Steven Patrick Morrissey in 3 words.

Oh, yeah. You know me.

What do you think would qualify as a true shark-jumping moment? Something specific to Morrissey's case, please. It would be interesting to know where each of us draws the line.

EDIT: I just surfed back in web time. Jeez, you've been pretty harsh in this thread.
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What do you think would qualify as a true shark-jumping moment? Something specific to Morrissey's case, please. It would be interesting to know where each of us draws the line.


just kidding
Oooh! I'm free tomorrow night, then.

Your sarcasm is as gentle as a surprise midnight booty call on Cell Block D.

To answer my question (I do this a lot, trapped in the eternal waiting room of an absent dentist as I am): for me, a shark-o'erleaping moment would arrive the day Morrissey got back together with Johnny. Admittedly it's not rational, since usually I wouldn't mind hearing them play songs together again, but in my calmer moments of reflection (thanks, electric toilet seat) I don't want it to happen. Almost anything else-- but not that.

Also, if Morrissey appeared next to Henry Winkler on water skis jumping a shark off the coast of Hawaii. That too.
Your sarcasm is as gentle as a surprise midnight booty call on Cell Block D.

To answer my question (I do this a lot, trapped in the eternal waiting room of an absent dentist as I am): for me, a shark-o'erleaping moment would arrive the day Morrissey got back together with Johnny. Admittedly it's not rational, since usually I wouldn't mind hearing them play songs together again, but in my calmer moments of reflection (thanks, electric toilet seat) I don't want it to happen. Almost anything else-- but not that.

Also, if Morrissey appeared next to Henry Winkler on water skis jumping a shark off the coast of Hawaii. That too.

A hole big enough to drive Ringo's talent through.

Dude, wait, what? What the hell are you smoking tonight? You're at the dentist? Or are you a dentist? I'm so confused.

"midnight booty call on cell block D" oh! oh! I don't know whether to laugh or scream. Oh, wormie, you never let us down. I know I've said that before.
I'm smoking the "vacation pipe". :rolleyes:

Does that mean I can has cheezeburger?

No, but you can has a veggiburger. :D

Good golly Miss Molly. Just go ahead and vent, why don't you. Did Morrissey steal your Huffy? Sheesh already!

He knows someone stole his handlebar streamers, and Morrissey was standing right there when he noticed they were missing.

36. Sheesh.

Hey, at least I'm not calling him a "she." Yet. :p

Thank god for that.
Hey, at least I'm not calling him a "she." Yet. :p

That's true. Your comments still qualify as "good natured ribbing" rather than "deranged psychotic obsession involving sewing shears and Judy Garland movies". But there is a fine line, sir. If you cross it I'll sic Danny on you. His Owl-Style Ninja Ultrarationality Attack is lethal.
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