Morrissey wounds

I was wondering if anybody. Other than my beautiful self of course...

Has ever had any battle-scars inflicted upon their poor flailing bodies whilst attending a Morrissey sermon. Or was my penance merely a one-time occurrence set forever to instil itself upon my gentle flesh, branding and marking me with a Morrissey scar forever more?

At Morrissey’s 50th Birthday GIG, I was on the front barrier of course, when these vile Americans (Moz Krew or something equally uninspiring and depressing) believed they were Morrisseys 'special lot' and stood huffing and puffing about being stood near some 'non-moz crew'
When dear and beautiful Morrissey meandered over teasingly spewing his aggressive fragility among the crowd... During 'Carol' I believe...

I out struck my hand to my lover, which inreturn was held onto and then dully bitten by two overweight and small dykes from the afore-mentioned dullards, who feverishly bit through my skin on my left arm and scratched until my arms were covered with blood.

I was quite amused.

Five months later and these scars are still present upon my left arm and hand. I was hoping it would come out in the shape of Morrissey's name.. But these people didn't have the imagination unfortunately...

All they had were large nails, overinflated bodies and terrible haircuts.

Rudeness eh?

I was unaware MOZ KREW were biters.
Rubios=yum. When I ate meat nothing beat aunthentico street meat tacos and roach coah burritos, but as far as yuppie south of the boarder faire goes, Rubios is pretty darn good. :thumb: Try it.

I worked at Rubio's for approximately 3 weeks when I was a teenager. It all went downhill when the head cook was trying to make a powerplay for a shift leader position and in so doing, demanded I take out my earrings as a display of the leadership material he was made of. I politely told him to shove a carne asada burrito up his ass and he went to management. They gave me an ultimatum. I took my salsa fresca and went home.
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I worked at Rubio's for approximately 3 weeks when I was a teenager. It all went downhill when the head cook was trying to make a powerplay for a shift leader position and in so doing, demanded I take out my earrings as a display of the leadership material he was made of. I politely told him to shove a carne asada burrito up his ass and he went to management. They gave me an ultimatum. I took my salsa fresca and went home.

Yeah but the food tastes good, right? I mean you had the wherewithall to grab some salsa fresca on your way out the door it's so good, right? :D

Middle management in general is the pits. Hate it.
I'm hungry. I want Mexican. Posole sounds good.
Puedo ir al bano por favor?
aye maria mozkrewroolz mozkrewsux
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