Morrissey A-Z: "Don't Interrupt the Sorrow"


Well-Known Member

We kick off the week with another track from California Son, a cover of "Don't Interrupt the Sorrow" from Joni Mitchell's 1975 album The Hissing of Summer Lawns.

What do we think of this?

(Incidentally, if anyone wants a deconstruction of this song's lyrics, there's an interesting attempt here.)

We kick off the week with another track from California Son, a cover of "Don't Interrupt the Sorrow" from Joni Mitchell's 1975 album The Hissing of Summer Lawns.

What do we think of this?

(Incidentally, if anyone wants a deconstruction of this song's lyrics, there's an interesting attempt here.)

This song's been in my head for a few days. I don't understand it. Maybe another listen will define it for me.
I like how the sax/synth electronic noise interplays on this track.
Not sure why he played around with a few lyric changes - like the 'I', 'She', 'He' & ending... but overall, enjoyed hearing this version.
Interesting article about the song.

I gotta say I have not listened to this song previously. After reading the article, this line stood out for me re the album/song:

"The record is steeped in poetry and jazz, politics and beauty, and its arrangements and lyrics are light years ahead of any male contemporary, whether she slept with them or not. It is astonishing."

I will have to ponder this song further after a few other listenings. It may be above the likes of me....

EDIT: Yeps - me no likey.
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Terribly dull. It does absolutely nothing for me, except make me wish even harder that the next(?) covers album will be a Sinatra-esque crooners album.
not one i would listen to on a regular basis,doesnt really have a is decent and voice is good but its a bit tuneless for me.
I like the way it dreamily drifts along - but he's quite waspish in places, like the 'so what'.

Interesting that Joni sings it about a man, but Morrissey seems to be singing it to a woman.
I'm not a big Joni Mitchell fan (although she's clearly regarded as a genius by many, fair enough!) and though I don't listen to this track often I do really enjoy hearing Morrissey's voice with this kind of very un-Moz vocal melody, and over this kind of very un-Boz backing music.
I'm not a big Joni Mitchell fan (although she's clearly regarded as a genius by many, fair enough!) and though I don't listen to this track often I do really enjoy hearing Morrissey's voice with this kind of very un-Moz vocal melody, and over this kind of very un-Boz backing music.

Face it Bookie - you will listen to anything with brass!
I love Joni and grew up with her music because my father is a fan so I was quite excited when the tracklist was announced and this was on it, though I would have preferred to hear him do The Jungle Line. Surprised he didn't choose a track from Don Juan's Reckless Daughter, the record that had the biggest lyrical influence on him.

His version is nice, very soft and gentle to the ear. A bit overproduced for my taste, but a highlight on the album regardless.


The interview Morrissey did with Joni in October 1996 on occasion of the release of her Hits and Misses compilations is worth a listen.

There is only one weak song on California Son and and it's not "Don't Interrupt the Sorrow" which is quite good but not the best .
I'm not sure placing this track 2nd on the album was the best choice, as it's not the most accessible of songs and it affects the flow a little.

It benefits from a very fine vocal though, and I also really enjoy the production.

It didn't immediately leap out at me, but has proven to be a grower.

In the poll on the other board it ranked 128th from 264 solo songs.
This song and cover are fantastic. The rhythm and arrangement of the song are superb. The fluid way it glides by and can seem emphatically denouncing one moment and hazy the next. Makes me feel like I’m coming in and out of a heavy conversation in some smoke filled room
morrissey a-z
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