Please score these Morrissey/Boorer tracks (A-L)

  • Thread starter Deleted member 29227
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Well, I'd hope he'd be dictatorial "for the animals," as it were, so it would be a benign dictatorship. I think he's pricklier than Paul McCartney. Voicing support for the ALF, the controversial outbursts from stage (Norway, sub-species), making the comparison to pedophilia—McCartney wouldn't do these things. He'll always be "the cute Beatle" to some extent. Morrissey is more leonine in temperament, and weirder. And that's good.

It's true that limiting one's self strictly to vegetarian collaborators might be difficult, but with someone of Morrissey's talent, I think some potential collaborators would be willing to make the lifestyle change for the opportunity. He did get the Smiths to follow his lead in public.
He is dictatorial for the animals to a considerable degree, many people would say. Making everyone eat vegetarian on his tours, forbidding meat to be sold wherever he plays (McCartney doesn't the latter)
But demanding a permanent lifestyle change from his collaborators? Would be a bit too much of an intrusion in their private lives, and it would be completely unworkable anyway, he would have no way of knowing if they're telling the truth.
He did convince Johnny and Mike to go vegetarian, which is pretty amazing. And Alain going vegetarian in 1991 surely is no coincidence either.

Now, Paul McCartney has a much more diplomatic and gentle personality (though by any account is dictatorial when it comes to music, which Moz isn't) so he wouldn't go about speaking on animal rights quite the way Moz does, but it is an issue he cares deeply about and he actually has been quite less than diplomatic on the subject a few times. He also made a comment back then about the Chinese treatment of animals, which I remember raised some controversy ( And I remember controversy surrounding him saying he felt more sorry for stray dogs than for homeless people. Yet these things are never talked about now in articles about Paul the way Moz's subspecies comment is brought up endlessly...
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One of the videos is unavailable in my country, but the other two have "street" in the title, so I'm guessing it will be Morrissey/Stephen Street rankings.
I‘ll bet some serious money on the rest of the Boz songs.
But demanding a permanent lifestyle change from his collaborators? Would be a bit too much of an intrusion in their private lives, and it would be completely unworkable anyway, he would have no way of knowing if they're telling the truth.

Yes, short of demanding to see their grocery store receipts and having CCTV installed in their kitchens and dining rooms, there wouldn't be an absolute way for a dictator to know if they were cheating or not. I was thinking more along the lines that if they were to publicly declare their vegetarianism, that would at least obligate them to a much greater extent than the Smiths were obligated. More than just in public, but in private company as well. And if they gave "I have to pretend I'm vegetarian to humor El Presidente" as an excuse for their hypocrisy whenever they tucked into a steak, I think whispers of treason might eventually find their way back to the dictator.
1. Action Is My Middle Name 6/10
2. All The Young People Must Fall In Love 3/10
3. Ammunition 5/10
4. Art-hounds 7/10
5. Black Cloud 5/10
6. Blue Dreamers Eyes 5/10
7. Brow Of My Beloved 3/10
8. Christian Dior 6/10
9. Come Back To Camden 9/10
10. Drag The River 8/10
11. Honey, You Know Where To Find Me 8/10
12. I Can Have Both 7/10
13. I Couldn't Understand Why People Laughed 4/10
14. I Like You 8/10
15. I Wish You Lonely 10/10
16. I'd Love To 8/10
17. I'm Not Sorry 9/10
18. I'm Playing Easy To Get
19. I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris 4/10
20. Istanbul 9/10
21. Jack The Ripper 10/10
22. Jacky's Only Happy When She's Up On The Stage 8/10
23. Julie In The Weeds 7/10
24. Kit
25. Lifeguard Sleeping, Girl Drowning 7/10
26. Lover-To-Be 4/10
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