Morrissey’s view on gender identity

Some irony here, surely. Pay a man in a white coat to do this and it's 'gender affirming care'. Pay some dodgy Norwegian and it's prison sentences all round.

I wasn’t exactly surprised when it was revealed he was a former LGBT+ activist
Yes, unfortunately, that is probably very true. Pushing this ideology on children has several objectives. If you want to create 'patients' who have to stay on 'treatment' for the rest of their lives, get them while they are young. The profit margins are just so much better. Children are also the only people impressionable / gullible enough to buy this bull shit. And it also follows the guiding principle of the Jesuits - brainwash a child and you have a devotee for life. All rather scary.
It’s the guiding principle of almost every state on earth to be honest—pump them thro’ a system whilst they’re young, and you’ve an excellent chance they’ll accept the abstract and arbitrary as an unquestionable fact. Possibly no bad thing in the long run, but let’s not pretend it’s otherwise.

JK Rowling spoke her mind. She said what she thought and as a feminist who is critical of gender ideology, she’s criticised gender ideology “feministly”

It all boils down to former cardiac patient Lucy Clark (no relation) who, in 2018, after a series of heart attacks, decided or discovered in recovery that in fact “he was a she” and so took a walk on the wild side and transitioned to become the world’s first transgender referee.

Lucy also made it into the Guinness Book of World Records.

Well, now Lucy has transitioned again from referee to manager of a woman’s football team and J.K. Rowling made a joke quote-tweet over a tweet of Clark’s photo.

The joke/Scottish hate crime was “When I was young, all the football managers were straight, white, middle-aged blokes, so it’s fantastic to see how much things have changed”.

The fact is, that when it comes to J.K. Rowlings tweets and views, “nothing has changed”. She told the world that sex and gender identity are different in 2020 in her essay and she’s saying a shortened version of exactly the same thing now...

Also, Belgium's new labour law allows pimps to file government complaints against prostitutes who turn down clients and sex acts -
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