Scott Rodger (Maverick) leaks Morrissey information and email re: Bonfire / Miley via X (October 17, 2023)

There's been drama!




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From the trail today it appears that had she remained "uncredited" there was no problem with BOT coming out as was intended. But Moz wanted her name on the 7" sleeve and then blurted out that she was on the track. At which point Columbia put in a cease and desist.
Yes, it does appear that way. Although, would people not have worked out who was doing backing vocals when the single came out?
Sorry if someone has already said this.

The email from Morrissey appears to be about whether or not Miley Cyrus’s name should appear on the sleeve.

Morrissey didn’t go ahead and put her name on the sleeve he just said he’d done a song with her.

The email from the CEO of her record label seems to be saying that they hadn’t agreed to her being “released” to appear on the album.

So how come she went into the studio and did the vocal in the first place?

It does seem as though the record companies, between them, have been a bit clumsy.

It’s all quite confusing.
Sorry if someone has already said this.

The email from Morrissey appears to be about whether or not Miley Cyrus’s name should appear on the sleeve.

Morrissey didn’t go ahead and put her name on the sleeve he just said he’d done a song with her.

The email from the CEO of her record label seems to be saying that they hadn’t agreed to her being “released” to appear on the album.

So how come she went into the studio and did the vocal in the first place?

It’s all quite confusing.
She did the vocal when she was under no contract. In 2021.

Then when Capitol wanted to release the album, Feb 2023, she was about to release new music herself, so it would conflict.
Sometimes I think it would be a lot easier and a lot healthier to just be a casual fan. Just like the music and leave it there, don't read the books, don't bother with Solo because when you see how how M actually behaves, how he distorts situations... it just takes the shine off everything. That line about being helped "700%" by MC is unbelievable.
Sometimes I think it would be a lot easier and a lot healthier to just be a casual fan. Just like the music and leave it there, don't read the books, don't bother with Solo because when you see how how M actually behaves, how he distorts situations... it just takes the shine off everything. That line about being helped "700%" by MC is unbelievable.
I thought it was uncharacteristically humble!
Anne-Marie Waters is available for any possible Veronica re-recording session.
Well I guess Morrissey wanted a reaction, and he got one?

I'm glad we have gotten more info... Would be interesting to see the whole email chain. Though this Scott Rodger guy implies it might be somewhat embarrassing for Morrissey!

I admit I'm finding the whole thing a bit amusing in a way.
It was sad and desperate.
But also honest and true.

I still wonder whose idea it was to bring in most of RHCP, Iggy and Miley plus Bieber’s producer for this album? Seems unlikely to me M came up with all these people.

But definitely Miley singing with Moz on the lead single would be the main attraction for radio/media.
I hate myself for saying this. I have followed The Smiths / Morrissey since I was 14.

It comes as no surprise that the biggest obstacle to Bonfire being released is Morrissey himself.

He takes self sabotage to a whole different level.
Sometimes I think it would be a lot easier and a lot healthier to just be a casual fan. Just like the music and leave it there, don't read the books, don't bother with Solo because when you see how how M actually behaves, how he distorts situations... it just takes the shine off everything. That line about being helped "700%" by MC is unbelievable.

It's all about constantly trying to grab your attention negatively to let him live rent free on your head with his endless :drama:
ok, BUT: Can somebody explain why Capitol says NOTHING about Morrissey since the World Peace Fiasko! Not a single word about BOT. This stinks if you ask me.
The most worrying thing about this is when Scott Rodger goes on to say that no major or Indie label will touch Morrissey now.
This is where we are at.
I'm surprised Morrissey would hinder the BOT release solely over the Veronica track. He's always proud of each new album, so to prevent BOT from being released due to the issue surrounding Cyrus's vocals on the track seems odd. After all - and it's clear from his statements - that each, or even any, release is important to him.

Perhaps there's been a misunderstanding/lack of communication and Morrissey is under the illusion this fault lies with Capitol when it is in fact him who is to blame. Perhaps he's been completely unaware this whole time.

Ideally he should issue a statement apologising for the error and negativity towards Capitol (if what Scott Rodger states is true) and return the fee given to him. He should then either re-record the backing vocals for Veronica or replace the track on the album with another, and look for another deal. This would be admirable and be seen as a good sign by the industry's big-wigs.

But then again, it is Morrissey...
After working in this industry, what Scott Rodger is saying has to be the truth. This type of fiasco happens with major pop artists all the way down to metal bands. Elektra wouldn't let James Hetfield (Metallica) sing on Danzig's 1988 debut album, so he went uncredited. Anytime some rapper features on a drake song, they're either on the same label or some negotiated amount between both labels is determined prior. Many of us correctly predicted him mentioning Miley is where everything went wrong.

It's ALWAYS about money and I feel like maybe the only other part of this we are missing is the amount Columbia wanted from Capitol for Miley's contributions. IF an amount was offered, then you have to ask yourself who pays it? Moz for mentioning something he was told not to? Or the label in which the amount Columbia seeks could wipe out the estimated profit of a niche' album? It's not outside the realm that Columbia could request $1,000,000 for Miley's feature.

Yes, record labels can be predatory, but there are also rules in business and as much as I LOVE Morrissey with my little sad heart, he clearly thinks they don’t apply to him. In fact, it's bit of a bummer to watch him act (His email response) like feelings trump facts, truths, and common well-established legalities in business. Especially when he detests that type of behavior in regard to many other things.
The most worrying thing about this is when Scott Rodger goes on to say that no major or Indie label will touch Morrissey now.
This is where we are at.
rodger that. over and out. 10-4. are we at another installment of the wilderness years?

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