Manchester Castlefield Bowl (July 7, 8) confirmation, on sale this week - Morrissey Central

Confirmation - Morrissey Central
May 20, 2018

Morrissey tickets go on sale this week for

Manchester Castlefield Bowl, Saturday July 7th.

Manchester Castlefield Bowl, Sunday July 8th

Events will be 100% vegan/vegetarian.
That Hitler comment was incredible; especially considering that Hitler was known for his vegetarianism, and for his murderous hatred of immigrants and "others."

Hitler championed Morrissey's two pet issues. In fact, there doesn't appear to be any other issues that Morrissey is interested in, so that makes the relationship even more distinct.

Morrissey's own logic leads him to being compared to Hitler, and he doesn't see the irony. No self-awareness.

"Personal accounts from people who knew Hitler and were familiar with his diet indicate that he did not consume meat as part of his diet during this period, with several contemporaneous witnesses—such as Albert Speer (in his memoirs, Inside the Third Reich)—noting that Hitler used vivid and gruesome descriptions of animal suffering and slaughter at the dinner table to try to dissuade his colleagues from eating meat. An examination of Hitler's remains carried out by French scientists in 2017 found no traces of meat fibre in the tartar on Hitler's teeth."

Of course, this is exactly what Britain First, a neo-nazi splinter group promotes as well. The group was founded by a former member of the BNP, Jim Dawson, who was kicked out of the BNP for assaulting a woman. He then quit Britain First in 2014 because he said they were refusing to stop trying to intimidate innocent Muslims. The party was founded as an anti-Muslim, anti-abortion, Pro Christianity party, and Dowson himself is a committed homophobe.

Yeah, I know. You can't make this shit up. Each time one of them gets knocked off, they claim that it was actually the previous group who was too racist for them, and that's why they left to form their new group that only seems more aggressive. It's happened with UKIP, BNP, and Britain First, and Marie Le Pen's The National Front, which has now been rebranded with a name that references its Nazi past: "Rassemblement National Populaire"

All of these groups are xenophobic, and racist splinter groups who make various attempts to repackage their agenda.

Also, Morrissey championed Brexit, which would actually do more harm to farm animals. The E.U. advanced many of the current animal welfare laws meant to reduce farm animal suffering. Britain's exit would end those laws, and it would be up to conservative British lawmakers to further that agenda. In other words, animal welfare in Britain would revert to previous standards, with many conservative lawmakers seeking to further erode even those standards.

Morrissey is gullible, and his intentions tend to be fueled by impulsive resentment. He only digs his hole deeper because he's like any other aged, out of touch person: Easily provoked, and manipulated by his own biases in a world that is looking increasing unfamiliar to him.[/QUOT

If you want to talk about racist splinter groups, let's talk about Labour.
As per the rumour in Manchester on the last tour, he is to play 2 nights at this venue. At the time it seemed odd as it was winter, but this confirms that these gigs have been planned for a while.

I cannot go. My conscience forbids. Despite this being in my hometown, his support for a racist/facist political party is something that I cannot stomach.

There you go. Morrissey. I blame you 100%. Everything has its end.

Don't bloody go then. Nobody gives a shit.
That would make my year! Saw James last night in Halifax, what a gig. James and Morrissey at CB would be amazing.

I saw them on Saturday Blackburn :thumb: £37:50 great value for money and no hostile nutters fighting for piece of Shit. Even better Tim Booth threw himself into the crowd and surfed over us whilst singing. Hope you had as good a time in Halifax.:tiphat:

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
Uncle skinny, you really are an utter c*** aren’t you. In what way is my comment troll like?

This is his MO. He hates anyone being positive about Morrissey. He picked a fight with me around the release of the last album. Then when I responded perfectly nicely he was abusive, swearing, labelling all my posts as "troll", etc. I think a full frontal lobotomy might be his best option.
I saw them on Saturday Blackburn :thumb: £37:50 great value for money and no hostile nutters fighting for piece of Shit. Even better Tim Booth threw himself into the crowd and surfed over us whilst singing. Hope you had as good a time in Halifax.:tiphat:

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:

Did they play anything off the forthcoming album Benny?
I'm gonna run Benny's Moz bus and charge The Moz army a fortune to see an iron bridge and the Lads Club details to follow.
Might even do a pop up shop with snide t-shirts at very inflated prices lots of merch signed with the Benny :greatbritain::knife: brand and logo on. :thumb:
Watch this space.
Andy Burnham hasn't replied yet.

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
They (S and his two personas, Surface and the Halal Butcher), are going to see "James".
A good value, and room to move, probably the one in three will have the whole empty row to himself.:straightface:
Did they play anything off the forthcoming album Benny?

Yes that was a bit hard when you've never heard them. There is one called Many Faces it builds up and has very important message in it that lots of people on here could do to listen. It's on utube at the Parr Hall Warrington have a look and see what you think. :thumb:
Can't see Moz ever singing it in the present climate.

That was funny about pulling the emergency chord on the train by the way :laughing:

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
This is his MO. He hates anyone being positive about Morrissey. He picked a fight with me around the release of the last album. Then when I responded perfectly nicely he was abusive, swearing, labelling all my posts as "troll", etc. I think a full frontal lobotomy might be his best option.

It’s been getting worse though. He knows morrissey doesn’t set ticket prices but will still say it’s all about money for him when the topic comes up. Now hes spinning like those he claims to hate. Also the whole in Brazil they don’t what’s going on business was even more ironically amusing. Hating people will change you for the worse most of the time
That would make my year! Saw James last night in Halifax, what a gig. James and Morrissey at CB would be amazing.

Tim Booth made a few comments about Morrissey at Warrington so I really can’t see it.

James were fantastic and £38. Absolute bargain. 2 hours 22 songs old and new. An absolutely brilliant gig.

£71 for Morrissey! No thanks.
I saw them on Saturday Blackburn :thumb: £37:50 great value for money and no hostile nutters fighting for piece of Shit. Even better Tim Booth threw himself into the crowd and surfed over us whilst singing. Hope you had as good a time in Halifax.:tiphat:

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:

It was such a great night, the venue was so hot though, felt like we were in an oven! They do put on a good show don’t they, and lots of interaction with the crowd. He crowd surfed last night too, and did a balcony walk!
It was such a great night, the venue was so hot though, felt like we were in an oven! They do put on a good show don’t they, and lots of interaction with the crowd. He crowd surfed last night too, and did a balcony walk!

I've just been watching that balcony walk on utube. Crikey that looks so dangerous in these snowflake times, :eek: he actually balances on the edge of the balcony whilst walking round it.
It's listed as (Born of frustration on the edge ) if anyone wants to take a look.
I love the Many Faces song. :thumb:

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
Tim Booth made a few comments about Morrissey at Warrington so I really can’t see it.

James were fantastic and £38. Absolute bargain. 2 hours 22 songs old and new. An absolutely brilliant gig.

£71 for Morrissey! No thanks.

Interested to know what Tim said about him, can you recall ?

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
I keep telling you all. It's about money, and nothing else. He'll get his fingers burned here.

Why is it all "about money" for Morrissey and not, for example, Johnny Marr? Or any other band or artist for that matter? Why is your job not all "about money"? I would say Morrissey is clearly one artist who isn't in it just for the money. You are seriously, seriously deluded. There is no logic to your statements. You just enjoy abusing people on this site, I think.

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