
She sounds like a real classy old lady! I so do miss that old charm that this generation obviously lacks!
There is a certain amount of charm in growing old DIS-gracefully....I fully intend to do just that...although maybe not to the extreme of calling my neighbour a prostitute!...unless of course she is one!:eek:
My ex-girlfriend is from Abergavenny.

Have you been to Abergavenny. They have a food festival there every year. very good it is too. Better if you eat meat but still worth a visit.

Maybe I should get a job with the Welsh tourist board.

As for the neighbour from hell, I had a neighbour who hit me with a stick while his wife tried to drag him off me. Like a Jack russell ferreting dog he was. With a 'tache.

This story has been all over the Welsh news for the last year or so(not much happens here!) If she dies in prison what will happen then?
Its pretty hypocritical that a bloke who got done for shagging a 10 yr old girl got off with a suspeneded sentence (in Wales, albeith there were mitigating circumstances) and she gets 6 months, especially when the govt is urging judges to send less people to prison due to overcrowding.
The law is indeed an "ass"...and I feel well qualified to make that statement as I am married to an officer of the law...although not in Wales admittedly!
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