Morrissey Performing Smiths Songs

I was just wondering what the other Smiths thoughts are on Morrissey still performing Smith's song in his live shows. For me, I personally love that he does this and everytime I've been to see him I've expected at least 3 Smiths songs to be performed. I just wondered if anyone was aware whether Marr or the others have any objections to this?
I was just wondering what the other Smiths thoughts are on Morrissey still performing Smith's song in his live shows. For me, I personally love that he does this and everytime I've been to see him I've expected at least 3 Smiths songs to be performed. I just wondered if anyone was aware whether Marr or the others have any objections to this?

I would firstly say that even if there were any objections from 'the others' - only Johnny who co wrote each song could actually have any cause for objections.
At the Manchester v Cancer gig 2006, Johnny sang both 'There is a light....' and 'How soon is now?' (with Andy on bass for the latter) so that adds to your question, filed under 'would Morrissey object to the others performing Smiths songs!

Secondly, all of the members have myspace accounts.... you could ask them if you are that interested'!!:D

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