• Thread starter Gripper Stebson
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gripper and punchdrunk


if you are such good friends, why do you not email each other instead of inflicting your monotonous ramblings here. Get your ego out of your ass and take a metal detector to cambodia, find a mine, and do a morrissey dance over the spot.
FAO-DILDO I hope BSE ravages your rat infested brain!!!!!!!!!

Are you pissed off cos you have no friends?????WHO the f*** are you?????KUNTFACE!!!!

I'll stick my fist,head,metal detector,Ego and A LANDMINE up your arse if only to brighton your boring life up a little you sad f***ed deluded fool.

I'd love to know where and when you last went on holiday??????????????????????????????????????

Most like HMP Blakenhurst to see your Mom

> if you are such good friends, why do you not email each other instead of
> inflicting your monotonous ramblings here. Get your ego out of your ass
> and take a metal detector to cambodia, find a mine, and do a morrissey
> dance over the spot.
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