OH, Dean has an attitude

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Doing Shots With AJ

did anyone read his mini interview? He won't mention who he listens to because he "doesn't want to get slammed" on the message board. What makes him special.
Morrissey needs to hire Todd Sucherman(www.toddsucherman.com) for his next tour. Great drummer and much better looking than Dean, Spike, and Spencer.
> did anyone read his mini interview? He won't mention who he listens to
> because he "doesn't want to get slammed" on the message board.
> What makes him special.

well, i'm sure if he posted more pictures of himself he won't be slammed *that* hard....

> Morrissey needs to hire Todd Sucherman(www.toddsucherman.com) for his next
> tour. Great drummer and much better looking than Dean, Spike, and Spencer.
Todd is so much better looking than Dean

> well, i'm sure if he posted more pictures of himself he won't be slammed
> *that* hard....
There should be more pictures of Todd posted on this board. Todd needs to dump his fiance. She uses too much bleach on her hair. He should dump sticks as well.
Suzanne, let's be I-net buddies again!

> well, i'm sure if he posted more pictures of himself he won't be slammed
> *that* hard....
Dean is ok... adequate drummer when seasoned... I ate him for breakfast today...

Suzanne, darling, how are you, lets make a peace...
Remember, I was always nice to you, I like you a lot, I always wanted to invite you to California, it would be cool to hang out with you in the case you would go to Cali to see Mozza... You don't want to talk with me anymore, how sad... Was it because I stopped writing under "Joe Buck" a year ago? I just felt, that my Joe Buck Internet persona was too far-out, I found a boyfriend last summer, I stopped writing for a while and then I switched to the "Fox in the Snow" mode... After about a half year break... You don't like me anymore... Is it because Mud(slinging) by some peoples at I-net? Are you mad at me because my stupid tennis Kourtnikova joke... I admit, it was stupid but it meant to be harmless... I'm openly gay myself, definitely not a breeder... you know I didn't mean anything by it... Whatever the reason, I want you to forgive me for anything I did wrong and be my friend again... You are so cool, Suzanne, if I would e-mail you, would you respond...? If you feel like not to answering me, just don't answer... But I wish you will and we will be I-net friends again... cause I totally adore your absence of conformism, your outspokenness and your critical yet ultimately good-natured and humanistic attitudes about life... And I just like you... I still hope you will go to Cali to see Moz and we could meet, finally... Please, answer me... or give me permission to e-mail you... For the sake of our old friendship which I f***ed up by getting silent last August...

Senging Your way a...
Tori Amos hug,

David Osterberg

Re: Suzanne, let's be I-net buddies again!

> Dean is ok... adequate drummer when seasoned... I ate him for breakfast
> today...

> Suzanne, darling, how are you, lets make a peace...
> Remember, I was always nice to you, I like you a lot, I always wanted to
> invite you to California, it would be cool to hang out with you in the
> case you would go to Cali to see Mozza... You don't want to talk with me
> anymore, how sad... Was it because I stopped writing under "Joe
> Buck" a year ago? I just felt, that my Joe Buck Internet persona was
> too far-out, I found a boyfriend last summer, I stopped writing for a
> while and then I switched to the "Fox in the Snow" mode... After
> about a half year break... You don't like me anymore... Is it because
> Mud(slinging) by some peoples at I-net? Are you mad at me because my
> stupid tennis Kourtnikova joke... I admit, it was stupid but it meant to
> be harmless... I'm openly gay myself, definitely not a breeder... you know
> I didn't mean anything by it... Whatever the reason, I want you to forgive
> me for anything I did wrong and be my friend again... You are so cool,
> Suzanne, if I would e-mail you, would you respond...? If you feel like not
> to answering me, just don't answer... But I wish you will and we will be
> I-net friends again... cause I totally adore your absence of conformism,
> your outspokenness and your critical yet ultimately good-natured and
> humanistic attitudes about life... And I just like you... I still hope you
> will go to Cali to see Moz and we could meet, finally... Please, answer
> me... or give me permission to e-mail you... For the sake of our old
> friendship which I f***ed up by getting silent last August...

> Senging Your way a...
> Tori Amos hug,

> David Osterberg

> Thanx...

i never said i hated you or was mad or anything. why do you think that?

after coachella, i had pretty much decided not to see any more moz shows in cali. sorry.

actually, i suppose i won't be seeing him at all this time around at all. his loss.

maybe i too can bake in the sun all day and snivel with the rest of them hoping to get a tiny peek of them walking in for a soundcheck if i was to make it more interesting than the last two times i saw him.

i'm bad about responding to email these days. everyone gets so demanding about where the hell i'm at, and its usually because they always expect me to show up when i have 3 million things going on.

now, i understand by the quantity that i post that it looks like i perpetually don't have a life, but sometimes things happen. i'm finding peace within stewing and apathy these days.
Re: Suzanne, let's be I-net buddies again!

> i never said i hated you or was mad or anything. why do you think that?
Great, happy to hear that...

> after coachella, i had pretty much decided not to see any more moz shows
> in cali. sorry.
My last Moz show was 3 weeks ago, I was driving to Yuma, Arizona... (on border with Cali) Peoples there at the show were VERY PLEASANT and non-pushy and polite... To such a degree, that at my review I actually complained that Arizona peoples were way TOO NICE and non-rock-n-rollish...

> actually, i suppose i won't be seeing him at all this time around at all.
> his loss.
Oh, why? 'Cause he cancelled at Colorado? Well, Moz is even more finicky and disorganized gay male, then I'm.... He needs some discipline from his mom...

> maybe i too can bake in the sun all day and snivel with the rest of them
> hoping to get a tiny peek of them walking in for a soundcheck if i was to
> make it more interesting than the last two times i saw him.
Oh, Suzanne, don't be so grumpy, it is fun to go to any concert... First, I like to talk to peoples, especially the weird ones, second I like to get either (moderately, I know my limits) drunk or high on the grass... Then (to be honest) sometimes after the show I would... look for troubles, if without my friend... Pay attention, dear, I didn't start talking yet about the quality of music... Even mere process is fun... Once after Cure concert in LA Greek Theater I got VERY lucky with very handsome guy who was... I'm not telling you, he asked me to keep it confidential... He is a big Hollywood "teenage idol" star in the closet...

> i'm bad about responding to email these days. everyone gets so demanding
> about where the hell i'm at, and its usually because they always expect me
> to show up when i have 3 million things going on.
Come on, Suzanne, you could do it! :) :) :) 3 million AND ONE... You are a big girl now...

> now, i understand by the quantity that i post that it looks like i
> perpetually don't have a life, but sometimes things happen. i'm finding
> peace within stewing and apathy these days.
You will find somebody who is right for you eventually... Even I found this guy Mr Right, and I'm a can of worms, I'm not an easy man to live with, at least I managed to beat my drug addiction, which pretty much screwed up 5 years of my life... But you are an American, Texano, drug-free and with perfect English, also you are very bright and you know how to write, I mean it... So cheer up. Threw apathy at garbage can... Try to get published... Don't let day-by-day events to swallow you up... Me, I'm unemployed right now, I'm pretty much screwed up financially, but on the bright side I'm drug free for last 3 years (with exception of a little fanny grace here or there, but that's it!), also I lost like 20 pounds and I'm just having a bitchin' long Cali vacation right now (Ocean beach suntan)... while my boyfriend works two jobs... Am I a bitch or what... Actually, when my unemployment benefits will be over in two weeks.. I will join workforce... Will find some easy job, not to work too hard... If everything else fails, I could always go back to hustling at Picadilly Palare or car-racing with Car-racer... Actually, why work at all? Life is too damn short...
Re: Suzanne, let's be I-net buddies again!

> Great, happy to hear that...
> My last Moz show was 3 weeks ago, I was driving to Yuma, Arizona... (on
> border with Cali) Peoples there at the show were VERY PLEASANT and
> non-pushy and polite... To such a degree, that at my review I actually
> complained that Arizona peoples were way TOO NICE and
> non-rock-n-rollish...

i'm happy with that. i'm getting older and never really grew up with any sort of rock scene anyhow, and besides that, i'm very low energy. its bad enough just having to stand there for a few hours in a crowded and hot venue, let alone have to push people out of the way or hope to god you don't get crushed.

> Oh, why? 'Cause he cancelled at Colorado? Well, Moz is even more finicky
> and disorganized gay male, then I'm.... He needs some discipline from his
> mom...
> :)

that's the least of his problems.

> Oh, Suzanne, don't be so grumpy, it is fun to go to any concert... First,
> I like to talk to peoples, especially the weird ones, second I like to get
> either (moderately, I know my limits) drunk or high on the grass...

Problem one: I hate people. If I have to go somewhere by myself, like a concert that nobody else is interested in, a perfect evening for me is when i'm completely ignored by everyone around me. I don't like having to talk over the music and the surroundings are just too distracting and i don't like having to figure out if I care if i talk to these people again.

> (to be honest) sometimes after the show I would... look for troubles, if
> without my friend... Pay attention, dear, I didn't start talking yet about
> the quality of music... Even mere process is fun... Once after Cure
> concert in LA Greek Theater I got VERY lucky with very handsome guy who
> was... I'm not telling you, he asked me to keep it confidential... He is a
> big Hollywood "teenage idol" star in the closet...

not from american idol? if so, i'm not surprised.

> Come on, Suzanne, you could do it! :) :) :) 3 million AND ONE... You
> are a big girl now...

physically i'm nearing 28. mentally, i'm stuck at 9.

> You will find somebody who is right for you eventually... Even I found
> this guy Mr Right, and I'm a can of worms, I'm not an easy man to live
> with, at least I managed to beat my drug addiction, which pretty much
> screwed up 5 years of my life... But you are an American, Texano,
> drug-free and with perfect English, also you are very bright and you know
> how to write, I mean it... So cheer up. Threw apathy at garbage can... Try
> to get published...

published? bleugghh. f*** that shit. I don't want to bother with coming up with characters or plot or anything. also, begging people to actually read it so that it might get printed is even sadder than that.

also, the whole central being to your life CAN extend outside of finding love. you do realize this don't you?

> Don't let day-by-day events to swallow you up... Me,
> I'm unemployed right now, I'm pretty much screwed up financially, but on
> the bright side I'm drug free for last 3 years (with exception of a little
> fanny grace here or there, but that's it!), also I lost like 20 pounds and
> I'm just having a bitchin' long Cali vacation right now (Ocean beach
> suntan)... while my boyfriend works two jobs... Am I a bitch or what...
> Actually, when my unemployment benefits will be over in two weeks.. I will
> join workforce... Will find some easy job, not to work too hard... If
> everything else fails, I could always go back to hustling at Picadilly
> Palare or car-racing with Car-racer... Actually, why work at all? Life is
> too damn short...

coz you need money to buy the fun things in life?

I personally like having money. it buys me things.

Spencer was THE best. Even better than Mike Joyce(only slightly, though).
What's he doing these days?

> did anyone read his mini interview? He won't mention who he listens to
> because he "doesn't want to get slammed" on the message board.
> What makes him special.
> Morrissey needs to hire Todd Sucherman(www.toddsucherman.com) for his next
> tour. Great drummer and much better looking than Dean, Spike, and Spencer.
Re: Todd is so much better looking than Dean

> There should be more pictures of Todd posted on this board. Todd needs to
> dump his fiance. She uses too much bleach on her hair. He should dump
> sticks as well.
> www.toddsucherman.com

GOODLOOKING? that Todd? give me a break ... He looks like John Oates in the 80's
Dean Butterworth is gorgeous.
I really wonder what he listens..
Good for Dean

> did anyone read his mini interview? He won't mention who he listens to
> because he "doesn't want to get slammed" on the message board.
> What makes him special.
> Morrissey needs to hire Todd Sucherman(www.toddsucherman.com) for his next
> tour. Great drummer and much better looking than Dean, Spike, and Spencer.

If I checked out this and some of the other sites and saw the evisceration that goes on, I'd be hesitant, too. So he likes his privacy--sounds like someone we know...

I think the Morrissey-tour giddy junior high girl mentality has spread. WHY has so much importance been placed on what Dean looks like? Who gives a shit? How many people who have commented on his playing are drummers and have ANY kind of knowledge of technique? Of course he's not the same as Mike, Spencer, Spike, Andy Paresi, Woodie, ad infinitum. But he's a great drummer. Check out the Ben Harper albums for further proof.


Re: Good for Dean

> If I checked out this and some of the other sites and saw the evisceration
> that goes on, I'd be hesitant, too. So he likes his privacy--sounds like
> someone we know...

> I think the Morrissey-tour giddy junior high girl mentality has spread.
> WHY has so much importance been placed on what Dean looks like? Who gives
> a shit? How many people who have commented on his playing are drummers and
> have ANY kind of knowledge of technique? Of course he's not the same as
> Mike, Spencer, Spike, Andy Paresi, Woodie, ad infinitum. But he's a great
> drummer. Check out the Ben Harper albums for further proof.

answer me this:

are you going to the show to see Dean or Morrissey?

so in the end, does it matter how well Dean plays?

If that was a woman up there, you would care what she looked like.
Re: Good for Dean

> answer me this:

> are you going to the show to see Dean or Morrissey?

> so in the end, does it matter how well Dean plays?

> If that was a woman up there, you would care what she looked like.

If I'm going to see Morrissey, doesn't that render Dean's physical appearance even MORE irrelevant?

Yes, it does matter how well Dean plays. Go to a club and listen to a band with a drummer whose time is...just...off. Or one who overplays and doesn't service the song. It makes a WORLD of difference. If a backing band stinks, it can make the best singer sound terrible.

As long as this hypothetical woman played her instrument well, I WOULDN'T care what she looked like and it's a facile assumption on your part that I would.

Besides, if I'm there to see Morrissey, I wouldn't be looking at her anyway, right?


Re: Todd is so much better looking than Dean

He's just too goodlooking and his drum set is cool with a skull on it. But isn't it true Spencer quit because Morrissey made an anti-semitic remark so maybe it won't work out. sniff sniff.
PS. he looks nothing like hall n oats. His goatee is awesome!!!

Re: Good for Dean

> If I'm going to see Morrissey, doesn't that render Dean's physical
> appearance even MORE irrelevant?

not completely. its about as relevant as how he plays.

but what's wrong with noticing if he's good looking or not? Isn't that like asking people to poke their eyes out of their head so they won't see anything at all?

If morrissey shares the stage with other people, obviously, people in the audience are going to notice that there is someone else besides him standing there, and since everyone is usually on the lookout for attractive members of the opposite sex whether or not they are looking to date them, they are going to note who falls into that category or not. I suppose he could go out and buy office cubicles or privacy screens for them to stand behind so that they will not be seen. but that makes it a very boring show all around because it would look like moz is doing nothing but karaoke.

> Yes, it does matter how well Dean plays. Go to a club and listen to a band
> with a drummer whose time is...just...off. Or one who overplays and
> doesn't service the song. It makes a WORLD of difference. If a backing
> band stinks, it can make the best singer sound terrible.

how about that....drummers with no sense of rhythm.

i think i like that concept. i think i'll make a band with that and a flute player with no lips and a guitar player with no fingers.

> As long as this hypothetical woman played her instrument well, I WOULDN'T
> care what she looked like and it's a facile assumption on your part that I
> would.

yeah right.

maybe if we put a halo on your head and say you are the only one.

but i already know what the messageboard would be flooded with otherwise.

"who is that ugly chick on stage playing drums?"

but that does recall the days after they started putting up pics of Dean Butterworth after it became knowledge he had joined the band and the rampant jokes about Jesus on drums because of his long hair. "hey, its the guy from soundgarden!"

that's how much it mattered. not many people ran out and bought a CD that had his drum playing on it, i'm sure.

> Besides, if I'm there to see Morrissey, I wouldn't be looking at her
> anyway, right?

only if you're blind.

Please tell me you're joking, that man is gross!

And Styx? You're ridiculous.
not true!!

> not many people ran out and bought a CD that
> had his drum playing on it, i'm sure.

I ran right out and bought Cathie Lee Gifford's "Heart of a Woman" and IT ROCKS!!
Re:He looks better in the goatee, even if he's in a band that sucks
Re: Good for Dean

> but that does recall the days after they started putting up pics of Dean
> Butterworth after it became knowledge he had joined the band and the
> rampant jokes about Jesus on drums because of his long hair. "hey,
> its the guy from soundgarden!"
Actually it was Nickleback, not soundgarden
Re: Suzanne, let's be I-net buddies again!

> i'm happy with that. i'm getting older and never really grew up with any
> sort of rock scene anyhow, and besides that, i'm very low energy. its bad
> enough just having to stand there for a few hours in a crowded and hot
> venue, let alone have to push people out of the way or hope to god you
> don't get crushed.
Hey, I'm older then you by 2 years, yet I'm not crying in my beer... Do you know why Andrew Cunnanan went to his wild rampage... (you know, Versace killer)... 'Cause in certain gay circles at San Diego 27+ is already over the hill... So after my recent 30th birthday I just said "f*** this, I'm going to enjoy myself unconditionally now on, receding hairline and all... As long as my boyfriend and my 3 best friends are with me" I remember when I was say 22, and I would see 30-something gay males and would think: "get a life, get a wife, you are too old to be gay and hang out, you are overaged, you are spoiling the scene etc..." Woman could be totally gorgeous at 40... Madonna, Suzanne Vega, Suzanne Sarandon etc... With gays, ageism is so awful, perhaps because we aethetically-oriented and often are paganistically cruel and without any morals and respect to older men, unlike Christian civilization (at some degree). Also fear of AIDS plays to the hands of ageism among gays... Like, once some man well in his 40s or even over 50 started to hit on me, in rather polite way, yet I'm thinking... x-cuse me, 50% of gays over 50 are HIV-positive (scary, but true)... Why do you dare to hit on me, grandpa, stick with you own age... Later I realized, that 19-year-old is thinking the same, when I'm myself (30-year-old past April) was trying to amuse myself with some light conversation with some UCSD students at 18+ venue... So it's coming back, my snotty attitudes at 22 are haunting me at 30... And it is so scary, what will happen in 5 years... 35... jees... in 10... 40... in Black ghettos people have a grandchildren at 35... So I just decided, f*** it... I will be happy just like I'm... I don't give a shit if some 19-y-old with running nose and mother milk on his lips would give me finger... BTW, my boyfriend is an year older than I'm, and I'm so happy with him, 'cause he is an adult and stabilizing influence for me... I would never ever date anybody under 30... actually, I hope to stay with my b-friend forever...

> that's the least of his problems.
Oh, truly, maybe we Mozfans have problems, not Mozza... He is happy as a clam living at LA enjoying sophisticated metropolis with all "kultur" and gay nitelife it could offer... Yeah, perhaps he is semi-retired... Truly, at Yuma he was at good mood, yet his performance was both happy, good-natured and... sloppy... Oregon newsmen got it right... Moz is touring half for his own amusement, half for some extra income... yet his income's bulk cometh from his Smiths legacy: sales share, songs copyrights and shit... So yeah, Moz is happy, yet his heart is not into making music anymore... 4 new songs were fine in a way of vintage Morrissey, so he may yet produce a decent album, he is just having different priorities now: happiness... of the middle age...?

> Problem one: I hate people. If I have to go somewhere by myself, like a
> concert that nobody else is interested in, a perfect evening for me is
> when i'm completely ignored by everyone around me. I don't like having to
> talk over the music and the surroundings are just too distracting and i
> don't like having to figure out if I care if i talk to these people again.
No, you don't... If you would hate peoples, you would not bother to write all those numerous messages... Cure from your blues: moving the hell outta TexaSS? Where? NYC, Tokio, Paris, LA, SF, Toronto... JUST CHANGE YOUR SCENE, DARLING!!! Get infected by "wunderlust", my dear... You are burying yourself in Austin alive, girl!!!

> not from american idol? if so, i'm not surprised.

> physically i'm nearing 28. mentally, i'm stuck at 9.
My boyfriend tells me I'm immature from time t time... I love him, so I let him to be my mom, but luckily he is 98% of the time is cool...

> published? bleugghh. f*** that shit. I don't want to bother with coming up
> with characters or plot or anything. also, begging people to actually read
> it so that it might get printed is even sadder than that.
Well, well, well, did your script (book) was rejected... In your shoes, dah-ling, I would just sleep with both publisher and editor, provided they are both males of course!

> also, the whole central being to your life CAN extend outside of finding
> love. you do realize this don't you?

> coz you need money to buy the fun things in life?
Or you could marry a rich guy... Texas oilman, mafia guy, Japanese businessman, Enron ex-employee who promptly cashed out his stocks... Choice is yours... Also you could always rob a train, Buster Keaton silent-movies style... You are Texano, right?

> I personally like having money. it buys me things.
Me too... My boyfriend provides me a decadent lifestyle, while I'm going to the beach every day... after shopping at Armani Exchange (Hate mail is welcome!)... Hey, just joshin with ya, folks... :)
Hey Shots with AJ, whose this? He's dreamy

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