Pete Burns..You've gotta love him

  • Thread starter Twisted Bitter Lemon. Shaken and Forever Stirred.
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Twisted Bitter Lemon. Shaken and Forever Stirred.

What a guy, he put that phoney black plastic baywatch star in her place.

The coat wont be gorilla either, he's not that stupid.

"I lurve you Pete"

"How can you lurve me you don't even know me. You say you lurve my makeup, you lurve my clothes. Your style is everything I find repugnant. You may like my makeup or like my clothes, but don't insult me blah LA whore. What you lurve is your boyfriends bank balance."

He really has a way with sussing out phonies from a mile off.

Too straight talking for some methinks, but if they start it - he knows how to finish it.

I totally see where he is coming from, Americans really are good at over complimenting, no offence there, maybe it is just in their lifestyle.

But for God Sake.

Anyway, he grows better by the day.
yeah he was funny but very cruel

> What a guy, he put that phoney black plastic baywatch star in her place.

> The coat wont be gorilla either, he's not that stupid.

> "I lurve you Pete"

> "How can you lurve me you don't even know me. You say you lurve my
> makeup, you lurve my clothes. Your style is everything I find repugnant.
> You may like my makeup or like my clothes, but don't insult me blah
> LA whore. What you lurve is your boyfriends bank balance."

> He really has a way with sussing out phonies from a mile off.

> Too straight talking for some methinks, but if they start it - he knows
> how to finish it.

> I totally see where he is coming from, Americans really are good at over
> complimenting, no offence there, maybe it is just in their lifestyle.

> But for God Sake.

> Anyway, he grows better by the day.

it'snot as if she killed anyone or anything.
his tirade was f***ing hilarious but i think he went a bit too far , the giirl might be very (shall we say LA) but that was all a bit too harsh .

very funny though.
Re: yeah he was funny but very cruel

BB was good tele tonight, Pete is a legend!

I'm going off Preston, he's a shit.
Pete was absolutely horrible to her...

i felt for the gal...
Re: Pete was absolutely horrible to her...

> i felt for the gal...

That Traci is a twat but he was a bit harsh
Re: Pete was absolutely horrible to her...

> i felt for the gal...

yeah and preston is not a shit!
he did what he was asked to do.
it's only a game show.
preston is ok by me.
Re: Barrybore needs to gooooooooooooooo

car crash tv at its best.
best BB ever.
Re: Pete was absolutely horrible to her...

She set herself up for it.
She is clearly dim to begin with and had the gall to use her LA speak on someone far more intelligent and witty.
Behave yourself, they are all in it for their own agenda and the vast majority are making that more than clear.
Pete, I do believe what he says, could not care less if he got kicked out anytime.
Sad TV, I've never been interested in this show ever but I wanted to see how Galloway acted so do catch the hilights.
Pete appears to be the only one who is natural.
Natural.. LOL

he full of fecking plastic implants... id rip that wig off his head and set fire to the soddin thing while he slept.. i bet hes as bald as coot under it..
HA HA HA! Touche. You know what I mean, natural from the INSIDE
I know i cant believe im watching it... Preston to winnnnnn!!!!
No he Wont, money talks more than dead gorillas!!!
Re: No he Wont, money talks more than dead gorillas!!!

i think pete is a very funny man but he broke the law and i hope he gets done for it.
Re: No he Wont, money talks more than dead gorillas!!!

I agree absolutely, however it has not been proven that it is gorilla fur.
I doubt it very much don't you? I think he was just winding people up as usual.
Anyway, I'd have thought it was the perpetrator of the crime that got hung, not the one eating the spoils. They speak of him serving up to five years.
I know what you mean though, disgusting if he bought it in full knowledge of it's history. Only time will tell.
He was married once you know. I don't know if there were any children???????????????????
To recieve makes him as guilty as the giver in my eyes..

and if it was a wind up it was in 'terrible taste' crosses me legs and does a Kenny Everett!
Is he still married.???.

I think he does have kids.. he likes the best of both worlds...
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