Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

I thought you may have joined isis
Speaking of fake names on here. Tell you what's funny sweet cheeks. When you hear someone say " Aye I looked on solo. that c*** Dirk has got to be ____"
I think no dick splash, it's me. I have spoken to 5 people they keep thinking Dirk is these mutual friends we have. It tickles me mate, it really does. The funny thing is, I'm not lying about anything either. So I think "but you know I've had 3 wives", that person has only been married once and is gay Also, I speak as I type, so I would have thought it was as obvious as feck
It's kind of interesting how people get a fixed idea of something, . They become convinced. No matter what the evidence is
I guess that's how M or Trump get so many people to fall for their lies. They project this blank image and people pin their own thoughts to 'em and you can't tell them they are wrong. LOL
What kinds of drugs or liquor does one abuse to end up like this
Abysmal? Really? I wouldn’t call the lyrics to Faith or The Same Deep Water As You abysmal. Same goes for Ladder Song and To Death’s Heart.

I think my problem with Robert Smith is that he's always so earnest, and it's usually either extremely boppy lyrics "You're so burst grin giggly skip jump sing and shout let's get happy," or really lachrymose. There doesn't seem to be much sarcasm, wit, punning, or allusiveness in his writing.

That said, I rate him highly as a musician. For me, the Cure are at their best when they have those sprawling, layered, gloomy dirges that go on for ten minutes. But I really don't care for their cutesy pop side.
Whose poetry is better, Robert Smith's or Carlislebaz's?

Yes, unfortunately some find it impossible to merge the two.

Yes, I would never say someone isn’t a fan because they are critical of M. But being ‘slightly critical’ is not a problem as far as I can see. But also, being ‘slightly critical’ is not that common here.

Yes, of course, we should respect others opinions, and we should question why they feel that way, and really get to the bottom of it.
Your constant criticism of people's opinions of Morrissey is really wearing thin and seems to be earning you a lot of dislikes. That function is to actually show dislike of a post. You running all over the board, going all the way back to February and other months tonight just to dislike my posts is an abuse of that function, but have at it. If you cannot handle criticism of Morrissey and the stupid things he does, and legitimate dislikes of your posts about posters here and how you do not like their behavior then maybe you need to find a new hobby. I don't care about dislikes but anyone can look at what you are doing and see you have having a tantrum while others are using the dislike in a more measured way. Morrissey dug himself a hole, again. He is complaining about it, again. No one is here to help him, we are here to gossip about him because it's fun. It's pretty simple and I won't be answering any ridiculous reply you offer.
Your constant criticism of people's opinions of Morrissey is really wearing thin and seems to be earning you a lot of dislikes. That function is to actually show dislike of a post. You running all over the board, going all the way back to February and other months tonight just to dislike my posts is an abuse of that function, but have at it. If you cannot handle criticism of Morrissey and the stupid things he does, and legitimate dislikes of your posts about posters here and how you do not like their behavior then maybe you need to find a new hobby. I don't care about dislikes but anyone can look at what you are doing and see you have having a tantrum while others are using the dislike in a more measured way.

The only dislikes I’m getting, are from you, and I wouldn’t call them ‘measured’.

You’ve been on my ass downvoting my posts for the past few months, NEVER being civil and replying to my posts and commenting on why you dislike my post. And in all that time, I DID NOT downvote your posts.

So starting yesterday, I decided to give you the attention you’ve been asking for, and now you have it. But oh no! you don’t like it when someone downvotes you back, do you?

So you go crying.. ‘that’s not how you’re supposed to use the rating function!’ :ahhh: Lol.

And, can’t a person go into a older thread and rate a post for reasons their own? Who are you to know their reason for doing so, or judge if it is ‘measured’ or not?

Morrissey dug himself a hole, again. He is complaining about it, again. No one is here to help him, we are here to gossip about him because it's fun.

If that’s your idea of ‘fun’, and that sounds like a sick way to have fun, then I feel sorry for you, and I will continue to ask why people like you come on solo to have this kind of .... ‘fun’.

Also, I’m afraid I’m going to have to strip you of your self appointed title of ‘Director of Healthy and Beneficial Conversation’, because
once again, you have failed miserably.

It's pretty simple and I won't be answering any ridiculous reply you offer.

But will you answer if my reply is not ridiculous?

Your constant criticism of people's opinions of Morrissey is really wearing thin and seems to be earning you a lot of dislikes. That function is to actually show dislike of a post. You running all over the board, going all the way back to February and other months tonight just to dislike my posts is an abuse of that function, but have at it. If you cannot handle criticism of Morrissey and the stupid things he does, and legitimate dislikes of your posts about posters here and how you do not like their behavior then maybe you need to find a new hobby. I don't care about dislikes but anyone can look at what you are doing and see you have having a tantrum while others are using the dislike in a more measured way. Morrissey dug himself a hole, again. He is complaining about it, again. No one is here to help him, we are here to gossip about him because it's fun. It's pretty simple and I won't be answering any ridiculous reply you offer.
Baby, yer lame-o in the brain-o
I know you don’t see it but you have changed dramatically.
You think Moz is a money-grabber, a drunk, a friend of the Far Right, a conspiracy nut, a sad bitter man… on and on, etc. Who are you trying to convince? He’s lost half his fans already and it’s not like Solo has ever been filled with glowing praise, so why care? Your crusade is pointless - as pointless as Karen's doomed mission to 'rehabilitate' his image. It's a waste of time. He isn't going to change for anybody, he is going to die the way he is, and at some point you have to accept that.

No matter how many times someone urges you to calm down, remember that it's just pop music at the end of the day and ‘detach’ from something that is a colossal waste of mental energy, you can’t do it.

The irony is, UncleSkinny is a transphobe. It's worth pointing out that the anti-trans movement is led and funded by right wing figures and organisations who wish to suppress the (fairly meager) rights of trans people.

LGB Alliance, one of the main propagators of anti-trans messages, have an office at 55 Tufton Street, London. 55 Tufton Street is synonymous with right-wing organisations, "libertarian", as that's where many of them are based:

So yeah, Skinny can by all means criticise Morrissey and his association with the far-right For Britain, but he should also be keenly aware of his own prejudices against an oppressed minority (there are only around 200k to 500k trans people in the UK - a maximum of 0.007% of the UK population).

Here's Skinny, labelling trans people, as "men with links". I note that he doesn't seem to care about trans men assigned female at birth, who face a whole host of problems themselves.

To conclude, Skinny needs to shut up about the prejudices of others, when it's clear he hates trans people (his Twitter is riddled with anti-trans bile), and he could do well with reading Shin Faye's excellent book The Transgender Issue: An Argument for Justice, so he can understand the scale of the challenges and discrimination trans people face, while coming to terms with his own prejudice and hatred he has for others.
You will never, ever find anything 'transphobic' from me because I have never, ever, anywhere, posted anything of that nature. Perhaps you'd like to provide links as your evidence, then we may be able to have a discussion. I 100% stand behind my 'men with kinks' comments. What else are men who declare themselves women to get into women's safe spaces?

What I have posted, many, many times, here and elsewhere, is my support for women, whose hard-fought-for rights, safety, dignity and privacy are under attack like never before. I am an advocate for women - always have been, and always will be.

However, I'm gratified that you took the time to find my posts to make a point on a musician's site. Well done.

To summarize - I stand with Joanna Cherry, Julie Bindel, Maya Forstater, Kellie Jay Keen, JK Rowling and all others who fight for the safety, dignity and privacy of women. Always. And by the way, if you'd done your research, you would have realised I have been a lifelong anti-racist, anti-right-wing campaigner. So to try and lump me in with your bogeymen ain't gonna work. There are people out there who, like me, can see the erosion of women's rights, and we're not going to stand for it - and some of us are on the left. Deal with it.

Frame that how you like, I don't give a f***
The irony is, UncleSkinny is a transphobe. It's worth pointing out that the anti-trans movement is led and funded by right wing figures and organisations who wish to suppress the (fairly meager) rights of trans people.

LGB Alliance, one of the main propagators of anti-trans messages, have an office at 55 Tufton Street, London. 55 Tufton Street is synonymous with right-wing organisations, "libertarian", as that's where many of them are based:

So yeah, Skinny can by all means criticise Morrissey and his association with the far-right For Britain, but he should also be keenly aware of his own prejudices against an oppressed minority (there are only around 200k to 500k trans people in the UK - a maximum of 0.007% of the UK population).

Here's Skinny, labelling trans people, as "men with links". I note that he doesn't seem to care about trans men assigned female at birth, who face a whole host of problems themselves.

View attachment 87336

To conclude, Skinny needs to shut up about the prejudices of others, when it's clear he hates trans people (his Twitter is riddled with anti-trans bile), and he could do well with reading Shin Faye's excellent book The Transgender Issue: An Argument for Justice, so he can understand the scale of the challenges and discrimination trans people face, while coming to terms with his own prejudice and hatred he has for others.
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You get all that from italics? Wow. You must've been top of your class.
no, i get that from your stunted posting style.

well, listen baby doll, its been fun, but i had to cut this short, not only to spare the long suffering FWD, but also as you just are NO GOOD at repartee. just NO GOOD.
Not only am I so real it should be carved into my arm, but I have THE best user name around.

As opposed to marred who has nothing but a chronic case of constipation, or so it seems.
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