Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

That I can't have made 1003 silly points?! :eek:
im gonna quit smoking
while i look for work
i think non-smokers
discriminate against smokers when hiring

What a coincidence!
I'm going to quit working and look for smoke! :D

seriously, yes, it is true. I don't even see it as discrimination. It's a personal choice but it has effects on other people. health insurance, taking breaks to smoke, or wanting to take a break to smoke so being irritable, the smell, the image...
Sorry, I'm not trying to piss you off, but I would definitely favor the non-smoker.

You probably wear a watch, but that's something else that is important. People that don't wear a watch look like they have a casual attitude towards being on time. Generally they look less serious. I mention this because it was my habit for many years not to wear a watch, but I would wear one to a job interview.
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that sounds like a very old man thing to say
a bath does not solve life's problems ;)

Robby, what are you intending to say? :D
after a bad vodka experience I no longer go near it ;)
I smell of none of they things
Men..smell like whisky and smoke
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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