moz? us?


Junior Member
is morrissey playing any shows in l.a. anytime soon?????

i haven't heard anything about it but i was just wondering if anybody knew.

Have there been any rumors of a US tour? I know that he is not going to Canada for what their government is doing to those baby seals... but I really hope he comes to the US. I have never seen him live and over the past year or so since I have gotten into the Smiths/Morrissey the anticipation of my first Morrissey show has grown quite large... thanks!
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Well, he's playing at least one date in the U.S., looks like St. Louis, Missouri. Check out the letter on Julia's website; it's also posted in the general forum and on the main page.

Here's to hoping the U.S. tour is as incredible (and far-reaching) as the last one!
LIzyy...I too am praying that he makes his way around L.A....Haven't missed a tour since 92 [except for the european 95 tour]!!!...

keep your fingers crossed.......
God knows...we can only hope.
I wonder what cities will be included? Probably not as wild as the YATQ tour was but, hopefully, everyone will get to see him somewhere!!! :)
I hope he comes to play in more than just St. Louis, though it's only 6 hours drive from me. I did some research into buying tickets or reserving some only to discover a date scheduled for Moz in St. Louis doesn't exist. Here's hoping they're just slow updating their schedule (along with Ticketmaster). :-/
St.L is 8 hour drive for me, but I will be there.

Tell you what, you make the 6 hr drive and Ill buy the first round of drinks prior to the show.

If I get tickets, you know I'll be as sober as a newborn for the show!! haha maybe after, we'll talk :p

I still haven't seen any tickets for sale on ticketmaster though. Has anyone heard any news on this... or even a DATE?!
So there is going to be atleast one US show and one show in Mexico... is it safe to assume that these are the first shows (we know of) for a North American Tour? Has Moz ever not toured the US? And if he comes to the US, the odds of a NYC show are good right? Thanks.......
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