Morrissey interview in El País

“Los toreros son alimañas: se deberían matar entre ellos” (Bullfighters are vermin. They should kill each other.) - El País

Improved Google translation (the editorializing is the author’s, not mine):

Astonishment between the interviewer and the promoters. Morrissey (Manchester, 1959) has offered to respond to a questionnaire and, hours later, the answers arrive. Journalists distrust interviews done by mail: in theory, anyone can impersonate the interviewee. But the answers are unequivocally morrisseyesque. In their acute malevolence, their recognizable narcissism, their stubbornness in turning things to his advantage. The former leader of the Smiths will perform in Madrid on Thursday and in Barcelona on Friday.

There are inevitable subjects, obviously. Like his controversial Autobiography, published in the Penguin Classics collection. It’s nothing to do with the current wave of books written by rock stars, he insists: "It surprises me that there are so many who actually think they have something to say! When you read their books, it turns out that they don’t. My Autobiography exists, it is self-explanatory. So I am not going to talk about the book on television, radio or in written media."

He also wants to clear up his bolt from the Harvest label, three weeks after releasing his new album, World Peace is None of Your Business. He mainly denies it: “I didn’t leave, they threw me out! They tried to keep my record but they discovered that they did not have the rights. A very stupid mess, caused by an executive named Steve Barnett, who has less brains than an artificial flower. The fact that someone like that is in charge of a label is a sign of how bad things are in the musical world. "

He makes no distinction between the three multinationals and the abundant independents: "Rough Trade has gone down in history for having the Smiths, yet never inviting us to a meal to celebrate the success." According to Morrissey, it is not profitable either to go on tour, although tickets for his Spanish concerts cost 50 euros: "I do not get rich by touring. All the money that is generated is invested in doing things. Many people ask me what is the point of bothering with tours and I say, this is my life. "

A key part of his existence is to fight animal abuse. He assures that his opposition to bullfighting is nothing new. In the legendary Smiths concert in Madrid, during the festival of San Isidro 1985, broadcast by TVE, "I remember telling the public 'I've seen your national sport and it is not very nice'. Obviously killing bulls is no sport: it is torture."

Now, he is more hurtful. His latest album contains The Bullfighter Dies, a song – you will excuse me – musically and literarily tasteless, where he celebrates the death of any bullfighter. His argument is this: "My understanding is that those who attend want to see death: what is the difference between the death of the bull or the matador? Both are beings who want to live and which feel pain. The matador has the picador and other helpers that help him to torment the bull, who is alone and should have our sympathy. It is the matador who has decided that this occurs and the bull is the victim; human instinct should always be to protect the victim. Bullfighters are vermin: they should kill one another. "

Morrissey always comes to interviews with guns loaded. A question about social networks leads him to fire at monarchies: "The networks have good and bad points. Suddenly, everyone is an expert ... and no matter that he has never left his bedroom. But dictators and so-called royalty cannot do what they want anymore: the entire world is watching and can depose those who betray their trust. King Juan Carlos was shamed when they caught him killing endangered species. Elephants are wonderful, calm, wise ... it’s such a repulsive thing he did! How is it that he is not in jail?"

He explains his decision to leave the UK and live in California for similar reasons: "I cannot endure the British royal family and it pains me that part of my taxes end up in the hands of those embarrassing parasites. They offer nothing to the world and are always on vacation in exotic places, killing animals, all with public money. They do not represent England and are are as much dictators as the Assad family in Syria, so we cannot dismantle their platform (?) with good manners: they will throw you to the police. You only have to look what will happen in Hong Kong. "

In case there was any doubt, Morrissey insists that the world is heading for ecological destruction, if a nuclear apocalypse doesn’t happen first: "Industrial agriculture and animal breeders are destroying the planet. Every time I see the yellow M of McDonald's I think of death. Governments tolerate whatever brings money; they benefit from the inclination of the human race to suicide. It amuses me that there are countries where attempted suicide is punished while the governments spend millions on nuclear weapons, which facilitate collective suicide. They just have to use them once for us all to disappear from here. "

Meanwhile, Morrissey must confront vexing moral and aesthetic dilemmas. He opens his heart: "I have a problem with synthetic leather shoes. I stopped using fake leather jackets because people became confused and accused me of using real leather. It's easy to stop eating meat and forget about eggs and milk: immediately you feel better ethically and physically. But the synthetic leather shoes are more uncomfortable than genuine leather. It is the last barrier for those who do not want to exploit animals in any way. "


Secrets and lies of the industry
Morrissey agrees to list the main secrets of the record business.
Take note:
1. The number one position on the charts is normally bought.
2. A label can sign an artist to bury him.
3. A company issues a press release saying their new discovery has sold 30 million records, when the actual figure is 30,000, but the media make it official truth.
4. The label strives to pay nothing and move all expenses to the artist, so that its income is clean profit.
5. Before listening to a record, the executives have already decided if it will triumph or not in the market.
6. The bosses are all men; the women who work in the industry are eternally girls, even if they are 52 years old.
7. Grammy Awards are previously divided between the labels, so that its executives can boast that they are au courant.
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That comment on women, oh man.

So he wears leather and has no justification for it? At least he's stopped with the eggs and dairy.
Obviously he means he has stopped wearing fake leather and real... it wouldn't make sense if he started wearing fake leather, the whole point is that people think he is wearing real leather and he doesn't want them to think that.
I've heard this argument before.What Pinker and others have said does not address the violence of everyday life....The environmental destruction of our air and water and the violence of habitat destruction and decimation of other species as we humans proliferate like a disease. The violent destruction of our oceans and the wildlife ongoing and will not stop.

We are drilling and fracking our selves into a dung heap. The violence that he doesn't address is boiling under the surface and like a volcano could explode at any moment. And as long as nuclear weapons exist there is a chance of world wide destruction.

There is so much more that can be said about all of this but it's not going to do any good. That's why I'm a pessimist. Man is a bad animal and as a whole will lie to himself all the way to the grave.

Of course everyone doesn't lie to themselves but to those that think, life is a comedy and to those that feel it's a tragedy....and to some of us it's both.

I think people are born optimistic or pessimistic. It has to do more with temperament than experience. I have always been a positive person. My guess is that you have always been negative. You might be able to condition yourself to focus on the positive things in life. But my guess is that you use pessimism as a crutch. And it is a part of your identity. And surely you will take it to the grave with you.
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I think people are born optimistic or pessimistic. It has to do more with temperament than experience. I have always been a positive person. My guess is that you have always been negative. You might be able to condition yourself to focus on the positive things in life. But my guess is that you use pessimism is a crutch. And it is a part of your identity. And surely you will take it to the grave with you.

Again, pessimism is just a label. I use it because it reflects a more realistic view of what we humans are and what we are doing on this planet. I don't believe that man is a sane or rational animal and his big brain has ensnared him in this coyote trap.

I've seen people at their best and their worse. Just because I see a dark future for our species doesn't mean I've given up. I'm a born fighter like most of us and will continue to fight to the end. I'm going to look at life for what it is and nobody is going to sell me pie in the sky.
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When has Morrissey ever been concerned with how he comes off in an interview. Can you imagine Morrissey saying to himself "Oh I better not say this or I'll upset people and it may hamper me from getting a new record deal"?

"Radiodead" / "Oldplay"
Like in the way you pretend to have watched and understood what Pinker has to say. And like how you pretended for months to have read Autobiography.

I never pretended to read the book. I never pretended to look at your links. I never pretend that you are intelligent.

I pretend to care about your salvation.
"I don't believe that man is a sane or rational animal and his big brain has ensnared him in this coyote trap." - keene

this is basically the basis for vonneguts galapagos, his best novel imo. ironically a huge optimist
I have to disagree with M on this one. There are more choices than ever if you are looking for synthetic leather, and the styles are far better than they use to be. Even if that wasn't the case, whose suffering is more significant: a man in uncomfortable shoes or a cow having its hide ripped from its flesh? It's difficult to say that you are 100% vegan because there can always be a hidden ingredient or manufacturing process that defeats your goal; however, giving up leather is not difficult if you are truly committed. Morrissey is one of the most vocal vegetarians in the world, but his message would have a much greater impact if he showed more consistency. I love Morrissey, but wearing another animal's skin is as bad as eating another animal's flesh. There is absolutely no difference between wearing fur and wearing leather.


I totally agree with this comment. There are LOTS of vegan options for shoes and some really nice looking ones too. I am not well off but I am vegan and I do not wear leather and comfort has not been an issue for me . I find it funny that a man of his means ( much higher income bracket) would readily say such a thing. Also , YES he IS very vocal about animal rights but it is difficult to take him seriously when hypocritical things like this come up. Leather is very cruel. He has more income to be able to explore alternate options than a vast majority of people do and I just can't accept this from him. I also have grown increasingly weary of celebrities touting these things when there are other people doing so much more who are genuine people .
I don't think Morrissey is important. I don't know where you got that impression. He has become an utter irrelevance. He hasn't sold out though, I'll give him that. Tickets are still available for most dates.

But you post on a site devoted to him on a regular basis? The people angry with Morrissey are usually the ones that in some way have been hurt by him. Cancellations, refusals, Let it go...
Morrissey is right on in so many ways, but definitely a fool to wear leather shoes. It's not even just about income. I win gift cards (rather than purchase out of pocket) and have no problem finding non leather shoes that I like and that are comfortable. Even if he doesn't want to wear sneakers or canvas, there are still cool dressy-type non leather shoes that are quite comfortable. Of course, he said the issue is comfort and sneakers are the most comfortable shoe, which are mostly synthetic anyway.

He shouldn't have given up his pleather jackets either. Mike Joyce is the one who thought he was wearing a leather jacket because he didn't know faux. Why care if someone thinks your faux is leather, but not care if someone thinks your leather is leather? And why let someone like Joyce influence your style choices?

I totally agree with this comment. There are LOTS of vegan options for shoes and some really nice looking ones too. I am not well off but I am vegan and I do not wear leather and comfort has not been an issue for me . I find it funny that a man of his means ( much higher income bracket) would readily say such a thing. Also , YES he IS very vocal about animal rights but it is difficult to take him seriously when hypocritical things like this come up. Leather is very cruel. He has more income to be able to explore alternate options than a vast majority of people do and I just can't accept this from him. I also have grown increasingly weary of celebrities touting these things when there are other people doing so much more who are genuine people .
I don't think Morrissey is important. I don't know where you got that impression. He has become an utter irrelevance. He hasn't sold out though, I'll give him that. Tickets are still available for most dates.

You certainly spend a lot of time keeping up to date with news on someone who is apparently irrelevant. You're fooling no one corn.
"I don't believe that man is a sane or rational animal and his big brain has ensnared him in this coyote trap." - keene

this is basically the basis for vonneguts galapagos, his best novel imo. ironically a huge optimist
I'll have to read that one.
When a person says they are a pessimist it makes other people uncomfortable because it is associated with depression. The contention with Realitybites is based on this.
These are all just labels and like I said earlier you can be pessimistic and still fight for what's right. Being a Realist as pointed out by Adeptly_Inept is a more truthful stance.

This is what I like about Morrissey, even though he knows that Life is a pigsty....he speaks out for the animals and for what he thinks is right. He hasn't given up. Good for him.
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"The networks have good and bad points. Suddenly, everyone is an expert ... and no matter that he has never left his bedroom. "

Well, I am in the garage and the living room, so that rule's me out, thankfully, although I am an expert, but not in music.

Bravo for having the courage to speak out, to push and to prod.

Oh to be in Portugal today........not just because of the weather, the food
and the talent.

It's a complicated issue with the damn leather shoes, isn't it? I've known plenty of vegans, and every single one of them has allowed for some exception to their own rules, whether it's silk, or wool, or the odd egg at breakfast, whatever. Consuming absolutely nothing made from an animal is a difficult business. If you believe in the ethics behind veganism, then going out of one's way to avoid consuming animal products is still doing an enormous amount of good in the world, even with the occasional lapse. I think that meat eaters who harp on vegans' lapses are dull, meanspirited people - human beings are imperfect, and inconsistent. These things happen. It's no big deal.

That said, Morrissey admitting to wearing leather shoes is an enormous embarrassment, and I'm very surprised that he didn't just lie to this journalist. I would have. Morrissey is not your average animal rights activist, he's someone who's used his platform to compare meat eaters to child molesters. He is known to have a policy of refusing to eat with anyone who eats meat in front of him. He subjects the audiences at every show he doesn't cancel to the famously grisly "Meat Is Murder" video (to say nothing of the song itself, a braying dirge that has only worsened with age). He's in with PETA, the Ann Coulters of animal activism. And yet there he is with dead cow on his precious feet. If it's an issue of comfort, surely he knows where he can find some Chuck Taylors. Morrissey mostly performs in his trusty relaxed fit jeans these days, and he should know that the Jeans&Sheuxzzz look is passé. Morrissey's veganism is about exerting control over his body and the people in his life, and it's about assuming a position of moral superiority. Nothing to do with animal welfare at all. Of course he throws it all under the bus for vanity, vanity is what he has instead of personality.
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Best time to be alive in the history of the planet? Well, that's a matter of opinion, it depends on where you are. Less disease, famine and violence? Again that depends on where you are and what you are...and anybody that denies climate change or ecocide that is occurring all over the world just doesn't want to see the truth. The WWF (World Wildlife Fund) published something interesting that is a truth that few want to see, in the past forty years human population has doubled and wildlife population has been cut in half. This will continue. So if you are "Wildlife"... famine , disease and violent destruction is much more not less. Morrissey is not the only one speaking for the animals...

I'm glad that there are optimists....that's one way of looking at life. I think that Morrissey is an optimist also but when you look out at the world see it for what it is.....anger and sorrow has a way of working it's way into the picture.

There is beauty of course....that's what keeps us going.

Oh Keene, that's so true.

Today is not a nice place to be in most places:
Syria, as a aid worker in the desert or in Iraq, Isreal, Jordan, as a soldier trying to defend your people or your tribe, as a wild buffalo roaming the "plains" or an old man with pride sat in Kiev, wondering who, how and why, Russia has come back to taunt them, haunt them and kill them. Literally. Not that they are "Russian" on the outside, but still Russian army on the inside. Is it 1918 again ?
In the UK today, the people of Hunstanton may not like the fact that graphite bricks are failing in the nearby Nuclear Reactor.
Dont mention the euro in Portugal,
France is in chaos with "tax"
Even the Whitehouse lets people in, for free, through the front garden......

This is a caring world and society in some homes and businesses but not all. It is lovely and sad at the same time.
It is nice that people who can, do. Rather than resting on there laurels, so to speak. Not just Morrissey but he does his bit to try and make the world see sense and also to make people think about animals in a caring way, which is a good thing.

It's a complicated issue with the damn leather shoes, isn't it? I've known plenty of vegans, and every single one of them has allowed for some exception to their own rules, whether it's silk, or wool, or the odd egg at breakfast, whatever. Consuming absolutely nothing made from an animal is a difficult business. If you believe in the ethics behind veganism, then going out of one's way to avoid consuming animal products is still doing an enormous amount of good in the world, even with the occasional lapse. I think that meat eaters who harp on vegans' lapses are dull, meanspirited people - human beings are imperfect, and inconsistent. These things happen. It's no big deal.

That said, Morrissey admitting to wearing leather shoes is an enormous embarrassment, and I'm very surprised that he didn't just lie to this journalist. I would have. Morrissey is not your average animal rights activist, he's someone who's used his platform to compare meat eaters to child molesters. He is known to have a policy of refusing to eat with anyone who eats meat in front of him. He subjects the audiences at every show he doesn't cancel to the famously grisly "Meat Is Murder" video (to say nothing of the song itself, a braying dirge that has only worsened with age). He's in with PETA, the Ann Coulters of animal activism. And yet there he is with dead cow on his precious feet. If it's an issue of comfort, surely he knows where he can find some Chuck Taylors. Morrissey mostly performs in his trusty relaxed fit jeans these days, and he should know that the Jeans&Sheuxzzz look is passé. Morrissey's vegetarianism is about exerting control over his body and the people in his life, and it's about assuming a position of moral superiority. Nothing to do with animal welfare at all. Of course he throws it all under the bus for vanity, vanity is what he has instead of personality.

But something may have been lost in translation, he may not be wearing leather shoes. I was so hopeful when I saw the converse on the album cover.

Now the wide legged jeans are awful, but he has muscular legs, maybe he can't fit them into straight legs comfortably?
Except he never says here that he still wears leather shoes. He says that synthetic ones are problematic because they are uncomfortable, but never says that therefore he wears real leather. Why is this so difficult to understand? No wonder he doesn't like to do interviews...people are determined to assume the worst.

I remember seeing a GQ photo shoot he did where all of the clothes were labeled as being from some designer or other, except for the shoes, which were always labeled "Morrissey's own". Surely this is because he insisted on wearing non- leather shoes? But never mind, he's already been convicted for something he didn't say, ffs let the pillorying continue. :rolleyes:
Except he never says here that he still wears leather shoes. He says that synthetic ones are problematic because they are uncomfortable, but never says that therefore he wears real leather. Why is this so difficult to understand? No wonder he doesn't like to do interviews...people are determined to assume the worst.

I remember seeing a GQ photo shoot he did where all of the clothes were labeled as being from some designer or other, except for the shoes, which were always labeled "Morrissey's own". Surely this is because he insisted on wearing non- leather shoes? But never mind, he's already been convicted for something he didn't say, ffs let the pillorying continue. :rolleyes:
I was wondering where people were getting "I still wear leather" from this interview. His answer isn't particularly cryptic or hard to understand, so I'm not sure why his words are being twisted around. He's been saying for years that he no longer wears leather, and he isn't contradicting himself here.

Also, I remember a while back, during the last tour, an employee at a shoe store posted on Facebook or Instagram or something saying that Boz came into the store to buy some vegan shoes for Morrissey.
I was wondering where people were getting "I still wear leather" from this interview. His answer isn't particularly cryptic or hard to understand, so I'm not sure why his words are being twisted around. He's been saying for years that he no longer wears leather, and he isn't contradicting himself here.

Also, I remember a while back, during the last tour, an employee at a shoe store posted on Facebook or Instagram or something saying that Boz came into the store to buy some vegan shoes for Morrissey.

Yep, they were Doc Martens.
It's a complicated issue with the damn leather shoes, isn't it? I've known plenty of vegans, and every single one of them has allowed for some exception to their own rules, whether it's silk, or wool, or the odd egg at breakfast, whatever. Consuming absolutely nothing made from an animal is a difficult business. If you believe in the ethics behind veganism, then going out of one's way to avoid consuming animal products is still doing an enormous amount of good in the world, even with the occasional lapse. I think that meat eaters who harp on vegans' lapses are dull, meanspirited people - human beings are imperfect, and inconsistent. These things happen. It's no big deal.

That said, Morrissey admitting to wearing leather shoes is an enormous embarrassment, and I'm very surprised that he didn't just lie to this journalist. I would have. Morrissey is not your average animal rights activist, he's someone who's used his platform to compare meat eaters to child molesters. He is known to have a policy of refusing to eat with anyone who eats meat in front of him. He subjects the audiences at every show he doesn't cancel to the famously grisly "Meat Is Murder" video (to say nothing of the song itself, a braying dirge that has only worsened with age). He's in with PETA, the Ann Coulters of animal activism. And yet there he is with dead cow on his precious feet. If it's an issue of comfort, surely he knows where he can find some Chuck Taylors. Morrissey mostly performs in his trusty relaxed fit jeans these days, and he should know that the Jeans&Sheuxzzz look is passé. Morrissey's veganism is about exerting control over his body and the people in his life, and it's about assuming a position of moral superiority. Nothing to do with animal welfare at all. Of course he throws it all under the bus for vanity, vanity is what he has instead of personality.

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