's ego when in fact Johnny (as he states in the full interview to which Maurice has provided a link) has always had modest ambitions. His one goal in life seems to be to play his guitar with people he likes. Period. As he says in the interview, he started off merely wishing to play on a 45, not take over the world, and he's been doing the same thing since he was 14 or 15. Just a guy playing in a band, which is what he is. I don't think The Cribs or Modest Mouse hold a candle to The Smiths, but his work with them seems entirely consistent with his personal philosophy. I believe him when he says he feels no need to go back to a partnership with Morrissey (and I believe Morrissey when he says the same about Marr).

johnny was also the one who left

This is true in only a limited sense. Johnny left The Smiths, but as many people over the years have attested, Johnny felt pushed out of The Smiths for various reasons. Now and then when he walks onstage with Modest Mouse or The Cribs he probably can't help but think, "Damn, I wish I was playing with Morrissey, Mike and Andy". Then he probably remembers that he'd be playing with Morrissey, Mike and Andy after three hours of dealing with attorneys, record company execs, caterers, van drivers, and making sure one of the roadies got his paycheck.

Morrissey and Johnny have remained totally consistent over the years. The former is a true pop star, the latter is a musician who likes making music for himself and his friends. I hope they continue to remain true to themselves and refuse each and every offer to reform. Johnny's re-mastering efforts to remove all the studio shit added to The Smiths' songs in the 90s means a million times more than a reunion tour ever could. When your band is accepted as standing on the same hallowed ground as The Beatles, the story's over. There's nowhere left to go.

Except to the bank, of course. And nobody wants to see them do a cash-grab.
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