Morrissey's Vegetarianism

Oviously Morrissey is a vegie, but he drinks alcohol wich has been filtered using animal extracts, does this mean he contradicts himself or what. Im not having a go at him as im a veggie myself and still drink alcohol, any1 else?

Nowdays a lot of alcohol is produced without the 'animal filters' and the industry is slowly cottoning onto the fact that it pays to label their goods if they are suitable.

maybe he isnt aware of the filters used, as a lot of people arent, (it certainly seems like a bizzare way to filter beer) or hes like me and is selective in his buying/intake and goes for 'brands' that are veggie.
He probably doesn't eat gummy worms either.
He probably doesn't eat gummy worms either.

thats the one thing i missed when i ws first a strict veggie, those nice jelly sweets, but they are 90% gelatine! :sick:

i have now discovered though that there are some great vegan alternatives out there, like Panda liqourice (tastes like REAL liquorice, id NEVER EVER go back to the like of bassetts even if they took the gelatine out) and jelly belly jelly beans.
and my local wholefood shop does a great range in vegan gummy bears, YAY!!:guitar:
I've been living in the notion that he is a vegetarist not a vegan.

But fish are also animals, I hate to tell you. Vegetarians should not eat them, that's for pescetarians!:o
well i seem to of stirred up summat here, it is hard sometimes determaning wether something is suitable to eat/drink. alcohol though remains something that i would never give up and this is something that most veggie's seem to agree with
well i seem to of stirred up summat here, it is hard sometimes determaning wether something is suitable to eat/drink. alcohol though remains something that i would never give up and this is something that most veggie's seem to agree with

I've always (and always will) gone by the rule that, if you arent sure its veggie then give it a miss...
often ive gone hungry, but at least i could sleep at night. :)
I'm aware of that. I was referring to the fact that he does wear leather, shoes for example.

Ah, okay, sorry!;) But, still, he does disagree with killing animals, so if he does wear a dead animal... :o you catch my drift, I'm sure. I'm sure I heard (heard with my eyes) him say it's all pleather, also!
I've always (and always will) gone by the rule that, if you arent sure its veggie then give it a miss...
often ive gone hungry, but at least i could sleep at night. :)

I completely agree with this!
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