"Rourke - Joyce - Gannon / Summer 2018" tweet - Something's going on...


The Smiths members tease announcement - NME. Link from Shoplifterromo.
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The part-S sign seems to hint that it's "half" (or anyway, not whole) of The Smiths. Any bets on whether they will tour outside the UK?
Maldonado needs whacking with tennis racquet. He’s appalling.
That aside, not sure what the three blind mice are up to, but, each to their own, with 10 Dorrissey gigs coming up for me, I’m not curious to add to that with these 3.
Do you really think Morrissey isn’t going to cancel some of those gigs? So many in 6 weeks.
Anyway, why are they blind mice? Obviously you know nothing about them except what the scorned Dorrissey says. He’s just a silly old man who needs to get off the stage.
Smiths minus M?

but let's see... Someone Is Too High, Surely

Clever, but see an anagram is the rearranging of the letters in a word.
I believe the answer you were looking for is: The Shits? :lbf:
Which may turn out to be quite apt depending on what this is.
Please excuse my pessimism.
They can never be the Smiths, as they gonna tour on another name I wish them good gigs, maybe if they team up as a band, they're welcome on the main land of Europe.
I have seen From the Jam and Paul Weller. From the Jam were far more exciting than hearing Weller play a handful of Jam tracks surrounded by hundreds of torpid and tuneless Dad-rock songs. To hear Rourke play the bass on Smith's songs as they should sound would be a treat. Better than a billion Smith's covers bands.

That's fine and I wasn't criticizing them.

Paul Weller and Morrissey get knocked for not playing enough hits, but McCartney gets criticized for playing too many. It is a no win situation.

The original lead singers are always going to have the authenticity at any rate.
Clever, but see an anagram is the rearranging of the letters in a word.
I believe the answer you were looking for is: The Shits? :lbf:
Which may turn out to be quite apt depending on what this is.
Please excuse my pessimism.

Oh yes! I like anagrams, too. :oops:
Can't wait for this. It's like Ringo, Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best decided to reform the Beatles.
What the hell took 'em so long?! I told Andy and Mike they should do this when I met them at the Hard Rock Cafe in L.A. during the meet and greet for the raffle winners of the first Smiths convention in '97. Now, 20 years later they get around to it? Don't do drugs kids.
I don't know if you visit Morrissey Solo, Mike, but I was the one who sent you Five Knuckle Shuffle many moons ago. I would like to do vocals if you haven't found anyone yet.
I look forward to their one song set of them playing The Draize Train....!!!!

Will keep an eye on this one in all seriousness. Kind of think it will stall before it even gets going, but might be interesting all the same.
They can never be the Smiths, as they gonna tour on another name I wish them good gigs, maybe if they team up as a band, they're welcome on the main land of Europe.

Don't think they will call themselves The Smiths but Big Country had continued success after Mike Peters from The Alarm took over on vocals after Stuart Adamsons suicide.
Seriously? "The" most important member?
Yes. Johnny Marr's solo albums missed him and I think Morrissey's vocal dexterity was enhanced by Andy's lines weaving in and out. The two parts bounced off each other.
I disagree. If you grew up in 80s Britain - particularly if you're northern - it really means something. Out of interest, how old are you and where are you from?

I'll answer for anonymous mate. I'm 53 and from Newcastle, is that northern enough for you? So please don't make out that our anonymous friend doesn't "get it" because of age or geography! He/she gets it totally.
Yes. Johnny Marr's solo albums missed him and I think Morrissey's vocal dexterity was enhanced by Andy's lines weaving in and out. The two parts bounced off each other.

So actually having songs to sing and play is not that important to you then?

Have you followed Andy's career post Smiths at all? Outside of taking the people who gave him everything to court it's been pretty uneventful. The notion that he was, I repeat, the "most" important member of the band is ridiculous.
Of course he wasn't the most important member, but I do believe his contribution is massively underrated. As first to die says, his bass playing is woven into the sound of the Smiths. Best of luck to them emulating From the Jam...
classically smiths

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