Morrissey Fans Explained - Mrs Golighly YT

Anyone not from Moz Angeles has no right to comment on Uncle Steve anywhere on the internet. I reckon me thought this ugly "cooofee toolk" hag was from Brittin, Serb, or some other weird land far away, then after I watched 3 seconds I realized she was almost as just as bad, she is from New Yawk.
Anyone not from Moz Angeles has no right to comment on Uncle Steve anywhere on the internet. I reckon me thought this ugly "cooofee toolk" hag was from Brittin, Serb, or some other weird land far away, then after I watched 3 seconds I realized she was almost as just as bad, she is from New Yawk.



And we are so very proud of that fact!

That lady shouldn't have a go at people taking into account she got that house of hers from all the porn movies she starred in when she still had the looks for it.
All I got from my brief foray into pornography were explicit instructions to please put my clothing back on and leave.
All I got from my brief foray into pornography were explicit instructions to please put my clothing back on and leave.
Oh damn!

No wonder you took out all the sexual frustration on walls through graffiti.

I think it is worth to take your 30min. I don;t agree with evey point she exposes but she is very sweet. I could criticize her accent, botox, collagen, etc, but she is honest and tells her personal experience, which, unlike mine, was really pleasant. She could have said it in 5 min, or 3, but she warned us: I am not prepared. So I think it is a sweet and especially NAIVE point of view. I liked it. And I am borderline about my moz thoughts.... and feelings.. after calling myself for all i know the most fervent fan.... Life happens.
I notie she made common mistakes: 1) she mentioned marr just once. 2) she never mentioned rourke or joyce, and goes to show how little you know.....
Nice rack shame about the glasses. If i send her a strip pole you think she'd use it on cam?
Be nice, Urbs.

Chill out and watch this amazingness.
I noticed she made common mistakes: 1) she mentioned marr just once. 2) she never mentioned rourke or joyce, and goes to show how little you know.....
I watched it. She is worried that a fan is going to knock Moz into a coma and he won't pull through. Moz is tough and hopefully the fans won't get too psycho. Moz is too awesome. She seems wealthy and melodramatic. I wish I could meet Morrissey too, but I don't have the stalker talents. Oh well.


I think it is worth to take your 30min. I don;t agree with evey point she exposes but she is very sweet. I could criticize her accent, botox, collagen, etc, but she is honest and tells her personal experience, which, unlike mine, was really pleasant. She could have said it in 5 min, or 3, but she warned us: I am not prepared. So I think it is a sweet and especially NAIVE point of view. I liked it. And I am borderline about my moz thoughts.... and feelings.. after calling myself for all i know the most fervent fan.... Life happens.

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