morrissey/smiths tshirts - post what you're wearing...


Don't force the children to have to defend goodness in your beasty asshole language.
here's my little trippy story

o.k. so i go to the top of my car garage to find my box packed of the past shirts , to be brought out for a moment like this, i haven't pulled this out in years so i even surprised myself with other gems i thought i lost in moving

this shirt i am wearing, i made in 1995 for a morrissey birthday party i threw at a pub called money pays, here in vegas.

i gave away about 10 or so to spice up people to come to my humble morrissey unhappy birthday bash

the second photo shows the shirt i made more clearer. i still have two left. ironically the people who made this iron patch made 10 backwards, so the other two are kinda special

the picture you see of morrissey in this cool shot was stolen from the picture in the background, which was from a 1991 rock concert poster

:guitar: SCORE, drifter! Those are some nice shirts. Great poster, too.

p.s. Sounds like a great b-day party you had. And you have some lucky friends. ;)

Don't force the children to have to defend goodness in your beasty asshole language.

The children I had a few months ago? :p They're not THAT grown up already. :p Because of course I was 4 months pregnant with twins when that photo was taken, despite the fact I've ermm, never had no-one ever, to put it delicately. ;)

Hopefully The Libertines, Muse, Fishy, Kissy-bear, the Boxed Cakes and Aachenereule in the background there (as well as me with the kinderlings in the foreground :p) will all band together to bring a curse upon The Beast. :p

hahaha I love the controversy!

No controversy about it - I'm a teenage mother! :rolleyes:

(Just to be clear - I'm not :o)
goddesses kldkthx moz shirts
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