morrissey/smiths tshirts - post what you're wearing...

That's the last picture of me for now haha, wearing my fave Moz shirt. Unfortunately Hayley from Paramore owns the same (but mine is brown not violet!:sick:). You can't quite see it but it's Moz on the rails ..

OK i am not wearing a Moz shirt in this pic (I am the girl for those who wondered haha) but I gave one of the guys from my fave band an apron saying "Jordan is the last of famous international playboys". He's a Moz lover too and it was about time to spread some more Moz love....yes call me insane....:o


Wow, NFG? No Way. Have you ever met Chad? If so, what's he like.

Very cool pic by the way.
Wow, NFG? No Way. Have you ever met Chad? If so, what's he like.

Very cool pic by the way.

Thank you :)

Yep NFG :) I only found out after giving this to Jordan that Chad is an even bigger Moz fan! Yes I met Chad 3 times now - he's probably the nicest person in the whole world.:) He takes a looot of time to talk to fans and it makes you forget he's in a band. Very sweet guy :)
Thank you :)

Yep NFG :) I only found out after giving this to Jordan that Chad is an even bigger Moz fan! Yes I met Chad 3 times now - he's probably the nicest person in the whole world.:) He takes a looot of time to talk to fans and it makes you forget he's in a band. Very sweet guy :)

Ok thats good to know. I was into NFG a few years ago and always wondered why Chad left his role as the singer for the hardcore band Shai Hulud to become the guitarist for NFG. Always seemed like quite a random transition but he did it well. Also that's very cool that they are your favorite and you got to meet them a bunch of times. You're lucky.
Ok thats good to know. I was into NFG a few years ago and always wondered why Chad left his role as the singer for the hardcore band Shai Hulud to become the guitarist for NFG. Always seemed like quite a random transition but he did it well. Also that's very cool that they are your favorite and you got to meet them a bunch of times. You're lucky.

I guess he just had more fun in playing with NFG. NFG actually did an album under the name "International Superheroes of Hardcore" which are just a bit like Shai Hulud - its fun :) thank you :) I nearly freaked out though when I read Moz plays in Glasgow/Scotland at the Barrowlands cos thats where I saw NFG in November!! And that's such a tiny venue. The bands used the same entry/exit as the fans ;) I soo wish I would live in Scotland! But its pretty cool you know them too :D it doesnt happen often :)
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i know i got some photoshop skillz :')
but who cares when your wearing a Moz-shirt like this one :')
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That's always been one of my favorite shirt designs, beast.
i don't like the colour, but as my brother bought it for me, the least i could do was sport it. it would look better in black with green,IMO;)
goddesses kldkthx moz shirts
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