Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I don't normally feel this way, but today was just shit. Pure shit. One thing after another. I need a f***ing vacation.

You probably deserve one. :thumb:

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What kind of person waits til 5:00 on rent day to text that she will pay on the tenth? The type of person trying to get away with something. It's unnerving. And she NEVER pays when she says she's going to. AND she's behind from last month. I hate going into bitch mode but I have to.

They have the money, they just want to not give it to you because it's easier to make up sob stories than it is to suppress the urge to buy that thing they want. Ugh.
I just made a grown woman cry. One thing Moz and I have in common tonight. :p
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I just made a grown woman cry. One thing Moz and I have in common tonight. :p

So she made ME the bad guy. Just now at the door with the fake whispering cracking voice..."I don't want to be homeless for Christmas. Amie help me not be homeless for Christmas." Are you joking me?
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THe first 50 people to buy M. Ward's album today get a chance to meet him on Thursday. I could make this happen right now but I'm too shy. I don't ever want to talk to the musicians because it's NEVER not weird. And I'd be nervous all day and I'd just be a dumdum in a line of dumdums...I sure like his work though. Also I just lightly enjoy his work, I don't know the words. "Hey M. Ward. What's the M stand for? I can whistle all your albums. Okay have a nice time!"
I just backed into a 1997 Toyota 4runner BECAUSE THE BACK WINDOW WAS FOGGY AND I COULDNT SEE. I looked the price up of his bumper and gave him $120 cash to avoid insurance hike. Nice guy. His son translated the transaction. I think I just made Christmas awesome for an Azusa family as the damage was minimal.
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Been sitting, unopened, in my garage for years.


Nothing caps off this shittay day better than an email in my inbox announcing a homecoming show for the queen KRISTEEN YOUNG who will have new merchandise but her old merchandise is on sale. Because that's what being an aspiring artist is all about, selling merchandise.

Okay now I gotta wait for a lady to give me keys and then long hot shower and flannel pajamas. My feet feel like raisins. My old boots leaked. My KEENES I wore to be a good sport. :straightface:

I need a beer.
I get to work and my boss is playing a Glen Yarborogh CD. She knows all the words and is singing and sobbing because she has cold sores and wasn't friendly at some gathering last night so she's feeling sorry for herself which is fine bc she's at home and that's where you do that. So the CD ends and I think "whew let's move into something happy". She comes out to switch the CD happily proclaiming "I bought a FOUR CD COMPLETE WORKS OF GLEN YARBOROGH!" He has dimentia now and she saw a picture if his daughter feeding him an ice cream cone and it made her sad so we have to clip hummingbird wings all day. Homey is as dark and hilarious as Moz. I could put this in FML thread but I like Glen. He doesn't need to be in the sty.
Amen! We moved onto Perry Como Christmas. :pray:
As someone who has slayed many invisible dragons with sticks and participated in the long jump of the 1984 Olympics from the comfort of our dirt driveway, this video is tough to watch. It's the video released by the Cleveland Police of 12-year-old Tamir Rice being shot at close range because he had a toy gun.

The first 6 minutes is him waiting for the guy at what was likely "his" table to move. He politely kept his distance. Then he sat down. The people who called 911 said there's a kid playing with a gun and stressed it was "probably fake." The cop car rolls up, they get out, he approaches confused and BAM, they killed him dead. SHould he have been playing "gangster" with a toy gun? No. But he's a product of his environment, he was doing what he watches on TV. He was mimicking pop culture. And for that he got killed. THe officer who shot him has been determined to be not fit to be an officer, but he's still dead for being a typical boy, nothing more.
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Build the drones and deploy the troops to stop this nonsense. At this rate the elephants will be extinct in 11 years.

Note to people looking to advertise their product on the internet:

If you hope to get my business by using a banner ad that interrupts a youtube video, you are sadly mistaken. In fact, I hate you.
How in the hell did AC/DC ever get a recording contract? They are HORRIBLE.
Auto Trader is under the impression the car of dreams is certainly a PT Cruiser. THree pages of PT Cruiser recommendations. I don't want a PT Cruiser. Chrysler sucks.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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