Morrissey and his links to paedophiles? - thecolemanexperience

Regardless of the content it is news. It's news about a stupid journalist making comical allegations. Don't twist my words dickhead. I never said child abuse is comical, I said accusing Morrissey of it is comical.

It's not comical if someone is serious about it.

The only thing comical about this is david t.....he alone is responsible for this being on the main page.

Not news.....I agree with with the majority of posters...AND moderators...this should not have been posted and should be removed.
Regardless of the content it is news. It's news about a stupid journalist making comical allegations. Don't twist my words dickhead. I never said child abuse is comical, I said accusing Morrissey of it is comical.

I'm not twisting your words! I fully get that you're find Moz's apparent link comical but it still makes light of child abuse. Paedophilia is just one of those 'don't go there' topics. My reply to your post wasn't meant to be snidey, there was no need to call me a dickhead.
regardless of the content it is news. It's news about a stupid journalist making comical allegations. Don't twist my words dickhead. I never said child abuse is comical, i said accusing morrissey of it is comical.

it's not a journalist!!!! It's just some nutter online!!!
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

Cliff Richards had sex with Tony Blair?

Morrissey was made to have Cliff Richards as his opening act by "intel services?"

The Moors murderer's death was faked by the British government?

And these people all have connections to someone who is "Jewish?" (not sure what that has to do with anything).

These revelations caused Morrissey to cancel his tour?

Seriously? Not even the LaRouchies would take this shit seriously.

Also, this is a rather old "article" so it hardly qualifies as news.

Why not just post Morrissey is a free mason stuff to the news page?
Yet no one seems to mind when Moz compares people who eat meat to paedophiles? Oh, he is just being Moz, let's give it a pass?

Or when he blamed Kate Middleton for the suicide of the nurse after the prank call to the hospital? Was that ok?

Moz has been pretty vile in his comments about other people and if someone wants to give him a taste of his own medicine, I think he deserves it.
Re: Morrissey and his links to paedophiles?

You people have no ability to censor and think critically for yourselves. The blog is lame: the opinions of one attention starved person winding us all up for the thrill of it. Perhaps they don't even truly believe what they are saying. Who here even remotely thinks Moz is a pedophile? Not me. Why is this blog post so threatening? Do you really think it is going to convince others that he is? I don't. Only ignorant simpletons who are already prejudiced against the man will even give any consideration to it.

Ignore it. Or set the blogger straight.

My guess is that this thread, and the hysteria and controversy that has ensued for davidt posting it on the main page, is going to make the 'news', furthering the discussion and outcry. Not a bad thing. I am glad to be reminded that there are delusional, paranoid, homophobic idiots online spreading hate and lies. Thanks davidt for bringing it to our attention.

it's not so much about having the ability to censor and think critically for yourself, more a case of why give a hatchet piece like this more oxygen then it needs? Does it need to be on the front page of this site? C'mon now. I support free speech, and some reasonably distasteful things have been said and posted about Morrissey over the years on this site and perhaps some of them have even been true, but this is really lowering the bar. There is really no need to have this item on the front page and I think David has made a gross error in judgment (possibly clouded by recent events?) And that happens from time to time, humans make mistakes, David has admitted that himself and this I think is one of those times.

To try and put it in perspective I always ask myself the question "how would I feel if this was done to me?" Now I know once you are in the public eye you have to accept a certain level of intrusion, speculation etc but if I had a fan site post a link to a blog making the kind of accusations this one does about Morrissey I would be beyond angry, I would be in a state of absolute apoplexy. I think this is being borne out by many posters who take a fairly moderate line about David's free speech policy saying that he has well crossed over the line with this one.
Just read every post in this thread so far.

I agree with, off the top of my head, 95-99% of David's selections for articles for the main page. And that's checking in to this page at minimum every few days, since 2001. Nobody is going to agree 100% with his selections, it's not possible. He does a good consistent job.

Would I have posted this on the main page? No. Do I have a problem with it being there? No. Can any reasonable person visit the link and make their own judgement on it, and share their views on it in this thread? Yes.
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For the record, and I've told David this, I think he's made a real error of judgement giving this story prominence. Contrary to some views, we're not a homogenous blob of agreement. I think this is a mistake.


We actually agree on this then Skinny. Sometimes it just isn't worth giving such a hateful piece like this oxygen. For instance I think it was fair enough for him to post that Warrenpeace song where he has a rant at Moz. To me that is newsworthy in that someone has just released a song about Morrissey whether complimentary or not. This pedophilia piece, man it's just terrible. Really terrible.
Can any reasonable person visit the link and make their own judgement on it? Yes.

If someone painted "paedo" on your front door, would you leave it there?
After all, any reasonable person in your neighbourhood could investigate themselves and come to their own conclusions, right?

"No smoke without fire!"
"No smoke without fire!"
"No smoke without fire!"
"No smoke without fire!"
"No smoke without fire!"
"No smoke without fire!"

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But the connection drawn follows zero line of logic! If I bought a URL and made a website saying Morrissey put his dick in my vag last night because I imagined it while I was jerking off with my fancy new dildo...the SAME amount of logic would be used...would you post it on the mainpage?

Why do you always have to be so god damn disgusting?
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