on a scale of 1-10 how concerned would you say you are with your health?


and is there anything you're particularly conscious of?

i ask because i bought a bunch of discounted valentines candy and haven't been eating very healthy lately :-X
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i'd say about a 7. my teeth are rotting and i have a lump on my nut.
just so you all know? damn i'm good. and yeah, that's about all i have going for me is that i don't eat meat.

Good job!

I think the only unhealthy things I regularly eat are:

Diet Coke
Coffee, lots of it!
Chips once in a while

Right now I'm eating a healthylicious Kiwi, orange, pinapple fruit salad

Veg <3
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4 or 5 i guess, i always think i am gonna get cancer or some other f-ed up disease from the gulf war :straightface:
this is somewhat crazy i know :crazy:
and has likely caused me to develop unhealthy habits that will kill me in the end regardless :eek:
but i am not smoking right now and drink way less :o
and once i start exercising in the morning again(once the weather is better :mad:)
then i think i will be like at 7 or 8 in actual effective concern over my health
rather than just the pointless misery about it i seem to put myself through :tears:
10. I always think I'm dying or coming down with a serious ailment that will suddenly kill me.
I get drunk all day and I'm sick all night
is this all I was born for?
I read this thing that said tomatoes help reduce your risk of cancer.

so I started eating tomatoes. I did not like tomatoes but I enjoy them now.

that is my story.
Might have an ovarian cyst or some shit. Other than that, I eat 6 times a day in massive quantities and I smoke as often as I feel like.

I'm aiming for death before 25 ;)

Might have? Is it a self-diagnosis?

I'd be, let's say, 5. I eat sweets, drink a lot of coffee, drink booze several times a week (just a little though), excercise but not regularly.
animals <3 dull thread sexy ep veg > meat
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