Morrissey happenings in daily life


Steven Patrick I Love You
I'm sure it happens to many of you, and it has happened to me A LOT in the last months:

Last Christmas I was in a restaurant for dinner, they played really good music, and suddenly Morrissey began singing... It was the whole "Suedehead: The Best Of Morrissey" CD!!! I was so excited, so crazy I couldn't finish my pizza because I couldn't stop singing song after song!! And they had speakers in the frontyard so the guys dinning there looked and looked at me and my lipsync through the window. I couldn't have been happier...

Also, there are several relaxed TV news shows that, while their hosts are talking, play music as a back curtain... They usually, almost daily, play something from The Smiths or Morrissey...

Last sunday I HAD to go shopping to spend a gift card they gave me in my job for my daughter and again, all of a sudden, the magic: Let Me Kiss You started playing in the dept. store's background music system... Bliss!!

Today I was leafing through a trend magazine and first I read a list with some You Tube videos a colleague from another radio was recommeding: Big was my surprise when he listed a video from some kitsch Argentinian tropical band that made a song called 'Megadeth' that happens to be a cover from another Argentinian musician named Leo García who, at the same time, recorded the original version which is called... MORRISSEY!! And the lyrics go like this: "Does your girlfriend know we listen to Morrissey?" And the chorus goes all the time repeating: MORRISSEY, MORRISSEY, MORRISSEEEEEEEY!!!! Please try to listen to it if you can... It's remarkable...

But that's not all!! I keep on leafing through the same magazine to run into a section where famous people list their essentials: There was this Chilean model and below a picture offf?? MORRISSEY!!! And although the idiots from the mag mispelled "Morrisey" she says: "I listen to him and his tone kills me. He could sing "Los Pollitos Dicen" (famous children's song in Spanish) and he'd move me the same".

This just happened to me NOW.

Wow!! I've wanted to write this for a long time, but since these 'events' have taken place almost daily in the last 4 days I couldn't help sharing it with you... xx
it doesn't happen often but when it does it makes my day :D like when i'm at work and a song comes on, that makes working SO much less boring! and someone at the sport sections of TWO of my tv-channels seem to be smiths-fans, so far i've heard "still ill", "this charming man" and "heaven knows.." accompany football clips and "how soon is now?" to a swimming clip.. :p
dear ceci, that has NEVER ever happened to me. i live in hicksville population: white trash.

p.s. did you get my email??
I agree, I love when this happens, I got Russell Brand tickets last month one of the main reasons being that I wanted to hear the intro tape he plays on a big PA apparently it's either mostly or all Morrissey. (He rescheduled the date so I'll have to wait 'till July now)

My favourite use of a Morrissey song as a music bed on telly was the sky one documentary "Inside Britains Fattest Man" complete rubbish of course but "You're the One For Me Fatty" is looped all over it, strangely however you never hear any of the lyrics!

Also on this subject has anyone ever noticed how often they use Smiths songs to soundtrack riot scenes on telly? I think it's normally the intro to "How Soon Is Now?" I saw the same thing done on three different telly shows in about a month last year.... this might just mean I watch too much TV!
Yes on my birthday on this great veggie restaurant (The Greenhouse, Woodville Rd, Cardiff) they played the whole of the Queen Is Dead. And then I had a blowjob
:( nothing remarkable like this has ever happened to me.

this is a bit off topic but, was "you're the one for me fatty" or "some girls are bigger..." played in the beginning of Super Size Me? or am i thinking of something else....
:( nothing remarkable like this has ever happened to me.

this is a bit off topic but, was "you're the one for me fatty" or "some girls are bigger..." played in the beginning of Super Size Me? or am i thinking of something else....

It's "Fat Bottomed Girls" By Queen, Though your choices would have been better ;)
No, there has never been such an event in my life. Absolutely nothing. Not even a radio play. Nothing. A b s o l u t e l y n o t h i n g .

Buuuuuuuuuhhh!!! I thought it happened a lot to the rest too... What a pity... It's so marvelous when it happens... Just like the happenstance of playing Girlfriend in a Coma when I was returning from the clinic... That was one of my most remarkable ones.

Just wish! Or could it be that maybe Chile is a very Morrissey-Smiths country? I've noticed that both are really recognized and considered by radios and TV shows as well as a considerable number of people... Although he's not popular as Shakira or Juanes (puke) but, well... That's the same in the rest of the world :(
Ik was in the supermarket the other day.......they always play this stupid mixtapes....but then all of a sudden "Boxers" came along....very nice suprise en very very very unusual for a dutch supermarket.
Ik was in the supermarket the other day.......they always play this stupid mixtapes....but then all of a sudden "Boxers" came along....very nice suprise en very very very unusual for a dutch supermarket.

Those are the things I'm talking about!! Unusual unexpected moments that, just for that reason, enlighten your day with a ray of total bliss!!
I was once in Waterstones and they started playing the whole of Hatful of Hollow, so i stuck around for the best part of an hour, pretending to browse through Gordon Ramsay's autobiography and the like... I bet they thought I was a nutter...
Last summer in Cork the interent cafe there always had the best music playing heard Morrissey twice in 2 days. Had to stop myself from singing outloud.
I'm at uni computerlab at the moment and a cover of "Stop Me..." is playing on the radio :p
Ceci,it never ever happens around these parts now!!It did in the early days ofcourse.You may not know but a Smiths song played in a soap opera`s (Eastenders) fictional cafe here in England and such an extraordinary event was it that someone posted it!!
I do think much of the media here is anti-Moz and it makes me so angry.(Especially Richard,I`m a orange twat Madely)
Anyway I suggest we all rebel and treat the public to as much Moz as possible by cranking up our cd players at home and in our cars.I know I give my neighbours a daily treat.We owe it to the world to bring a bit of class into their lives.:D
hahaha Hellie... I used to do the same when I had my mini system, playing Morrissey, The Smiths, Alan Parsons Project and Barry Manilow at full volume... Until my home got burglarized last June and I haven't got a new one :(

Aaaaahhh about soap operas or hideous series... The main theme from "Charmed" is a horrible cover of How Soon Is Now!!
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