Linder on Morrissey in Guardian (18/01/2020)

A very nice interview with Linder Sterling in today’s The Guardian:

How the artist Linder went from Orgasm Addict to Chatsworth House - Observer Design


She also became known as Morrissey’s muse and went on to photograph him extensively in the early 90s as he toured the US. “We shared the same taste, liked the same books,” she says. “We shared a house for a brief period in Whalley Range – it was a red-light district then.” With his counterintuitive views on the far-right For Britain party, Morrissey is a touchy subject these days, but Linder is loyal. “We’ve always disagreed,” she says. “It’s a healthy disagreement, the sort that comes with unconditional love.”

Just a shame about the unnecessary framing, The Guardian.

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At least the whores name tells you what currency you pay her in.
I believe she had a far greater impact on him.

Would have been nice if she did the artwork for IANADOAC.

Wonder if there was ever a time he considered or both of them worked on any ideas in the past for a cover.

I think the photo of Sing Your Life's cover is hers.
What on earth is she wearing and if that's not being a desperate old cow then nothing is. Maybe someone should slip her a note stating that the singer who used ladies with back slick hair dancing in the background is not in business anymore.

She'd be too fat for that anyway cause that competition was fierce as fook.
She is trying to portray herself as a strong woman. She looks pathetic. I have five smashing kids under sixteen, work two jobs and cook all meals for two parents in their seventies with various stages of dementia. Fought breast cancer. What's the difference between that photograph and a bucket of shit?

Pippistrella said:

I know for a fact that when I die a foreign family will be living and breeding in my house. That's replacement.

So good to see you back on the forum, reelfountain.


Verso said:

Genuinely curious, why'd you start posting under a new username?

I'm not Real Fountain you birdbrain.


Pippistrella said:

I'm not Real Fountain you birdbrain.

Well, your posts have a very similar vibe to theirs?

Ooops? Surface = Verso? Surely not??? Doppelganger alert.
You have no proof that Linder or anyone in the Sterling family feels that way.

Stop projecting.
I have nothing to prove to you, but it's telling that your psyche clearly can't handle even the benign suggestion that someone close to Morrissey disagrees with him. Seek help.
I have nothing to prove to you, but it's telling that your psyche clearly can't handle even the benign suggestion that someone close to Morrissey disagrees with him. Seek help.

Never did I say in any of my posts that
she or anyone close to Morrissey agrees with everything that Morrissey says or does, that would be a boring relationship/friendship if it were true.

But, nowhere in the interview does she say that she disagrees with Morrissey’s recent political views. The Guardian framed her answers to make it seem that she did.

It is you that got so easily duped and ran with the misinformation to make up some story about how whenever Morrissey’s name comes up amongst the Sterlings that a ‘perpetual, depressing elephant’ enters the room.

That story of yours is not true unless proven otherwise.
I think the photo of Sing Your Life's cover is hers.

Could be. I was thinking more along the lines of her collage artwork. That it would have been cool if she did some kind of collage for the cover IANADOAC.

But it is not to be.
Never did I say in any of my posts that
she or anyone close to Morrissey agrees with everything that Morrissey says or does, that would be a boring relationship/friendship if it were true.

But, nowhere in the interview does she say that she disagrees with Morrissey’s recent political views. The Guardian framed her answers to make it seem that she did.

It is you that got so easily duped and ran with the misinformation to make up some story about how whenever Morrissey’s name comes up amongst the Sterlings that a ‘perpetual, depressing elephant’ enters the room.

That story of yours is not true unless proven otherwise.

They're only trying to make their name
With unprovable lies
About the ones
Who've made their name

I think the photo of Sing Your Life's cover is hers.

The photos used on the covers of We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful, You're The One For Me, Fatty, Tomorrow, Certain People I Know and The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get were taken by Linder, the one used on Sing Your Life was taken by Pennie Smith.

Since the subject of her being his muse/him being her muse was brought up earlier in the thread, here's a quote by Morrissey on the way Linder inspired him, first published in Frieze, 2004:

"From a rented room in Whalley Range Linder's art supplied the unspoken. She led me by the lapel to Janice G. Raymond’s The Transsexual Empire, Calvin C. Hernton’s Sex and Racism, and to Philippe Aries' Western Attitudes Towards Death. To me, her life, then, was messianic. Linder took up the pen, the brush, the chalk, and stood as if behind a machine gun, perceiving danger swiftly and more keenly than the shell-suited mutants of surrounding Manchester. In my view, Linder's life is a docudrama, potent and therefore lethal. She is aware of the inevitable punishment for those who seek to kick against the enforced limitations of their lives, and she is aware of the price you pay for exposing restraints. The 1990s had Linder and I replacing the dead white greenish cast of unforgiving Manchester with the bright catacombs of El Paso, Los Angeles and Phoenix; Linder armed with her cameras, and I with a despair long past explaining.

In time a tale will be told."
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You're really into the whole neo shebang.

Where was Catholicism supposed to mass immigrate from? Catholicistan?

And I too mourn the passing of The Kingdom Of Strathclyde, but somehow the new polities manage to be habitable & occasionally fun.

Save your lame sarcasm for someone else. You're an open borders dimwit that whines about racism and anti semitism in every thread on a Morrissey forum
The photos used on the covers of We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful, You're The One For Me, Fatty, Tomorrow, Certain People I Know and The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get were taken by Linder, the one used on Sing Your Life was taken by Pennie Smith.

Since the subject of her being his muse/him being her muse was brought up earlier in the thread, here's a quote by Morrissey on the way Linder inspired him, first published in Frieze, 2004:

"From a rented room in Whalley Range Linder's art supplied the unspoken. She led me by the lapel to Janice G. Raymond’s The Transsexual Empire, Calvin C. Hernton’s Sex and Racism, and to Philippe Aries' Western Attitudes Towards Death. To me, her life, then, was messianic. Linder took up the pen, the brush, the chalk, and stood as if behind a machine gun, perceiving danger swiftly and more keenly than the shell-suited mutants of surrounding Manchester. In my view, Linder's life is a docudrama, potent and therefore lethal. She is aware of the inevitable punishment for those who seek to kick against the enforced limitations of their lives, and she is aware of the price you pay for exposing restraints. The 1990s had Linder and I replacing the dead white greenish cast of unforgiving Manchester with the bright catacombs of El Paso, Los Angeles and Phoenix; Linder armed with her cameras, and I with a despair long past explaining.

In time a tale will be told."

Wow! just that Morrissey quote could be made into an epic film! Lovely. Thanks for your post. :thumb:
The photos used on the covers of We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful, You're The One For Me, Fatty, Tomorrow, Certain People I Know and The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get were taken by Linder, the one used on Sing Your Life was taken by Pennie Smith.

Since the subject of her being his muse/him being her muse was brought up earlier in the thread, here's a quote by Morrissey on the way Linder inspired him, first published in Frieze, 2004:

"From a rented room in Whalley Range Linder's art supplied the unspoken. She led me by the lapel to Janice G. Raymond’s The Transsexual Empire, Calvin C. Hernton’s Sex and Racism, and to Philippe Aries' Western Attitudes Towards Death. To me, her life, then, was messianic. Linder took up the pen, the brush, the chalk, and stood as if behind a machine gun, perceiving danger swiftly and more keenly than the shell-suited mutants of surrounding Manchester. In my view, Linder's life is a docudrama, potent and therefore lethal. She is aware of the inevitable punishment for those who seek to kick against the enforced limitations of their lives, and she is aware of the price you pay for exposing restraints. The 1990s had Linder and I replacing the dead white greenish cast of unforgiving Manchester with the bright catacombs of El Paso, Los Angeles and Phoenix; Linder armed with her cameras, and I with a despair long past explaining.

In time a tale will be told."

That's interesting. If she's kept going in the same direction then she's probably On The Wrong Side Of History & would be as hated by the woksters as Moz is (actually more if she dared mention The Transsexual Empire out loud without begging for forgiveness for having ever read it).

And if he was in a despair long past explaining, she might actually be the start point of this odd journey he's been on.

Muse my backside.

Sounds more like he's Patty Hearst & she's The Symbionese Liberation Army.
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Your arguments are as sharp as ever.

Your sarcasm is as dull as ever. And you present no argument for any of the nonsense you speak. Either hiding behind buzzwords or sarcasm. You have no life cause you live on this forum. I'm done so you can go back to whining about racism and anti-semitism in every thread as usual.
Your sarcasm is as dull as ever. And you present no argument for any of the nonsense you speak. Either hiding behind buzzwords or sarcasm. You have no life cause you live on this forum. I'm done so you can go back to whining about racism and anti-semitism in every thread as usual.

& yet you know it's sarcasm.
Never did I say in any of my posts that
she or anyone close to Morrissey agrees with everything that Morrissey says or does, that would be a boring relationship/friendship if it were true.

But, nowhere in the interview does she say that she disagrees with Morrissey’s recent political views. The Guardian framed her answers to make it seem that she did.

It is you that got so easily duped and ran with the misinformation to make up some story about how whenever Morrissey’s name comes up amongst the Sterlings that a ‘perpetual, depressing elephant’ enters the room.

That story of yours is not true unless proven otherwise.
I didn't read the article, only the blurb. Again, I have nothing to prove to you. I've stated the truth and it's hardly a bombshell. The fact that you seem downright traumatized by it speaks to your psychosis. Again, seek help. You're unwell.
Just phoned Linder and she insists that off the record she agrees with Moz on everything.

I'm such a good friend that I'm posting up the gossip.

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