morrissey frink thread!

In yr fireplace, frinkin yr stove....


Very cute. He seems to be getting more bendable. :p

I was looking for an image of him throwing that shirt out at coachella, but I think he threw just a plain turquoise one. He was having a SHIT night that night, that's for sure. He cut the gig short, cancelled the next day and looks beyond not happy here. :o (It probably doesn't help that a ginormous sailor is punching him in the back of the head.:))That gem shirt is cursed Morrissey! :p Toss it!


Yeah - that 'turquoise bastard cousin' shirt should be burnt. Maybe he binned it anyway though because it reeked of burning animal flesh.

Love the purple version. It's truly frinky.

I don't know why but I like these photos where he looks a little bit angry, especially that pic posted a while back where he's flipping someone the bird.

It makes me happy to see him getting annoyed and show it - instead of pretending to be all nicey nicey like the plastic popstars of today. God forbid they should have an honest opinion/reaction and risk bad PR. I suppose they'd have to check into a clinic to deal with their 'issues' for a week, rather than just say - I was having a bad day, I was pissed off, and the b*@!$*d's deserved it!'

Viva Morrissey!

Now get on tour and bring a new record out! I'm boooooooored.

thanks quiffaa for finding it and posting it on your to me.
at first glance i thought this was a painting.
Right. I'm so bored that I've done another spot the difference thingy.

10 differences to spot - knock yourselves out.




I haven't been here in a while, but you've lured me back with nostalgia-evoking games. :)

Didn't find them ALL, but:
1. Spencer's badge has no picture.
2. Gary's lost an ear! D:
3. Alain's belt vanished
4. So did Boz's shoelaces (right foot)
5. Morrissey's nail varnish is now purple
6. Someone picked up the litter situated just behind Morrissey in the 1st pic. :)

The other four clue!
I haven't been here in a while, but you've lured me back with nostalgia-evoking games. :)

Didn't find them ALL, but:
1. Spencer's badge has no picture.
2. Gary's lost an ear! D:
3. Alain's belt vanished
4. So did Boz's shoelaces (right foot)
5. Morrissey's nail varnish is now purple
6. Someone picked up the litter situated just behind Morrissey in the 1st pic. :)

The other four clue!

7) The chimney on the house in the background has vanished.

8)As has the rusty metal bracket thing over Gary's head (maybe it ran off with his ear....).

9) As has Morrissey's rear pocket.
All right so far between you.

The last one is quite sneaky.

This is on the other site too by the way - I like to keep thing's equal!
All right so far between you.

The last one is quite sneaky.

This is on the other site too by the way - I like to keep thing's equal!

Sneaky? Does Alain get microscopically even more handsome between the two shots? Does Boz find what he was looking for in his ear but doesn't let on?
Sneaky? Does Alain get microscopically even more handsome between the two shots? Does Boz find what he was looking for in his ear but doesn't let on?


Alain get's more handsome everytime I look at him. You don't want to know what Boz found in his ear. It was.....unpleasant.

thanks quiffaa for finding it and posting it on your to me.
at first glance i thought this was a painting.

As I live and breathe, you have killed me....
(but not before commandeering this for my avatar)

If it is a painting it is a work of genius. Otherwise I am clueless as to the photographer, although I'd bet a bollock it was taken during the 'Our Frank' promotional video shoot, January 1991. Hair, blouse, face ~ all fit perfectly.

Thank you to all who brought this to light :)
I give up on the last one. :confused:
Probably a lost earplug from 1987. :sick:

The back of Morrissey's head looks like it's been altered in some way. Is that significant to this quiz?

I think that's natural....nothing to do with me...

I give up on the last one. :confused:

Well. I'm not telling yet. Lets see if anyone else gets it.

I though you were good at looking for things Cheesblock?! If you can interpret signs from the ether then I'm sure you can spot number 10 :p Feel the force!
I've just spent longer than is decent studying Gary and Spencer's crotches for evidence of tampering....

That's uncanny. I did nearly do something to Spencer's crotch - I don't really like him very much - but decided it would be too obvious.

Mind you, I also seriously considered deleting his entire head - but, ultimately, I couldn't be arsed...
That's uncanny. I did nearly do something to Spencer's crotch - I don't really like him very much - but decided it would be too obvious.

Mind you, I also seriously considered deleting his entire head - but, ultimately, I couldn't be arsed...

I happen to find Spencer awfully pleasant on the eye so keep your nasty little photoshopping fingers off him!

This last difference is a bugger, though. Gi's a clue?
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