Russell Brand

Maybe - but he does have an interest in rough men.

There's a prison sex fantasy in his autobiography.
You always see what you want to see 🤣

I bet it’s a story about him meeting Anthony Newley for tea and you’ve somehow interpreted it as a homoerotic prison romance.
everyone is guilty till proven guilty,the left would throw away the key for an innocent man or woman just so they can say look what i did,no wonder it was called the loony left back in the day.

Penguin Modern Classics, 2013, p 414

He's thinking of gritty prison sex with the non-white men he loves.

I hope he got his leg-over at least one of these hot blokes.

Penguin Modern Classics, 2013, p 414

He's thinking of gritty prison sex with the non-white men he loves.

I hope he got his leg-over at least one of these hot blokes.

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Ah, I see. You and I understand the term "prison sex fantasy" differently. You sure know how to extract a whole lot from very little, because really this is just a mere mention of "gritty prison-cell sex" in a descriptive passage about the magnetism between him and his macho Latino fans (who, I agree, he does find attractive. Morrissey has his preferences).
Ah, I see. You and I understand the term "prison sex fantasy" differently. You sure know how to extract a whole lot from very little, because really this is just a mere mention of "gritty prison-cell sex" in a descriptive passage about the magnetism between him and his macho Latino fans (who, I agree, he does find attractive. Morrissey has his preferences).

Why would gritty prison sex be in his mind?
But I can certainly live without knowing the particular kinds of sex Morrissey likes &/or fantasizes about. I could be wrong, but I don't think that passage was intended as a description.
And that would that get him so excited that he thinks of gritty prison sex?

Uh, I think a criminal is someone who's been to prison, so yes, their brand of sex might be the "gritty prison" variety. Whether Morrissey actually fantasizes about this and has it as a particular sexual preference is different. And I don't want to know! But in the passage you quoted, it's not explicit. He says his bluff is called. "Dare I take one on?" "I am shaking with courage." What he seems to be saying (to me) is that the sleazy people we're attracted to might offer us more than we're prepared for in the bedroom.
Uh, I think a criminal is someone who's been to prison, so yes, their brand of sex might be the "gritty prison" variety. Whether Morrissey actually fantasizes about this and has it as a particular sexual preference is different. And I don't want to know! But in the passage you quoted, it's not explicit. He says his bluff is called. "Dare I take one on?" "I am shaking with courage." What he seems to be saying (to me) is that the sleazy people we're attracted to might offer us more than we're prepared for in the bedroom.

A bunch of hot men at a gig wouldn't make you think of "gritty prison sex" unless you really wanted to have "gritty prison sex".

He wants it, but does he get it - that's left to speculation.
A bunch of hot men at a gig wouldn't make you think of "gritty prison sex" unless you really wanted to have "gritty prison sex".

He wants it, but does he get it - that's left to speculation.

"A bunch of hot men" could be anybody, Malarkey. What might make a person think of "gritty prison sex" is, specifically, macho men with a criminal air about them. But just because a person thinks this in a moment of sexual tension, doesn't mean they actually want it or fantasize about it. Let's not go thirteen pages. You have your interpretation, I have mine.
"A bunch of hot men" could be anybody, Malarkey. What might make a person think of "gritty prison sex" is, specifically, macho men with a criminal air about them. But just because a person thinks this in a moment of sexual tension, doesn't mean they actually want it or fantasize about it. Let's not go thirteen pages. You have your interpretation, I have mine.

They're advertising "gritty prison sex" - he's wondering if he dares to take one on - & the "fire eater within him" leaps out.

The idea that "the rest of the world" would interpret it as anything other than a prison sex fantasy is just ridiculous.
They're advertising "gritty prison sex" - he's wondering if he dares to take one on - & the "fire eater within him" leaps out.

The idea that "the rest of the world" would interpret it as anything other than a prison sex fantasy is just ridiculous.

Oh my goodness. Is this diagramming sentences/Talmudic interpretation week? The "fire-eater within" leaps out before the prison sex is advertised, so you're taking things out of chronological order to get your eisegesis.

I don't know what the rest of the world thinks, but this passage (t0 me) is about a person attracted to a certain type, yet ambivalent about what that type sexually offers. Morrissey has since the beginning written from the point of view of a bookish wallflower who wants the "tough kid who sometimes swallows nails, raised on prisoner's aid." It doesn't tell us anything about his specific sexual fantasies, and thank God for Morrissey being tasteful and prudent.
Oh my goodness. Is this diagramming sentences/Talmudic interpretation week? The "fire-eater within" leaps out before the prison sex is advertised, so you're taking things out of chronological order to get your eisegesis.

I don't know what the rest of the world thinks, but this passage (t0 me) is about a person attracted to a certain type, yet ambivalent about what that type sexually offers. Morrissey has since the beginning written from the point of view of a bookish wallflower who wants the "tough kid who sometimes swallows nails, raised on prisoner's aid." It doesn't tell us anything about his specific sexual fantasies, and thank God for Morrissey being tasteful and prudent.

It tells us he thinks about "gritty prison sex".
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