Punk Rock Hurts Peoples Feelin's

Stevie Nicks is a natural woman, who is learned in astrology and magic crystals.
If these guys think that a pick up line like this would work on her, they're sadly mistaken.

These guys want everything given to them and don't want to work hard.
They never heard the old axiom, it is better to give than receive.

Richard Nixon lied to a nation and was impeached from office.
If these guys think that's somethin' to admire, then they need to get their priorities straight.

You're an idiot.see a doctor.Punk is 40 yrs old and today you got your comuppance when the nineties generation apologised for britpop today.Hip hop is far more versatile,subversive and working class than the shit you're posting,it's not even relevant to todays' feelings..oh wait...sorry youth,yes, youth from the working classes don't know or want you anymore. You're oh so bloody,misanthropic,spiteful 90s haw haw-i'm a morrissey fan middle class,white rage- post anti-working class, anti-women, anti black,anti-neurodivergent,anti-love,anti-unity post proves my point as it is.You actually live in a f***ing fantasy world if you think i'm scared of hurting someone's feelings because i'd f***ing deck you. I got f***ing bullied,freaked,outcasted,raped,molested all for gen x and morrissey solo and wankers like you just to hear i'm not worth shit to you.You don't even know what an outcast is today.I'll explain,sweety,,i'm the outcast queen of my high school and glasgow city central, my salvation at school was hip hop.metal,scene,emo and rave so rather than get my arse kicked on my own,i had other outcasts to talk to while we smoked the f***ing pain out at 11 years old because we were bad people, getting leathered by popular kids. Today you're good,today you're a bully,you hurt nae c***.Imagine it's 1991 and you're wearing a f***ing peace sign and driving in a hippie scooby doo style van while ever other motherf***er tells you, it's over. we all got done in by bullies everyday listening to pink and em.We were on E at 13.You're a joke.

signed Baby blue, an adhd.(thanks for the meds by the way, f***ing beautiful)
This isn't a satire, i swear to God, queen bee is over, idiot.f***ing idiots.
hurt feelin's punk rock
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