Most danceable Morrissey or Smiths songs?

Some tunes that get me dancing are:

Sing Your Life (KROQ)
Pregnant for the Last Time
the Loop
This Charming Man
Barbarism Begins at Home
How Soon is Now
Headmaster Ritual
Some Girls are Bigger Than Others
I think you have to go for fairly well-known ones to increase the chances of other people getting up and dancing. Something like:

This Charming Man
What difference does it make
Heaven knows I'm miserable now
The boy with the thorn in his side (for Blackpool fans!)
The last of the famous international playboys
something from the last few years

My mates and I had a boogie to Stop me if you think you've heard this one before, last time we went bowling. And I saw a few other people dancing too. They have a pretty democratic juke box policy, they even played the video on the big screen!
jack the ripper (you can make some free dance to it,hand on heart,passionate face)
btw in an scottish fanzine( from teh early 90ties) i found a quite funny "how to dance to moz records"..must scan it someday..its ..LOOOL
also for slow dances:how soon is now

handsome devil
I chose This Charming Man to be played at my Mum's wedding reception a month ago, and that went down well with dancing. :) I'd advise a fast paced single (e.g. This Charming Man, Panic, William, It Was Really Nothing, The Boy With the Thorn in his Side) unless you want it near the end, in which I'd suggest a slower, more meaningful one, perhaps Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want. :)
I always feel like getting up and dancing for Piccadilly Pallare. Same with Playboys and Handsome Devil. Barbaris Begins at Home is also a good one.
I know I'll be in the minority here, but I rather like "Bengali in Platforms." Whether it's appropriate for a wedding or not. . . :o
spring heeled jim...(the live version,faster beat)
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Well at our wedding last month we had

at the church...string quartet playing Please please please let me get what I want (my bride walked up the ailse to this)

signing of the register...quartet played "There is alight that never goes out"

The DJ at the reception played

This Charming Man
First of the Gang to die
How soon is now.

The floor was packed
Thanks, guys! Many good ideas here. I think I'm going with "This Charming Man," "Vicar in a Tutu," "Bigmouth Strikes Again," and "The First of the Gang to Die."
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